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Q&A Doc General Discussion: Ask and ye shall receive ft. otg and Shroomed!

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
lol doc ***** ics. Just be spam fair. When they catch on and start sh bairing or utiilting out of it, space pills so you can fair in their shield lag of the pill. Ftilt is a pretty good poke too.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2008
Iso appreciation society headquarters

disclaimer: i've only ever played against one IC main, but he consistently wobbles the **** out off people in tourneys

personally i think doc ic's is pretty even, theres a lot doc can do to keep ic's away that outprioritises their wavedash->anysmashtheyfeellike nonsense, i personally don't use too many pills against them cos they can get past em too easy and they're **** hard to hit if they can wavedash well.

from about 85% a grab will kill you on most levels (don't know the exact number just going off memory) doc is apparently pretty hard to chaingrab though (just going off what i've been told) if you mash and jump it'll wreck a fair few combos

if they're predictable you dont even need to poke with f-tilt cos their range is so weak, you can just jab->d-smash, if you see that they love to approach with a WD->jab just crouch cancel that **** into a dsmash cos the next thing they're goin for is a grab

when you nair through their sheild crouch as soon as you hit the ground cos they're most likely goin for an autocancelled shbair and doc can just duck straight under that and dsmash away.

from about 100% i personally think popo is the easiest character to dthrow fair (without ever playing against most of the low-tiers in the right hands) if you can get rid of nana.

that being said i've never actually beat my friends IC's but the only person i've seen him get ***** by is CAO's peach


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
You guys should try what Sheik does and just d-throw --> uair / u-tilt (idk if Doc u-tilt connects) and then just immediately shield and if he comes with Nair you grab it and if he doesn't come with Nair you just do Uair again out of shield or something gay.

People here assure me it's even so I'm going to go with that. Luigi's priority is mad gay lol.
It's not an even match-up. Anyone that says that only plays scrub Luigis. Or likes lying.

when you nair through their sheild crouch as soon as you hit the ground cos they're most likely goin for an autocancelled shbair and doc can just duck straight under that and dsmash away.
That's tiiiiiiiiight.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2007
Hyperbolic Time Chamber
So forward smashing falcon's nair is good. I'm not saying it's easy, but once you do it, it's really good. It's an anticipation thing. Learn to read the falcon you're playing, and then you can space a fsmash against their approach. Once again, not easy, but doable and well worth it.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
So forward smashing falcon's nair is good. I'm not saying it's easy, but once you do it, it's really good. It's an anticipation thing. Learn to read the falcon you're playing, and then you can space a fsmash against their approach. Once again, not easy, but doable and well worth it.
what falcon player has such bad spacing that they're getting fsmashed outta nair?
im like 2000000% sure that should not work at all

doc's fsmash has terrible, terrible range

falcon's nair is as long if not longer than marth's fair

unless there's some weird ur fsmashing their hitbox or something iono



Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
You aren't the first person to propose it, although when it was mentioned before no one really discussed it. I would think if you anticipate a Nair coming in and you started the forward smash a second before he arrived at you it might trade hits, but flat out beat it? no.

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
shroomed, falcon's n-air isn't disjointed--marth's f-air is... so I can see trading hits, if you pulled it off.

and yeah, up-tilt is pretty amazing ^__^


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
i never pulled it off lol, i was jus responding to what that anthony guy said

u-tilt has the most ridiculous priority
and it can kill at high percents cuz of the ******** horizontal knockback it can have =D

anyone know any tricks to deal with marths that are good at spacing?


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
i never pulled it off lol, i was jus responding to what that anthony guy said

u-tilt has the most ridiculous priority
and it can kill at high percents cuz of the ******** horizontal knockback it can have =D

anyone know any tricks to deal with marths that are good at spacing?
I'm still trying to get vids of my doc up. You'll see the magic of fsmash.

For vs Marth, pick Shiek. Seriously, Marth players that can space are a pain.

Or just pillcamp and sticky-walk.

