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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
GA or a QSS probably, so they can't stick to you, or if they blow everything on you, you can revive and still put out some DPS (in the case of the former).


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Apparently there's a window where it's locked on but flash can still occur as well as other escape moves. Happened to dyrus when his lane was ganked, and apparently this can also happen with singed.
Essentially, targeting for a move occurs, then you go through some animation before the move actualy executes, during which, even if the target moves out of range, the move will still trigger. Since flash is instant, if your move has a slightly long animation, it can do all sorts of goofy **** like skarner grab from 600 range, etc.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
That would be classified as a bug, right? I doubt it will be fixed anytime soon though, so until then I will enjoy flinging people through flashes/rocket jumps/etc


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
Things like that have been happening since beta, so i'd bank on your statement of that not being fixed anytime soon (if at all).


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Essentially, targeting for a move occurs, then you go through some animation before the move actualy executes, during which, even if the target moves out of range, the move will still trigger. Since flash is instant, if your move has a slightly long animation, it can do all sorts of goofy **** like skarner grab from 600 range, etc.
Yup. Think of Garen's Ult hitting people after they flash away/are pretty far away. Skarner's one in particular is infuriating when combined with a quick flash because even if your reaction time is pretty good, if he's in range right then you're pretty ****ed lol.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Man, this just makes me really miss when J4 followed you with his ult.
Riot, why you gotta specifically target J4 with this kind of stuff :(


Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Reidsville, NC (Not anywhere)
Yup. Think of Garen's Ult hitting people after they flash away/are pretty far away. Skarner's one in particular is infuriating when combined with a quick flash because even if your reaction time is pretty good, if he's in range right then you're pretty ****ed lol.
Garen's ult is guarenteed, even in fog of war, if you input the ult during his spin with no other inputs. Is that a glitch or some really jank manipulation of the system?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Garen's ult is guarenteed, even in fog of war, if you input the ult during his spin with no other inputs. Is that a glitch or some really jank manipulation of the system?
Actually you can break it even if he's started it, if you get enough distance between you. If you flash/also get knocked away/ahri leap away you can probably avoid it


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
So, correct me if I'm wrong, high Elo players, but are the following assumptions true:

The general League community doesn't get any less ******** at high elos.
No matter how high you go, you will often be matched with people that shock you with their stupidity.

Are these things true at all Elos?
there are always huge *******, noobs and derpers at every elo, but the quality of play DOES increase as you get higher elo. people just start becoming ******** for whole new reasons.


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
i love randomly walking out of j4's ult

and tumbling out with vayne

and using my shield as riven

one time j4 ulted me and he got stuck outside of it

such a good ult


Jul 16, 2005
one time j4 ulted me and he got stuck outside of it
I've seen that too. There was a flash involved in the instant that he was casting it, and it pulled the circle forward so that the person flashing was just barely on one side, and j4 was just barely on the opposite side.

Everyone's response to me about how the bad kids and trolls exist at all levels makes me seriously consider leaving this game behind for good. It's such a good game, and if matchmaking could magically just put all the idiots in one basket and only leave me with people who will honestly try to do well, then I think I'd enjoy this game more.

I'm not sure if I want to invest all the time and energy into a game that won't reward me even if I gain like 400 Elo. I'll apparently still have the same number of games where I'm wondering "how on gods green earth is this even possible for someone to think that was a good idea.?"

Maybe I'll just take a break again and play single player games for a while and clear my head. Or maybe I can just completely change how I play and focus on other elements and see what happens. (new champs, new ways of thinking, etc.)

I did realize last night that I tend to play my role to "not lose" rather than aggressively taking advantages when I see them. When laning mid, I often focus on farm when I should be harassing and forcing their mid off the xp. On the flip side, when i'm playing bot, I something focus too much on creating good fights than I do on last hitting, and I'll miss 2-3 cs a minute on that stuff. In just 12 minutes of laning, I'll have already missed maybe 30 cs that I should have had. That keeps you from carrying pretty significantly in mid game.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
you can't put "idiots" into a basket, dude. that's impossible in any matchmaking game.

like in sf4, even when u get to high BP's and PP's there are people that you play that are like "wtf, how are you ranked this high?"

so the result is to simply find 4 other people you enjoy playing with and do ranked team games. that sounds like that would be the perfect atmosphere for you. solo-queue, not so much


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
okay so a few kayle questions and other stuff

1. decided to go back to AtkSpd reds as ultimately they are better

2. if you build more AD than AP do you still get sorc shoes?

3. is wits end a good item on kayle?

4. yesterdays build was madreds (claws didnt get to finish razors) sorc shoes Wits end and a rageblade at 24 minutes in.

with more time I was thinking of getting madreds razors and either nashors tooth or gunblade



Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I saw this on a Blitzcrank thread on the league of legends subreddit.

