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Ganon's Beard - General. Social. Rankings.

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Smash Hero
Sep 10, 2008
Grounded Grabrelease

Grounded Grabrelease

<!> It doesn't diserve its own thread <!>

When you groundrelease people, what in your experience do they do most of the time?

Jab? Shield? Dodge?

Most people tend to buffer Jabs against me.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2008
Grounded Grabrelease

<!> It doesn't diserve its own thread <!>

When you groundrelease people, what in your experience do they do most of the time?

Jab? Shield? Dodge?

Most people tend to buffer Jabs against me.
I dont grab release unless its against some certain opponents RIGHT on the edge (snake, ness..) I almost always go for the F throw for dmg...

Are you thinking that if they buffer a jab you can gerudo them?

Also now that i think about it, i almost never grab with Ganon(T-rex arms). besides the occasional shield grab almost never..


Smash Hero
Sep 10, 2008
i almost never grab with Ganon
Then you should step it up, HOME.
Pummeling is Ganon's only good... decent way of refreshing KO-moves.
"T-rex". I'm gonna put that in the ****** is too small a word-thread.

<!> Something's wrong with my computer... Triple post... <!>


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
I got Street Fighter IV half a week ago as a Christmas present. As a context to this, my brother had recently bought himself an XBox360 (he works at Bluenotes and produces music in a locally popular band, and is overall extremely influential in my city), and so the idea is that I could play games on it.

My mom insisted on getting me something, when I really had long since given up the trouble of Chrristmas gift-exchanging (I don't take it for granted, mostly because I can't give gifts myself), so when she asked I told her about SF 4 and BlazBlue: CS.

I confirmed today that Street Fighter IV is unplayable with an XBox controller. At least for me.

(the following bit is skippable if you really don't care)

As I know from Brawl, an issue with me is that I can't hit trigger buttons. XBox only has four buttons on the padface, so I *have* to use at least two triggers; no two are always in reach of my fingers without giving myself some kind of Carpal-Tunnel-esque seizure crap. Neither the pad or the analog stick are in condition such that I can consistently enter the 623s or quarter-circles for specials, let alone trying to cancel them. In Viper's trial mode, one of the challenges is to cancel Hard Kick into the Super. The Super's input is 236236(allPunches). For particular reasons, you cannot just enter 236236, hard kick, then all three kicks, nor can you even 23623, hard kick, 6(LK+MK+HK).

Even with the help of configuring the Bumper-button to be LP+MP+HP, I realized I simply cannot do this input. I can't move a thumb that fast within 1/4 of a second of hitting something else with my other thumb.

So basically, I can't play this game. I allowed myself to get my hopes up about actually doing it - getting into SF4 - but it's unplayable, because XBox sucks sufficiently enough that my own suckage from disability is decisive.

I... I'm angry, that that makes me disappointed. If I hadn't got the idea of ever playing SF - and believe me, where I was, I was resolved to never play anything outside Brawl again, due to my financial situation - . . . I'd go on as I was, where I had found a sort of happiness. I should be exactly where I was before Christmas: I don't have Street Fighter and I can't play it. But I feel like something has been taken away from me.

I dropped the phrasing I had in mind for this. ****. But it's... I don't want to be disappointed, but I'm angry that I am. I don't have less than what I had, but I am revolted at this turn of events. It's just... disgusting. Why? Why do I want to break the walls in my house for this?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I got Street Fighter IV half a week ago as a Christmas present. As a context to this, my brother had recently bought himself an XBox360 (he works at Bluenotes and produces music in a locally popular band, and is overall extremely influential in my city), and so the idea is that I could play games on it.

My mom insisted on getting me something, when I really had long since given up the trouble of Chrristmas gift-exchanging (I don't take it for granted, mostly because I can't give gifts myself), so when she asked I told her about SF 4 and BlazBlue: CS.

I confirmed today that Street Fighter IV is unplayable with an XBox controller. At least for me.