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
i never pulled it off lol, i was jus responding to what that anthony guy said

u-tilt has the most ridiculous priority
and it can kill at high percents cuz of the ******** horizontal knockback it can have =D

anyone know any tricks to deal with marths that are good at spacing?
The cool thing about marth is that for him to be as painful as possible, good spacing isn't just enough. In the air, his moves all take longer than doc's fastest aerial options (n-air, up-B). Let's look at marth's aerial attacks.

n-air: has some startup, has very one dimensional hitbox (no beautiful arc like the f-air), and takes time. If he autocancels the lag, it has to last the entire duration, giving you time to do something. If he l-cancels it w/o the autocancel, it has more lag than his f-air and up-air I believe. Also, because it has a very straight hitbox, you can come from under or above depending on where you are in relation to him.

up-air: It's range is short enough that you can f-air him through it, and you can come at him from under. Also, because of it's range, you can simply avoid it and punish. Be careful of them using it really close to the ground though--that hits further than you'd expect.

f-air: His primary approach, it's less than his optimal ground range (f/d-tilt range), but that's little comfort. You can cape it w/o much drawback (unlike the 2 aerials I mentioned above), or CC it, especially if they don't double f-air. If they do like to double f-air, you can interrupt them in the middle w/ up-B OOS, or perhaps even avoid it by WDing behind them OOS. Also, angling shield up always helps them mess up the l-cancel timing.

d-air: His easiest aerial to deal with--just beware them using it to techchase, punish you when you get up from the ground. It isn't as laggy as most people think, and has a pretty large (for melee) frame advantage if they hit you really close to the ground w/ it and l-cancel properly--it seems worse than falco's d-air. Also, it hits further behind him than in front, so watch out for that.

b-air: it begins low, which I admit I seem to forget. Again, it's cape-able, and CCable, so you can deal with it in air and on ground. However, if you get used to caping them, except them to start f-airing instead (or b-airing when you're in front of them), and hitting you anyways.

Basically, if they are spacing at marth's ideal range, you can DD away from their aerials, and if they are a bit close when they start, you can CC (or if you're in the air, trade hits using n-air--it comes out as fast as a jab). You can uptilt close n-airs and up-airs. Also, when they finally land, if you've been shielding, upB OOS is great at preventing grabbing (his best option when at less than optimal range).

By optimal range, I mean the range he can use to actually keep you out--his f-tilt, d-tilt, n-air, and dancing blade. Luckily, with these you can reset the situation by dashing away and doing something. Closer than this, and you can pretty much jab, upB, or sometimes even uptilt him and you'll be faster than his options (jab is faster than anything he has except maybe dancing blade). Try and keep him above you, as his defence against that is really only FFing n-airs or f-airs, which that close are pretty punishable. D-air takes too long, and up-air would be situational (you try punishing when he's already too close to the ground). Because of the longer time it takes for him to attack, spacing is only half the battle. He needs to time his attacks so that they hit at the right spacing. Meaning dashing at him and spotdodging, for example (although a poor one) is useful, because hypothetically, his best spacing move on ground is f-air (best coverage, as d-tilt gets you f-aired ^_^). Because of it's lag, if you run and shield/spotdodge, you can punish. Although not quite as easy as this example, that's the basic principal I have when messing w/ a Marths spacing.

When you get a grab in, remember that he an jump out of the CG really early, so I often find it better to simply (if near a ledge) toss him offstage, or (if under a platform) throw him up onto it. Grounded and above you are his suckiest position (also, if he's above you, you aren't above him, which sucks as doc).

Sorry for the long post, and I apologize in advance for incorrect information...I'm not that good, but I'm posting off of what I've noticed from playing marths that beat me (kdj, arc, and my friend darkcloud) as well as why I can beat "worse" marths (proverbs, boxman, and some of my slightly nubby friends)

EDIT: the fact that doc's jab is so fast is the reason why if you see a chance to use the dash attack to clash w/ marth, you should use it. because clash->jab is faster than marth.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2008
Iso appreciation society headquarters
first off, pretty unusual to see a white wall of text in the doc boards :)

secondly, i'm having trouble bairing captain falcon when he uses his up-b
is it possible to space it so he doesn't grab you with his initial hitbox or do you just have to suck it up and wait for it to disappear?