( •_•)====================E⌐■-■


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I've seen that too. There was a flash involved in the instant that he was casting it, and it pulled the circle forward so that the person flashing was just barely on one side, and j4 was just barely on the opposite side.

Everyone's response to me about how the bad kids and trolls exist at all levels makes me seriously consider leaving this game behind for good. It's such a good game, and if matchmaking could magically just put all the idiots in one basket and only leave me with people who will honestly try to do well, then I think I'd enjoy this game more.

I'm not sure if I want to invest all the time and energy into a game that won't reward me even if I gain like 400 Elo. I'll apparently still have the same number of games where I'm wondering "how on gods green earth is this even possible for someone to think that was a good idea.?"

Maybe I'll just take a break again and play single player games for a while and clear my head. Or maybe I can just completely change how I play and focus on other elements and see what happens. (new champs, new ways of thinking, etc.)

I did realize last night that I tend to play my role to "not lose" rather than aggressively taking advantages when I see them. When laning mid, I often focus on farm when I should be harassing and forcing their mid off the xp. On the flip side, when i'm playing bot, I something focus too much on creating good fights than I do on last hitting, and I'll miss 2-3 cs a minute on that stuff. In just 12 minutes of laning, I'll have already missed maybe 30 cs that I should have had. That keeps you from carrying pretty significantly in mid game.
I think you're missing something here, you happen to be a reasonably religious christian? (Yes I am about to reference to the bible in regards to league matchmaking)

1 Corinthians 1:25, "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men."

Same deal here, if you ever hit 2000+ elo they'll be still making mistakes that make you facepalm but overall the play and usually the individual mistake is gonna be so many levels of skill above your current play that if you met the same person in 1400 or so elo they'd be the guy going 16-0 and hard carrying your team.

The level of play increases substantially but so does your expectations.

But if you don't wanna deal with this, then go a ranked team, at least you'll be able to critique your teammates after the game.

Essentially, targeting for a move occurs, then you go through some animation before the move actualy executes, during which, even if the target moves out of range, the move will still trigger. Since flash is instant, if your move has a slightly long animation, it can do all sorts of goofy **** like skarner grab from 600 range, etc.
Makes sense, reminds me of a video I saw where skarner grabbed somebody as they blue pilled, they were in the fountain and then forced back to about mid-field.

On an unrelated note, pudge from dota is the most evil/awesome thing ever.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
TBH from mid lane you almost just want to roam and gank people all day. Try to keep your CS up obviously, but there's a reason roamers are so strong in solo queue.

Bot lane is really the only "passive farming" lane (unless either team is playing a kill lane) since those characters are the safest due to the supports and of course needing to get money for items. Mid wants to CS but also wants to make plays top or bottom, top lane wants to get that quick lead and then snowball their lane, while jungle tries to make plays/counterjungle.

Honestly the biggest non-mechanical difference I've noticed between low level players and high level players is not understanding/reacting fast enough to capitalize on small advantages or opportunities.


Jul 16, 2005
I think you're missing something here, you happen to be a reasonably religious christian? (Yes I am about to reference to the bible in regards to league matchmaking)

1 Corinthians 1:25, "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men."

Same deal here, if you ever hit 2000+ elo they'll be still making mistakes that make you facepalm but overall the play and usually the individual mistake is gonna be so many levels of skill above your current play that if you met the same person in 1400 or so elo they'd be the guy going 16-0 and hard carrying your team.

The level of play increases substantially but so does your expectations.
Well done, sir.
Yes, I am reasonably religious. Probably not like most people think when they hear that phrase, but w/e. That's neither here nor there.

I've been thinking about the concept you mentioned for the last 2 days. I suppose the "pro carry" in a 1300 or 1400 game is the ridiculous noob that gets punished severely at 1800 or 2000.

I need to stop playing to win each game (since I can't control big portions of what it takes to do so) and start playing to maximize each moment and look for ways to improve. Other than champion knowledge and map awareness, I'm not sure I've improved mechanically or tactically in about 8 months. I need more games with you all in arranged games to get feedback and get used to serious team play. Dphat usually gives good feedback for me in particular, even if he presents it in a "dude your SOO dumb, stop building sunfire" sort of way.

I have thick skin when I'm criticized from better players, but I have incredibly thin skin when it comes to bad kids. (defined as somewhat worse than me, like everyone defines bad kids.)

TBH from mid lane you almost just want to roam and gank people all day. Try to keep your CS up obviously, but there's a reason roamers are so strong in solo queue.

