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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
^ Yeah man. I can't wait.

I'm sure this has been asked a million times, and I've already asked a top fox player for advice, however i want multiple opinions from top foxes about the Sheik matchup.

Sheik is my bane. I lose to Sheik players, no matter the distance in skill. I really can't take it anymore, so I picked up fox a while ago.

I have one match of my Fox up from tournament.
Fastforward to 08:40 for the fox match.

I think my Fox is pretty decent, so I just need to know what to do against Sheik.

Any top foxes feel like laying out the Sheik matchup for me? I would appreciate it tremendously.

Also, if possible, critique my one match for me. Thanks. :D
I will get on that tmrw.

I am really tired from the tourney.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden

Critique plx, I feel like I played good in this one, although I made a LOT of stupid mistakes (failing critical punishes, being predictable at times, not reading armadas sdi on the uairs etc etc...) but thats to expect since I havent used fox in tournament and I just came from playing brawl (as you can see on the first match, I failed all the time >_>).

Just looking for general critique, I know I should camp and play more defensively but I'm saving that playstyle for genesis/NTSC ;)


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
high johns?!?! being high isn't a john..you don't smoke to make yourself worse, i smoke and play better & have more fun!


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
@ leffen: You don't need to be more "campy" just more patient. It appears that (and probably for good reason) you were more or less unable to find a way to safely attack Armada. You just need to discipline yourself away from hasty attacks and focus more on finding desired openings.

I would say, you need to be more aware of your spacing/position relative to your opponents. Armada obviously doesn't give a **** and just runs train on you.

something you should try to do less is full jumping at people from half a screen away. At least, if you must do this, don't commit so hastily to your nair (or any aerial) so you have the option to shine/double jump still.

An idea would be to develop a punishment for his floating.

Also, aim your shield vs. the down smash so it is less prone to stab. A relatively full shield should be able to withstand peach's down smash (3 hits) sufficiently so that you may wavedash out and punish this.

See what their go to move is in a pressure position (i.e. they are on the edge with you dash dancing. typical moves will be down smash/dash attack/grab/jab) You can affect the move the throw out by moving in and out of range of said move. If they are shielding, try to bait an aerial out of shield (nair/bair)

F tilt/down tilt become viable for spacing at higher percents.

You look like you play alright, Armada is just very finely tuned at this point.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
Both are mind altering substances. Relevance ?
Uhh, pretty sure the drug type is relevant. taking a hit of say..acid vs taking a shot of tequila is QUITE a different experience, regardless of both mind altering, one will alter your mind in a much stronger way. I'm surprised you even made that statement. i'm guessing you don't do/try any drugs, with an ignorant statement like that.

being high is really only a john if you're a scrub and can't handle your high, which in that case i don't see why you'd smoke before hand anyways.

hangovers aren't planned, people just try and have fun the night beforeand let it slip, better john than literally smoking your way into losing.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Uhh, pretty sure the drug type is relevant. taking a hit of say..acid vs taking a shot of tequila is QUITE a different experience, regardless of both mind altering, one will alter your mind in a much stronger way. I'm surprised you even made that statement. i'm guessing you don't do/try any drugs, with an ignorant statement like that.

being high is really only a john if you're a scrub and can't handle your high, which in that case i don't see why you'd smoke before hand anyways.

hangovers aren't planned, people just try and have fun the night beforeand let it slip, better john than literally smoking your way into losing.
You don't see why? To have fun the whole day, and then not remember it? Ya.. sounds about right.. at least that's what happened.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
You don't see why? To have fun the whole day, and then not remember it? Ya.. sounds about right.. at least that's what happened.
Lol was that supposed to be sarcasm?

If not then no I still don't see why you'd have an awesome day just to forget it all

i'm pretty surprised you forgot your whole day, weed has never done anything close to that for me, besides forgetting short term here & there.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Lol was that supposed to be sarcasm?

If not then no I still don't see why you'd have an awesome day just to forget it all

i'm pretty surprised you forgot your whole day, weed has never done anything close to that for me, besides forgetting short term here & there.
Except if you are hella baked the whole day. I remember here and there but not much. That is the truth, now if you want to call me out on that john sure.. I won't make up excuses. I did this while fully knowing the consequences, if not then I wouldn't do it. I already give the credit where it's due.. like on my facebook page. But ya wtv and ****.. it's for fun!!