i'm letting cap'n crunch live to comically high percentages cos i keep messin up the bair


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2009
Republica Dominicana
first off, pretty unusual to see a white wall of text in the doc boards :)

secondly, i'm having trouble bairing captain falcon when he uses his up-b
is it possible to space it so he doesn't grab you with his initial hitbox or do you just have to suck it up and wait for it to disappear?

i'm letting cap'n crunch live to comically high percentages cos i keep messin up the bair

2)on earth or recovering? anyways just do you bair before hitting him and fast fall it,or just cape him and own a stock easily(doc and marios cape are cheap...)

you can chaingrab him a bit and fsmash or fulljump fair depending on% but you just want him offstage to gimp him

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
um, yeah, if you hit him w/ the b-air, he shouldn't grab you. Also, edge invisibility helps, of course. Trying to hit him slightly lower on his may help I guess, but I usually don't have a problem getting grabbed out of it >_>

And screw changing my font. I'm too lazy =P


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Falcon's upB has pretty **** good priority, not like in Smash 64 where it was pretty much ****ing broken, but still good. Pretty much here is a rule of thumb when dealing with Falcon's recovery:

Is he recovering low?
- Yes, hold the ledge and keep those invincibility frames than drop out with a bair. That's a dead bird.
- No, than stand at the edge of the stage/platform where he is recovering with your back turned as if you were to Bair him.

Now, is he UpBing close to the stage, or doing it from far away coming in?
- If he's close to the stage, there is a good likely hood that your bair might get eaten by his UpB, and if thats the case, just try to anticipate his travel and cape him. Cape isn't always guaranteed as Falcon's momentum might allow him to continue traveling towards the stage, but use that and continue to punish him after his landing lag.
- If he does upB from far away and is coming in with it, you don't really have to worry about UpB out prioritizing you, so Bair/nair/cape are all your friends

This is my sparknotes version of edgeguarding Falcon.... YAY.

Oh, one thing is since Falcon is such a big mofo, he is IMO one of the easiest characters in the game to Bob$, so don't be afraid to take one Bair, and turn it into like 16 lol.

List of easier characters IMO to Bob$:

*These two are IMO the easiest in the game to pull it off on. I'm not implying that it's Hard to do it to other characters, just that since these characters tend to be much bigger than the others, it's very easy to follow up Bair's at any %. What does everyone else think?

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
yea it should be easy on ganon falcon cuz of their up-b taking an hour to start

but idk about marth because cant he up-b quickly to get out of it?


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I'm just talking about chaining bairs together off the stage. Marth in that regard IS easy to do this too, but it might not make a difference in terms of trying for gimps as his Jump + UpB covers a lot of distance. I've Bob$ marth's off the stage before with like 3 bairs, only to have his upB reach the ledge before mine and edgehog me. :(


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2009
Republica Dominicana
ok back on edgeguarding topic i have a new strategy(maybe not for you,but just came to my mind)

on characters with sh¡tty up+b like falco,fox and ganondorf(yeah and falcon too T_T) you can dair to uair to up+b, or dair to bair to stage spike them on FD and some other stages

i didnt notice dair had such big priority,im using that for almost anything now XD


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2006
i play mewtwo and i never have a hard time recovering <_< it's either dead or i pretty much recover every time. but w/e...


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I'm not talking about GIMPING. If we are talking about Gimping through bob$ than anyone can be on that list, in fact Falco/Falcon/Ganon would probably be at the top of that list.

I'm talking about chaining Bairs together off stage, big characters tend to get *****, particularly if they try to survival DI towards the stage allowing even MORE bairs lmao.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
The cool thing about marth is that for him to be as painful as possible, good spacing isn't just enough. In the air, his moves all take longer than doc's fastest aerial options (n-air, up-B). Let's look at marth's aerial attacks.

n-air: has some startup, has very one dimensional hitbox (no beautiful arc like the f-air), and takes time. If he autocancels the lag, it has to last the entire duration, giving you time to do something. If he l-cancels it w/o the autocancel, it has more lag than his f-air and up-air I believe. Also, because it has a very straight hitbox, you can come from under or above depending on where you are in relation to him.

