Alright, I've been playing a lot lately, and I have a few questions.
What should I do against Ganon, CF, Dr. Mario, DK, and Marth besides uthrow->followup or drillshine or drillkick -> utilt?
Are there any other nice and useful things I could work on?
I can waveshine both ways and reverse waveshine both ways, and I can also waveshine -> jab -> followup on characters that fall down from the shine.
Is there anything else I can do besides that stuff, or is the that what Fox is made of?
I mean, I also do stuff out of nair, but that's not important right now.
I just want to know if there's something I'm not doing in my game.
Fox doesn't seem like as much fun as he used to be.
Is there anything extremely difficult to pull off that I could work on?
Like something that could keep me occupied for a day or two?
Any other ledgestalls that are great besides shine -> Firefox/ Illusion, straight illusion (heck, I can do those on 2x speed), or shine -> DJ laser -> illusion (I don't see the point of that one)?
I want to find something difficult and useful to work on.
Also, please note that I'm not bragging by any stretch of the imagination; I know my place.
I'm just technical and want to learn what I can do with that skill so that it can be more useful.
Sorry if I'm being vague, please tell me if I am.
Search through the link I posted below. Myself, and other smashers have posted valuable match up information. Everything you need to know about fighting Marth and CF is in that thread.
As for the other characters you listed, myself and others can help as well. But me personally, I think it'll be a good idea that you briefly explain what the problem is with each of those characters. Are you having trouble recovering while Ganon is on the stage, are you getting chained grab by Doc, are you struggling to edge guard DK? I could spit out random tips but I want a little more detail. That would be really great. ^^
I can, however suggest more techniques worth practicing.
* ledge hop wavelands
*wavelanding on various stages with platforms
* SHFFL aerial (nair/dair) to waveshine (if you want to take it even higher, reverse waveshine after a SHFFL aerial)
*sweet spotting the edge with a shorten illusion
*shine bair tricks
*running shine, to up smash
*SHFFL aerial to waveshine with an opponent with invulnerable frames. I think you can pick the mario star item. This will imitate hitting a foe with their shield up.
*the PC edge guard, i.e. walking fast(not running) towards the edge, quickly tap the analog stick in the opposite direction, forcing Fox to turn around and grab the edge.
*waveshining a character from one end of FD.
Me personally I practice about 80% of this list for my own reasons, but since you wish to be super technical...I'd recommend all of it. I'm sure others have more to add. Good luck.