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Game Table Tournament 1/10 Results


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Good Tournament, was fun. Ruleset was VERY... errr... odd... but it was fun, nonetheless...

Shoutouts, yea...

Sintros, Jtails, Blackanese - Car ride back was toooooo funny. Gay jokes galore (lubricating road? LOL), peeps getting scared by bugs, and other peeps just spontaneously plopping into sleep mode. Good thing I didn't hear any scary noises from the car. Never doubt my navigational skills! Extra props to Sintros for the ride; much appreciated, bro.

God I hate G&W dittos...

Glick: I'm getting that dollar back! Pokemon battle!

Arrancar18: Great meeting and teaming with you, dude. That Lucario's awesome, we need more friendlies!

Skip: I constantly saw AMAZING stuff from your Falcon. Those doubles friendlies we had were tooo fun; Falcon and Ganon all day! :laugh:

Ryko: As always, great seeing you, dude. Eff that midwest dude... you is best Ike around. Just don't cp Corneria anymore (**** ruleset...)

Minty: Good seeing you, wish we could have gotten some friendlies in. Keep that Marth sharp!

****: Great meeting a fellow PT player who also loves ranting about the character. We gots to get matches in sometime.

Ref: Wish we could have seen your Ness in action. Sucks what happened... maybe next time.

KnightMare: Fun doubles session. Never go Yoshi though, lol.

Viva: Blackanese and I yelled "hi" to you, but you just went away. Don't worry, we don't bite. lol

MalcolmM: Beastly Sonic, as always. Good **** with the advice you gave Ryko regarding the Olimar matchup; it actually worked quite a bit!

Godot: Good seeing you; gj in teams.

Alex: Nice meeting you, dude. Looking forward attending your future tournaments (Viridian and Apex).

Anti: Actually didn't see you as much during the tournament, but good **** in your matches as always.

Bum: DK for top tier. Just wow.

My singles results are tainted... I should really be around last place... ****ing byes, AND I sold out by going G&W in a match... I felt like **** doing so. Gotta step up the Trainer so I can actually start repping him appropriately in tournaments... ugh.

OH SNAP! We needs you to host another, KnightMare.
We should enter next tourney I see you at with that team. XD ganon and falcon
and where can I add ****? I didn't play him, but we talked a bit before my match with "Matt Anderson"

Nah, Captain Falcon is only in Melee. Brawl has Cappy Falcs!!!!
cappy falcs. lulz, thats a new 1


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
Ness and sonic were definitively soft banned, Bowser possibly and maybe Jigglypuff and Captain Falcon...


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
AWW Valentine's day?! Don't you think that a lot of people might be busy on that day? =\

Also, Street Fighter 4 for consoles comes out 4 days before that... something to think about! :)


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Wow, good **** to Cheese for mind****ing everyone..

Sonic, Ness, Bowser soft banned, and you guys took it like he actually banned them? LMAO


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
Elmont LI, Queens. Philadelphia during semesters.
was not expecting to goto this...

prog is amazing.
x 35 for the gif of BOXXY.
x 10 for ****** in teams.

dude i picked up sheik in this tourney mad weird i was playing decent. but now i forgot fox. brb.
bum - i hate you. just for beating us lol. we had it just a few mess ups but hey apparently you weren't rusty enough =p
ryan- fun matches but you play falco so kill yourself.
brawl - no offense but watching some of the later matches.... e.g. pit arrows versus zero suit samus guns for 10 minutes makes me love melee so much. =x bum is amazing tho
hazz, g$, reno, hbk - you are all queers and i doubt you're gonna check this so im not gonna bother with a significant shout out.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
Wow, good **** to Cheese for mind****ing everyone..

Sonic, Ness, Bowser soft banned, and you guys took it like he actually banned them? LMAO
cheese didnt mind**** anyone...its all my joke. cheese didnt do anything but poorly run a tournament with a completely ******** ruleset. he also did a marvelous job of pissing off half the ppl there with his lack of good judgement. hes a horrible TO. Dire stalled me for 5+ minutes and he said it wasnt stalling cause he was doing an attack. he needs to go back to wifi and never host in long island again.