Edit: I don't remember much however I definitely remember how I felt through out the tourney matches. Emotions don't go away that easily. =P


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden

Umm, no offense, but its pretty apparent that you don't have any idea about the peach matchup. Just gonna point out some wrongs, not to make a point but simply to educate fellow fox mains in the matchup ;). You did have some good points tho.

You don't need to be more "campy" just more patient. It appears that (and probably for good reason) you were more or less unable to find a way to safely attack Armada. You just need to discipline yourself away from hasty attacks and focus more on finding desired openings.
This is a common mistake for foxes fighting peach. Either you pressure her hard like I did preventing her from floating at her own means and pulling turnips and gaining stage control overall. Peach really sucks at the edge, though I was bad at punishing armadas getups >_>.

An idea would be to develop a punishment for his floating.
There is no, I repeat, NO consistent method of punishing a good peach that is floating on her own terms, esp if she has stage control and has the reaction and the spacing of a robot like Armada does...

I have tried to just play more patiently and honestly, it doesnt work. Armada will get time to breath and to set up, and once he does that he is pretty much unbeatable if you arent straight up camping him.

The perfect playstyle is to simply run the fkn timer everytime, but since you need to have incredible reaction speed and experience vs peach to do that I consider M2K's playstyle the best human one.

His style is more or less mixing up between camping her hard and then go in and pressure her hard to punish her when shes trying to counter your camping and then go straight back to camping once she gets away from the edge.

I am going to start playing more like him but since my main goal is to win over Armada at G2 I'm just concentrating on my offensive game atm (expect to see me camping like a ***** next time ;)).

I would say, you need to be more aware of your spacing/position relative to your opponents. Armada obviously doesn't give a **** and just runs train on you.
hmm, do you really understand whats happening during the match? this ^ makes me think you dont really understand this lvl of gameplay tbh lolll.

something you should try to do less is full jumping at people from half a screen away. At least, if you must do this, don't commit so hastily to your nair (or any aerial) so you have the option to shine/double jump still.
While this is true, I dont think I did that many usual full jump nairs towards him...

Full jumping ***** vs peach if you can do it correctly, she cant really handle when you drift backwards with a fj nair (you see mango spam this as fox vs armada) and going over her to bair is also **** because she cant really do much against it.

Also, aim your shield vs. the down smash so it is less prone to stab. A relatively full shield should be able to withstand peach's down smash (3 hits) sufficiently so that you may wavedash out and punish this.
This actually doesnt help as much as you'd think... it has a lot more to do with how the dsmash hits your shield since your tail is what gets you poked 99% of the times (mango has also complained on this afaik). Im gonna check if angling it towards your tail helps.

random note... peach dtilt shield pokes falco (and i think fox) full shield EVERYTIME if spaced properly... why is armada so ***in smart >_>

See what their go to move is in a pressure position (i.e. they are on the edge with you dash dancing. typical moves will be down smash/dash attack/grab/jab) You can affect the move the throw out by moving in and out of range of said move. If they are shielding, try to bait an aerial out of shield (nair/bair)
uh, you really didnt see me do this? it was basically 99% of my game lol. Oh and you should focus on punishing peachs jumping lag because otherwise she will just float oos and escape from pressure.

F tilt/down tilt become viable for spacing at higher percents.
Ftilt is never viable vs peach honestly, no combos / worthless as edgeguard (she just gains height). Its horrible on her shield (float, wavedash oos, float->dsmash thats spaced, turnips etc) and she can cc it to ~80%...

Dtilt however is overall really underrated, but it only works vs peach at lower percents (more specifically catching her out of her float) but at higher percents it has to low risk-reward to be useful.

