quick question, i do my reverse waveshines by turning around in my shine, i havent had any problems doing this, however i dont see any good foxes doing it like this, they just shine then wavedash and turn around after, that way is obviously slightly faster due to the fact u dont have to turn around in the shine, but what i was wondering is there any reason no one else turns around in their shine, it seems almost just as fast and a whole lot easier...
There are really only two points I can give you, on why not to do it:
A: Its alot slower than you think. Vs. Marth for example, you should be able to reverse waveshine grab and usmash if you DON'T turn around. If you do, I think it slows it down to the point where Marth can actually buffer roll or sidestep out of grabs sometimes. I know for a fact, that if you turn around while waveshining him backwards, you can't combo into the usmash anymore.
B: People tend to get stuck in their shine, because they try to wavedash while Fox is in his turning around animation. If this isn't a problem for you, ignore this point.
When I first started playing, and mastering all of Fox's techniques - I had this huge option pool to choose from. When it came down to how I should waveshine when not facing my enemy, waveshining backwards was the obvious choice. Its faster, looks cooler, and is easier to do. Even if you don't want to use it, I always suggest learning everything you can possibly do with your character. I'm pretty sure after practicing and making it one of those moves you can do effortlessly, you'll want to start using it too. BTW, I say its easier to do - because the timing is more lenient. On the turnaround shine, you have to wait till after he turns to wavedash and thats where everyone screws up. With reverse waveshining you skip all that.
It takes practice and a lot of tech skill to pull off, which naturally pushes people away from it. More importantly, I don't think there's a practical situation where you ever need to use it, because you've got better options. Not so say that you shouldn't use it; that's just why no one uses it. I like it because it's new and cool and no one uses it, so it's something that you can surprise people with.
It doesn't take much practice at all. If you can already waveshine, then you are 95% of the way there. Now just hit left or right on the c-stick while in your shine then wavedash. It is extremely practical in fact, about as practical as the reverse waveshine. Simply because they are fundamentally the exact same technique, but with minor differences. The small drop is speed is enough to justify not turning around anymore, imo. Learn the faster way, is my advice. Once you have both under your belt, just pick whichever you like best.