(on an interesting sidenote...what dire did was very gay but im not upset @ him...any DECENT TO would have given me the set based off of match 1...he just banked on cheese being a complete moron and lucked out on that)


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
cheese didnt mind**** anyone...its all my joke. cheese didnt do anything but poorly run a tournament with a completely ******** ruleset. he also did a marvelous job of pissing off half the ppl there with his lack of good judgement. hes a horrible TO. Dire stalled me for 5+ minutes and he said it wasnt stalling cause he was doing an attack. he needs to go back to wifi and never host in long island again.

(on an interesting sidenote...what dire did was very gay but im not upset @ him...any DECENT TO would have given me the set based off of match 1...he just banked on cheese being a complete moron and lucked out on that)
Also because supposedly other characters could get around it `_-;;;


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2004
Queens, N.Y.
Lucked out on it? I was having fun...I didn't do that to you for more than 10 seconds (moreso as a cruel reminder of the past:laugh:)when you had sonic but you saw what happened anyway.

let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
Do I See The True Red Gaw Come Out Lol

lucked Out On It? I Was Having Fun...i Didn't Do That To You For More Than 10 Seconds (moreso As A Cruel Reminder Of The Past:laugh:)when You Had Sonic But You Saw What Happened Anyway.

Let's Not Get Ahead Of Ourselves.
I Guess All That Sonic Training Did It Dire. I Guess Dire 1, Malcolm 0.

Lets See What Happens, Dire This Time Dont Stall And See What Happens. Be A Nice Boy And Just **** Him The Old Skool 9 Stock Rapist Way.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Yo whoever is going to that jersey tourny gimmie a ride.please


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
u beat me in a 65:35 matchup amazing. who cares? and lets not forget u lost the 2nd match....so without stalling it was an amazing 1-1 set nice job.

no1 said u lucked out on beating my sonic....u legitmately beat me in a horrendous matchup for my character...congrats. and u didnt do it 2 sonic because u COULDNT. it was on FD so that odd lip interfered and u tried it at the beginning of the match and got punished with a dtilt each time. so lets not act like u took mercy on me. im saying that when i played a character (who is still a bad matchup against G&W) but better than almost 7:3 u timed me out. now u can deny that and act like u woulda defintely won but any1 who watched the teams matches would say differently. anyway i wasnt saying anything bad about u....u timed me out....and i said u lucked out because if BUM was the TO or ANYONE else other than the ****** known as cheese i would have been awarded that match and the set because stalling is banned.

so b4 we go getting all hyped about the sonic practice and blah blah blah no1 was taking away from u beating sonic. congrats....but that wasnt who i planned on beating u with anyway and if we had a decent TO i would have never had to change characters.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
wow let me find out their is rivals dire/malcolm. true stalling is banned and is not allowed and there is ways around all types of stalling on the ledge from what i do... so i'm not on anyone side. ya just need to battle it out..... and i want to watch : ]

cheese had some rules and stages that made nooooooooooooooooo sense and he pay the price losing to dire in teams with his own rule lol. i just would like to know, how is it he got to host.... to be a t.o is something that you can do easy to be honest..... and i just don't know how he was able to do it in that place with no history of doing good in smash or hosting events.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
wow let me find out their is rivals dire/malcolm. true stalling is banned and is not allowed and there is ways around all types of stalling on the ledge from what i do... so i'm not on anyone side. ya just need to battle it out..... and i want to watch : ]

cheese had some rules and stages that made nooooooooooooooooo sense and he pay the price losing to dire in teams with his own rule lol. i just would like to know, how is it he got to host.... to be a t.o is something that you can do easy to be honest..... and i just don't know how he was able to do it in that place with no history of doing good in smash or hosting events.
I think it was because he asked the venue owners first frankly.

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
I should be a TO, run a tournament, and put myself in Grand Finals, especially since my Bowser/Mario got soft banned lol.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
speaking of dire vs malcom, i was going through some replays on my wii, and i have a sonic vs gandw saved match. but its a yellow gandw. but the style of play of both characters dont look familiar. think its you guys?


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
it was a very calculated and patient sonic, not so much tech used.
but the player defiantly had a knowledge of the character.
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