Marth's nair takes the same amount of time as fair if l-canceled. It's just semi-bad against Doc especially up close and if the Doc stays somewhat grounded. Since he is so short. Retreating nairs and nairs on spotdodges are good though. My only suggestion is to roll more. So many Marth's try so hard to slowly space fairs against Doc that you can literally pre-emptive roll behind him and do something. As long as it's not predictable I think it's pretty good.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
mario's bair has too much of a vertical knockback component to bob$ anyone

it sends them kinda up as well as bak


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia

I will do an e3 write up sometime late 2morrow 2day, since im gunna get up and go help run a tourney.

Gotta remember how to play some ****. XD



Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Winter Haven, Florida
Went to wato6 today

I did better than at wato5, in which I lost immediately, being 4-stocked repeatedly in first match and loser's bracket

I managed to snag one round offa Finch, and the other two rounds I managed to bring him down to one stock or so.
In losers I played Zoro who has a great Link, and I was surprised that I got him down to his last stock
I counterpicked Corneria and he went mewtwo for some reason lol

Anyway I ended up losing again but it was again a 1 stock v 1 stock match

I tried to consciously make use of jabs and tilts this time around, which I think is why I did a lot better
Now that I'm using them, I'm realizing how useful they are for so many things


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Aight, if you wanna see some e3 photos, click the logo.

So apparently there are two more Halo games coming out.

On a side note (Not really, this is the Doc boards), Corneria is awesome. Up-B to the wing all dai.
And, what tips do you guys have against ICs?
Standing pills stops most of there approaches. If you space Fair against their shields in the right way, they can't shield grab you and it will push them away from you/**** nana. Dsmash is your best friend.

Ban FD, camp platforms and use standing pills. Dogy thinks the matchup is 60-40 in Doc's favor, and if they can wobble it's 50-50.... I don't know how much I agree, but than again I've never fought a **** Icies main.
1) I like how you're trying to use my opinion about this as law, lol. XD

2) Standing pill doesnt actually stop all their approaches, it just makes approaching harder for them to do. I actually know a way for ICs (and ALOT of characters) to get around doc's pills. Im obviously not going to say it cause well.... well some people just dont believe when I say "Im not an open book." XD

3) I dont know why you'd WANT to space f.airs on their shields. I mean if you can hit the bottom perfectly every time, feel free to try it. But lets see; double shields + 12frame l cancel = giving them plenty of chances to get in.
doesnt doc's uptilt work for that?
Yeah, if Capfal wants to jump in that deep.

Oh, one thing is since Falcon is such a big mofo, he is IMO one of the easiest characters in the game to Bob$, so don't be afraid to take one Bair, and turn it into like 16 lol.

List of easier characters IMO to Bob$:

*These two are IMO the easiest in the game to pull it off on. I'm not implying that it's Hard to do it to other characters, just that since these characters tend to be much bigger than the others, it's very easy to follow up Bair's at any %. What does everyone else think?
i don't see how m2 is on your list of easy ppl to bob$
Yeah, m2? I mean, maybe dumb m2's who dont realize their up+b exists. XD
-cliffnotes of how marth beats doc-

I think its so funny that I can literally tell a marth how to destroy a doc, and because it's not the cookie-cutter marth method, "it doesnt work".
Good job.


Went to a horribrawl tourney today to jank on some people, play melee/ggac/sf4.

.. Mad rusty at melee, and played on a laggy tv for a while. **** was still hilarious.

Gotta hit the stiiiiiiiiiiicks haaaaaaaaaaaard.



Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
As if I ever played a good m2 lmao. Also, Fair pushes Icies away a large enough distance that they can't punish you if you space it right.

their wd goes for miles

they dont have the luigi momentum thing goin on

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
1st of all- UpB cancel to fair WORKS

2nd- I can def see fsmash working on falcons nair as I've used fsmash for some interesting things before and they've worked pretty well. Things like Marth ledgehopping nair, sheiks ledgehopping fair- given falcons poor priority nair I'm sure it would get ***** so long as you anticipate it well enough.

Seriously though upB cancel to fair :chuckle:
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