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Game Table Tournament 1/10 Results


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
hey guy from va please be quiet since you don't know what you're talking about and never even came here. thanks. i would say theres less hope for you seeing as how you couldnt wouldn't know a joke if it was your baby's mama

what kind of ****ty a$$ player gets their brawl game screwed up from playing melee, melee makes you better at brawl no johns

shoutouts later


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
this whole thing is incredibly stupid. How do you place high with no skill? placing high = skill, or the people he beat = no skill. If the character's not broken (obv not if only one person's character was banned), then no ban should be warranted. How do you say that one person places too high so you handicap a specific person?

This is the scrubbiest thing I've probably ever seen. Maybe it's just because of Brawl..

EDIT: Also lol Brawl makes you bad at Melee not the other way around.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
this whole thing is incredibly stupid. How do you place high with no skill? placing high = skill, or the people he beat = no skill. If the character's not broken (obv not if only one person's character was banned), then no ban should be warranted. How do you say that one person places too high so you handicap a specific person?

This is the scrubbiest thing I've probably ever seen. Maybe it's just because of Brawl..

EDIT: Also lol Brawl makes you bad at Melee not the other way around.
Blame the TO. Those were the rules.

And I still haven't played brawl Ness this week so he's rusty. Instead I played Melee Ness who I forgot everything about.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY

nothing was banned, and imean like literally nothing, like every infinite was on. i should have entered brawl just to infinite an earthbound with marth


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,

nothing was banned, and imean like literally nothing, like every infinite was on. i should have entered brawl just to infinite an earthbound with marth
Err it's not an infinite, it's a really long chain grab that adds like 20% from 0 due to the speed of breaking across FD, second EIDI makes it not work at all.

Should have entered just to Infinite with King Dedede. The tourney ruleset was dumb, and the TO was a really bad one.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
the worst part is ignorant people who aren't involved in the long island scene who see it from the outside who feel a need to get involved and spread bs even though they are as far away in places as say...virginia

edit: my bad ref


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
the worst part is ignorant people who aren't involved in the long island scene who see it from the outside who feel a need to get involved and spread bs even though they are as far away in places as say...virginia

edit: my bad ref
yeah what's up wit that?.... wait wut?


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY

g$$- good **** vs dj, you are really good now and stop overestimating me lol
hbk- congrats in melee, ima get u next time lol
reno- we never got to play, but it was good seeing you again
hazz- we didn't play either u nub
prog- ur crazy lol and ur pretty good, nice meeting you again hope we get to see u soon
canismash- grr my marth will get you :mad::mad::mad::mad: also HIT THE DECK LOL
alex strife- haha nice meeting you again man! it's been a while and it was nice talking to you
crismas- nice talking to u too and thanks for the stickers, if i could tattoo my heart i would have a falco tattoo <3
dj nintendo - ur so good LOL ur matches are so long but so funny to watch, ur recoveries are ridiculous, how long have u had that bowser anyway? lol
bum- nice seeing u again, enter singles next time lol
wes- we didnt get to talk much, but good **** on ur placing with zss
dire- congrats on second, its been a while
blackanese- lol god****, those were good times during like summer lol
malcolm- lol stick to the almighty blue one :bee: leave the sexy yellow overalls guy to me and eli :bee:
copycat- u probably dont even know me but good friendlies

sorry i didnt hit on everyone, it was nice seeing everyone again and playing melee is too good :bee:

there weren't alot of melee setups and reno had to run the melee tourney :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: poor reno

also if anyone ever wants to play friendlies just come up to me and ask LOL, im always up for some maylay and i love giving advice :bee:


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
also ch33se plz dont host another tourney, let eli or knightmare or will or other people who are actually experienced outside of wi fi (wait thats not actual experience) do it


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
Wow you people are mad dumb for believing there were 'soft bans' lol
In my defense, I wasn't in the Brawl area all day, so all I saw was people here talking about it and even going so far as to dis the TO because of it (And I wouldn't really doubt that), so...

Yeah... *goes back to writing English Essay*


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1st match:Malcom and Godot
2nd match: DJ Nintendo and Cristmas (Sp?)
3rd match: Wes and Dire
4th match: Bum and Anti
5th match: Malcom and Godot AGAIN

That bracket is SOOO FAIRRR.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
i like how after countless yelling at people on like every second page they still prefer to be ****ing idiots

holy ****, and some people wonder why i think people are dumb?