Bot lane is really the only "passive farming" lane (unless either team is playing a kill lane) since those characters are the safest due to the supports and of course needing to get money for items. Mid wants to CS but also wants to make plays top or bottom, top lane wants to get that quick lead and then snowball their lane, while jungle tries to make plays/counterjungle.

Honestly the biggest non-mechanical difference I've noticed between low level players and high level players is not understanding/reacting fast enough to capitalize on small advantages or opportunities.
Good thoughts. I know for sure that I don't roam enough as a mid player. I hate losing 12 cs on a failed gank, and so I just keep doing my thing in my lane and then get mad when other lanes fail. I take control of my own lane rather well, but I don't take control of the MAP like I should, during laning phase.

If I don't learn anything else from all of this, then I need to start focusing on playing AD carries bot. At least there, my passive ward and farm strategy is effective.
If I learn MORE than just that, then I should really step up my mid game, and start controlling top lane in particular a bit more.

Thanks for the feedback, ya'll.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Room mates play League so I like to play with them every now and then.


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
I need to stop playing to win each game (since I can't control big portions of what it takes to do so) and start playing to maximize each moment and look for ways to improve.
i hope everyone pays attention to this cuz its super important

its been tossed around before

playing to understand yourself and how to deal with situations is the only reason i play solo q anymore. i've stopped caring about winning/elo and focused more on teaching myself about situations where ive gotten ***** as the ad carry or the ap or whatever role and its super helped me since i stopped playing based on results. i started this mentality around 1350 and it got me up to 1550~. not saying 1500~ is big deal or anything, but the point i wanted to get across is that its really helpful for learning league. i hope by the next patch i hit 1600 =D

also i dont give a **** if you go like 13/1 and some **** with the highest cs in the match. theres way more to this ****ing game than farming your *** off and killing people mindlessly. also a great skill to have is learning how to roam lanes and gank when you are doing great in your lane and the other lanes are having a hard time cuz they did something like fp nasus or fp morgana and got *** countered in lane like a *** ******. map objectives are key and called map objectives for a god****ignsdgkjj reason

also do your best to not be a **** in solo q to your team cuz that doesnt help your teams morale and lower morale = worse decisions = worse team chemistry (typically) = you lose

but you can take from that and learn still so w/e

instructing your team in a way that doesnt piss them off helps and really does a lot to bettering yourself as a player as it puts you in a position to make calls for your team

and that responsibility is a good thing to exp in solo q

i think


i just had a rockstar and im kinda jittery and needed to let it out

if this wasnt helpful or it sucked im not gonna post here anymore LOL

tl;dr - dont waste your time on results, seek to improve yourself and the results will come


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
take your pudge boners and go play dota. i don't get why people simultaneously talk about how awesome everything about dota is and then still play lol and ***** about it. just play the game you enjoy more.
But but, random number generators, and less tactical punishment for death (though more strategic punishment), and so much more mapwide mobility dimishing the advantages for proper tactical positioning in the laning phase and fewer neutral objectives.

On the other hand, insane variety in champions, some truly awesome champions, emphasis on team synergy vs champions synergizing with themselves, also linux.

Errr, they both have their strengths. But steam for linux.

TBH I'm leaning towards league being a stronger competitive game, though given my limited experience with DOTA 2, not sure how well that holds up.

Well done, sir.
Yes, I am reasonably religious. Probably not like most people think when they hear that phrase, but w/e. That's neither here nor there.
Lol just an easy and incredibly apropos reference.

I've been thinking about the concept you mentioned for the last 2 days. I suppose the "pro carry" in a 1300 or 1400 game is the ridiculous noob that gets punished severely at 1800 or 2000.

I need to stop playing to win each game (since I can't control big portions of what it takes to do so) and start playing to maximize each moment and look for ways to improve. Other than champion knowledge and map awareness, I'm not sure I've improved mechanically or tactically in about 8 months. I need more games with you all in arranged games to get feedback and get used to serious team play. Dphat usually gives good feedback for me in particular, even if he presents it in a "dude your SOO dumb, stop building sunfire" sort of way.
I love this mentality man.

I have thick skin when I'm criticized from better players, but I have incredibly thin skin when it comes to bad kids. (defined as somewhat worse than me, like everyone defines bad kids.)
One thing I think that a lot of people do, even the bad kids can have something useful to say. Alternatively you may think they're bad kids when they're actually playing at a whole different level. Or bad in some areas, but playing at a much higher level in other areas, but you can't recognize it.

There are so many different skills in this game it's possible and easy to be good in several areas and significantly weaker in others.


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
take your pudge boners and go play dota. i don't get why people simultaneously talk about how awesome everything about dota is and then still play lol and ***** about it. just play the game you enjoy more.
da **** lol

who was *****ing about anything
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