I really appreciate the critique btw, keep em coming and sorry for sounding like an *** lol.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
Acid vs. alcohol is definitely not relevant.
Both are mind altering substances. Relevance ?

tomahawk easily explained how different being high/drunk were, but your response is they are both mind altering, so it doesn't matter. then I bring up a comparison of two mild altering drugs, and you say they aren't relevant, where's yo argument nukka


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Leffen, you are going to G2? Sick!! HOWEVER... even if you plan to take on Armada at G2... I think you should worry about all the quality players that you will find before hand! You seem to like to think a bit ahead of yourself here. I also definitely plan on taking on anyone one by one, no matter who it is. If you can do that then maybe you'll face Armada.. but first get out of pools, if you can... =)


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I'm only ragging on Kage because I've played him in sessions where I've beaten him literally every single game in Sheik Ganon when sober, then gotten high, and he wins a bunch. I make the john, "I was high". He doesn't accept it and replies with, "No johns! Ganon Sheik is easily doable against you!"

As a result of this, I find it strange when he uses the defense of mind-altering substances when he has a vaguely humorous loss.

Oh well. Kage plays by his own rules!


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I'm only ragging on Kage because I've played him in sessions where I've beaten him literally every single game in Sheik Ganon when sober, then gotten high, and he wins a bunch. I make the john, "I was high". He doesn't accept it and replies with, "No johns! Ganon Sheik is easily doable against you!"

As a result of this, I find it strange when he uses the defense of mind-altering substances when he has a vaguely humorous loss.

Oh well. Kage plays by his own rules!
Indeed I do! And.. anything is possible damn it! lol.

Johns from the Warrior?

Tss tss

All part of my plan... :troll:


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2004
a dumpster

Go to training mode and practice killing nana with shine, otherwise you look good.

if you shine both IC's at the edge with nana behind popo, she will grab the edge first and popo can be an easy target to shine. Something to look for I suppose. Unless Chu is keen on fast falling to the edge, that might be a trick which negates this.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2002
Northern Virginia
did u seriously just tell me to go to training mode to practice killing nana


watch any other fox play a good ICs and get back to me

damn i just reread this and i come off as an ******* LOL, its just ive played the matchup for 8 years, i think its past the point id go into training mode for it


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2004
a dumpster
I dunno, it looks to me (from the first game at least, you played much better in g2 and 3) that you could use some practice killing the cpu half. Not intended to offend or unnerve.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2002
Northern Virginia
i think it was just me needing to get warmed up

i appreciate the advice but thats not really the part of my game im trying to improve, i meant more in terms of on stage stuff


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2002
Northern Virginia
oh ok, i dont see why empty jump doesnt adequately describe it rofl

but yeah thats a good suggestion, only thing is chu tends to also catch on to when someone empty jumps a lot and bair them or something but its def something to mix in, i really like the idea of doing it to up tilt since up tilt ****in destroys ICs

md/va smash is kinda crappy compared to where it used to be, but me/azen/chu all started playing again recently and we were the reason it was the best region in the past so no reason it cant happen again


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2004
a dumpster
good to hear azen is back now, this community needs a good marth again (no offense m2k >_>).

Another thing, I believe PC used to fthrow the ICs into eachother as a pseudo chain grab. Maybe something you could look into there. Although, I may be confusing that with his falco/down throw.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
yo chillin you already said it, you just need to be less linear. just think about what mixups are valuable and throw them in. the way arcnatural explained it that made sense to me was like, just run up and do smething and see how your opponent reacts and see if you can get something out of it. like if you run up and shield and it makes them dash away and then run at you, do run up -> shield -> fh falling aerial or some **** that will do well against what they do. just try random **** until you come up with good ideas.

edit: arcnatural didnt say that in so many words, that was just my takeaway from it, like, do unpredictable stuff and see what works agaisnt your opponent and keep abusing that in creative ways. so dont get mad at me if i misquoted you arc!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2004
a dumpster
Either you pressure her hard like I did
This may be a figmint of your imagination. not to be offenseive but if we are talking abpout the match the same match, i believe armada feels no fear against you.

This is what it looks like to pressure armada:


You look good, just kinda hasty, little risky too. Try to keep it simple and don't let curiosity get the best.

one thing to keep in mmind, try not to up b so close to the stage. Sitting duck that way ;]

@~4:14. marth is shielding, facing away from you (no grab). you cross up on his shield with nair. Rather than using the nair in that way you could use that shield stop trick we talked about a page or two back keep yourself from flying to his front side.
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