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
Plainview, NY
1st match:Malcom and Godot
2nd match: DJ Nintendo and Cristmas (Sp?)
3rd match: Wes and Dire
4th match: Bum and Anti
5th match: Malcom and Godot AGAIN

That bracket is SOOO FAIRRR.
YO your lucky u didnt have to face DA PINK FLAMINGOS i heard they ****.... lol JK

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I am going to do a few shout-outs and then I'll comment on the tournament itself.

Ref - fun hanging with you
G$ - Good **** scaring that kid lolz ( I think it was minty fresh )
Jtails - great set man and drop me a line meeting at my house Jan 24 come through!
c4 and Knightmare - good stuff repping the crew
DA - always great to see you guys
Hbk/Reno/Hazz - havent seen you guys in a while I am def gonna play melee more cause of all of you <3
Copycat - still as cool as ever it was a shock to see you
Ryan K - omg i didnt notice you! lol
Blackense - good **** at being u lol
DJ - good times the whole day going and coming from LI
Eli - your a **** you should of came.
Godot + Malcom - nice **** in teams
Jay0yeah - i love you SMASH SUITS!
everyone else - so many people i met but good **** go to VIRIDIAN CITY MAI D00D!!!

As far as the tournament I will keep it brief and not so much bashing ( who likes to be bashed seriously? lol )

Doubles I felt was a bracket that could have been done WAY better. I felt that a lot of people/teams should have not played each other. With 23 teams I am pretty confident that it would had been seeded better if it was looked over a bit more intently.

Singles was fine so I did not see an issue with it but the main problem was really the ruleset.

I felt the ruleset really did not promte competitive play. Now I understand the T.O did not have problems with some stages or inifinites but the reason some of those are infact banned are due to the fact that it really deters the game from being watchable and possibly being playable. So that kinda bothered me a bit because I saw Leo ( basic sausage ) do it to a mario in doubles and I asked him if he was able to do that and he said ya so I shrugged..because as many know...if it is legal you abuse it to NO END. Now could it have helped that team if it was banned? Who really knows. What I personally know is that stuff like that should not be allowed in tournament.

Now I did hear some rumblings about how the T.O treated the other people. Whether that is true or not I do not know but I know I had no real problem with him other than the mentioned issues above. Then again I could be wrong.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
wait some characters really did get soft banned?

shouts to everyone!!!

sorry for triple post!


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Man soft bans are dumb. I hope they won't have any of this **** @ castle smash next sat.

I'm Sleep. I wanna play your cappy falcs in a future tourny!
I hope you don't mean campy or crappy XD i brought you down to 1stock each match:chuckle:


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Good Tournament, was fun. Ruleset was VERY... errr... odd... but it was fun, nonetheless...

Shoutouts, yea...

Sintros, Jtails, Blackanese - Car ride back was toooooo funny. Gay jokes galore (lubricating road? LOL), peeps getting scared by bugs, and other peeps just spontaneously plopping into sleep mode. Good thing I didn't hear any scary noises from the car. Never doubt my navigational skills! Extra props to Sintros for the ride; much appreciated, bro.

God I hate G&W dittos...

Glick: I'm getting that dollar back! Pokemon battle!

Arrancar18: Great meeting and teaming with you, dude. That Lucario's awesome, we need more friendlies!

Skip: I constantly saw AMAZING stuff from your Falcon. Those doubles friendlies we had were tooo fun; Falcon and Ganon all day! :laugh:

Ryko: As always, great seeing you, dude. Eff that midwest dude... you is best Ike around. Just don't cp Corneria anymore (**** ruleset...)

Minty: Good seeing you, wish we could have gotten some friendlies in. Keep that Marth sharp!

****: Great meeting a fellow PT player who also loves ranting about the character. We gots to get matches in sometime.

Ref: Wish we could have seen your Ness in action. Sucks what happened... maybe next time.

KnightMare: Fun doubles session. Never go Yoshi though, lol.

Viva: Blackanese and I yelled "hi" to you, but you just went away. Don't worry, we don't bite. lol

MalcolmM: Beastly Sonic, as always. Good **** with the advice you gave Ryko regarding the Olimar matchup; it actually worked quite a bit!

Godot: Good seeing you; gj in teams.

Alex: Nice meeting you, dude. Looking forward attending your future tournaments (Viridian and Apex).

Anti: Actually didn't see you as much during the tournament, but good **** in your matches as always.

Bum: DK for top tier. Just wow.

My singles results are tainted... I should really be around last place... ****ing byes, AND I sold out by going G&W in a match... I felt like **** doing so. Gotta step up the Trainer so I can actually start repping him appropriately in tournaments... ugh.

haha ya probably i want to next month i have to call and set it up.
OH SNAP! We needs you to host another, KnightMare.
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