lol, so like, I should be chillin at home workin on the guide right now (or practicin stuff) but I'm sittin over here at my friend's house while he rearranges his whole house. It's pretty mindless. -Rolls eyes-
Anyway, I think i have like, 9 more matchups for the guide, tweak some stuff, add some character specific sections, and I'm done. It's lookin..... meh, ok I guess. I'll just have to put it out and see. I'm thinkin everything is a little long winded, but that's what I do.
I will note that as of now, the guide is 75 pages on MS Word, and because I'm typing casually, there are so many spelling and grammatical errors that word cannot display them anymore.
Proofreading that thing is going to be a *****.
The way I see it, I should have it pooped out by friday as I don't have work wednesday, thursday, or friday. (Probably don't have work tuesday either, I dunno.)
But yeah. Looks pretty interesting.
It's coming, it's coming.