noob question, sorry if it's answered somewhere in an obvious place
I'm having problems lcanceling dair and I can't quite pin down why my muscle memory isn't getting the job done. I've heard that the dair lcancel is one of the more difficult in the game and now I'm wondering why it is if it is? And if that's the reasons for my troubles.
Also what would be the best thing/stuff to read if I want to learn about all the fox strategy and tactics, beyond the basic nair, shine, upthrow etc.
I mean without scrolling through 504 pages.....
I'm having problems lcanceling dair and I can't quite pin down why my muscle memory isn't getting the job done. I've heard that the dair lcancel is one of the more difficult in the game and now I'm wondering why it is if it is? And if that's the reasons for my troubles.
Also what would be the best thing/stuff to read if I want to learn about all the fox strategy and tactics, beyond the basic nair, shine, upthrow etc.
I mean without scrolling through 504 pages.....