(the following bit is skippable if you really don't care)

As I know from Brawl, an issue with me is that I can't hit trigger buttons. XBox only has four buttons on the padface, so I *have* to use at least two triggers; no two are always in reach of my fingers without giving myself some kind of Carpal-Tunnel-esque seizure crap. Neither the pad or the analog stick are in condition such that I can consistently enter the 623s or quarter-circles for specials, let alone trying to cancel them. In Viper's trial mode, one of the challenges is to cancel Hard Kick into the Super. The Super's input is 236236(allPunches). For particular reasons, you cannot just enter 236236, hard kick, then all three kicks, nor can you even 23623, hard kick, 6(LK+MK+HK).

Even with the help of configuring the Bumper-button to be LP+MP+HP, I realized I simply cannot do this input. I can't move a thumb that fast within 1/4 of a second of hitting something else with my other thumb.

So basically, I can't play this game. I allowed myself to get my hopes up about actually doing it - getting into SF4 - but it's unplayable, because XBox sucks sufficiently enough that my own suckage from disability is decisive.

I... I'm angry, that that makes me disappointed. If I hadn't got the idea of ever playing SF - and believe me, where I was, I was resolved to never play anything outside Brawl again, due to my financial situation - . . . I'd go on as I was, where I had found a sort of happiness. I should be exactly where I was before Christmas: I don't have Street Fighter and I can't play it. But I feel like something has been taken away from me.

I dropped the phrasing I had in mind for this. ****. But it's... I don't want to be disappointed, but I'm angry that I am. I don't have less than what I had, but I am revolted at this turn of events. It's just... disgusting. Why? Why do I want to break the walls in my house for this?
Get an arcade stick, that's generally better for playing any sort of fighting game (Smash excluded) anyway, and much more fun. They do cost at least an additional 20 dollars though.


Smash Hero
Sep 10, 2008
I remember playing Track N Field on the NES.
...My thumbs were never the same again.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
Why are you playing Track and Field on a game system? I understand how people like playing sports games like soccer, hockey and football, but Track? That is just one thing that can't be replicated on a game system. You have to do the real thing.

As an additional input, Mario Party + regular Nintendo64 controller = ouch...


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2009
North Carolina
The best Controller for Fighting Games is the SNES one. Period.
Wrong sega saturn

I got Street Fighter IV half a week ago as a Christmas present. As a context to this, my brother had recently bought himself an XBox360 (he works at Bluenotes and produces music in a locally popular band, and is overall extremely influential in my city), and so the idea is that I could play games on it.

My mom insisted on getting me something, when I really had long since given up the trouble of Chrristmas gift-exchanging (I don't take it for granted, mostly because I can't give gifts myself), so when she asked I told her about SF 4 and BlazBlue: CS.

I confirmed today that Street Fighter IV is unplayable with an XBox controller. At least for me.

(the following bit is skippable if you really don't care)

As I know from Brawl, an issue with me is that I can't hit trigger buttons. XBox only has four buttons on the padface, so I *have* to use at least two triggers; no two are always in reach of my fingers without giving myself some kind of Carpal-Tunnel-esque seizure crap. Neither the pad or the analog stick are in condition such that I can consistently enter the 623s or quarter-circles for specials, let alone trying to cancel them. In Viper's trial mode, one of the challenges is to cancel Hard Kick into the Super. The Super's input is 236236(allPunches). For particular reasons, you cannot just enter 236236, hard kick, then all three kicks, nor can you even 23623, hard kick, 6(LK+MK+HK).

Even with the help of configuring the Bumper-button to be LP+MP+HP, I realized I simply cannot do this input. I can't move a thumb that fast within 1/4 of a second of hitting something else with my other thumb.

So basically, I can't play this game. I allowed myself to get my hopes up about actually doing it - getting into SF4 - but it's unplayable, because XBox sucks sufficiently enough that my own suckage from disability is decisive.

I... I'm angry, that that makes me disappointed. If I hadn't got the idea of ever playing SF - and believe me, where I was, I was resolved to never play anything outside Brawl again, due to my financial situation - . . . I'd go on as I was, where I had found a sort of happiness. I should be exactly where I was before Christmas: I don't have Street Fighter and I can't play it. But I feel like something has been taken away from me.

I dropped the phrasing I had in mind for this. ****. But it's... I don't want to be disappointed, but I'm angry that I am. I don't have less than what I had, but I am revolted at this turn of events. It's just... disgusting. Why? Why do I want to break the walls in my house for this?
360 arcade sticks are like $50 for the hori ones I think the SFIV championship ones are on sale for $80 though that may be PS2 only, and yeah SFIV sucks on pad, but then again I can do vipers, TK cancels, and super jump flame kicks, and one of my friends can do the flashkick->super->ultra with guile on it so its possible. :p In BB the inputs are mad easy so this is far less of an excuse unless you want to play carl/rachel/litchi, even then its just a matter of assigning the D button to left bumper.

Also hori(entry non-**** quality), sticks are like $35 for PS3, like $40 for wii, and like $45/50 for 360, so they really arn't that much more expensive, the madcatz championship edition sticks rule though( yes I just recommended a madcatz controller, yes its good).


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
New spacing trick that every Ganon should learn.

Fullhop U-air -> N-air.

It's especially sick if you manage to do a crossover with it.


Smash Hero
Sep 10, 2008
New spacing trick that every Ganon should learn.
Fullhop U-air -> N-air.
It's especially sick if you manage to do a crossover with it.
Kalm used that against me a looooong time ago in a set of Dittos.
Totally fell for it the first couple of times.

I thought think of it more as Baiting, though.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
Wow, i dont like playing as ganon unless its ganon dittos(Gotta keep the match even)


Smash Hero
Sep 10, 2008
MK's 'Nado is ever more broken when there's a Input Delay Factor.
Once caught in it, one has to 'guess' when it stops.
Punishing on reaction just doesn't work.


Smash Hero
Sep 10, 2008
O Rly???????????
O Yes!!!!!!!! ~
I Usually don't play WIFI when there's a huge amount of Input Delay.
I mostly play WIFI Vs people (over here) which I have a very good Internet Connection with, meaning the amount of Input Delay is very small. It's not far from offline-gamplay, I tell ya.
And, yes, the 'Nado is easy to punish in those circumstances.

Therefor . . . . I realized how mad hard it is to punish it when I, for once, battled a guy who brought a big time Input Delay.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2009
North Carolina
O Yes!!!!!!!! ~
I Usually don't play WIFI when there's a huge amount of Input Delay.
I mostly play WIFI Vs people (over here) which I have a very good Internet Connection with, meaning the amount of Input Delay is very small. It's not far from offline-gamplay, I tell ya.
And, yes, the 'Nado is easy to punish in those circumstances.

Therefor . . . . I realized how mad hard it is to punish it when I, for once, battled a guy who brought a big time Input Delay.
I was being sarcastic, I actually refuse to play WIFI cause it makes PSing trickier, and dodging things like MK up B on reaction which is normally trivial into a huge guessing game in which the non-MK loses.


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2008
Herborn, Germany
FINALLY i've got my provider changed

my INTERWEBZ is now 8 times faster then before

So finally i can play some of you ameriganon guys a bit more serious

does any1 want?


Smash Hero
Sep 10, 2008
So finally i can play some of you ameriganon guys a bit more serious
Just a guess, stRIP:
No, you won't be able to play with less Delay Vs AmeriGans.
My internet is top noch, but I still get a massive Delay Vs AmeriGans.

You should be glad that you and I have a little less lag Vs each other than before =p


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2008
Ok, I'm ******** haha..

I read that way to early in the morning and could not connect the dots for the life of me...

I appreciate you explaining it to me noobicidal..

I need a drink or 17..
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