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DFW Brawl Thread: Batou Monthly, Feb 18th - Revolution 10, Mar 3rd

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Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
If you're serious, I'm actually willing to drive across town to pick one of those up. No, really.
this is exactly the one I have and LOL that person is selling it for a ridiculous price...


I have two of them you're welcomed to have one

no brawl at FX but he doesn't mind MvC3...hard agenda ;(

for the FX guy- maybe he'd get more business if he didn't have world's worse prices. I was looking around the store (sure you guys saw me) and at one point I went up to the counter to ask how much a game boy advance was... iirc he said 30 or something like that when you can get same stuff for much less on ebay.

That would be me :colorful:
me too! This was last time I played her...


I had one day of Live left and I grinded 1000 bp in a day to get her to B rank lol! She's my 2nd though, Bison is by far my best

Frame Perfect

Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2010
machine mainframe
maybe the FX guy would get more business if he wasn't so damn sleazy...

i went there once for a brawl tourny to get my feet wet before a hobo tourney where tgm/airbrushking/xyro mislead people into believe there were new gcn controllers up for grabs(i was only going because i was staying at a hotel thaT weekend anyways in houston nearby). false promises seem to be the trend now, am it right!?... i was planning on entering the fx tourney, but i decided to buy a gcn controller from there instead.

i then told him i was looking for a specific gamecube, one which came manufactured with a digital a/v port because i had recently acquired a gcn component cable which is actually extremely rare(unlike the actual gamecube with the port). i asked him if he could do a trade with me for another gamecube in perfect condition and he said, that plus 5 dollars. i then proceeded to inquire about trade values of different items...

so the next day i went there with my gamecube, n64 controller(nintendo brand), to trade. he pulls out a box and says here... i ask him to see the gamecube and when he pulls out the cube i am in disbelief. as a collector, i've seen countless gamecubes and this is the worst one i've ever seen. this thing is so dinged up and the area where the controller ports are looks like its been soaked in urine for about a month. ive seen the port area start to yellow, but never like this. i turned it over to see that the bottom of it was so scratched up that you could barely see the black color.

i then ask him if he has any in better condition and he pulls out another one that's in bad condition and tells me that's the only other one he has with the port. im ok with this, despite the fact that he tried to unload that first one on me. he then says that he won't accept a trade but cash only, which he didn't specify earlier. i told him that i just drove 30 min. to come here and i don't have cash on me and im not driving anywhere to get 5 dollars, but the trade value for n64 controller alone makes up for it. he offers me 3 bucks after his associate tests and says it is in perfect condition, which is hard to find. i also have a dvd in my trusty satchel that he offers one dollar for, which makes me short one dollar lmao. he tries to convince me that he's doing me a huge favor by giving me this "collectible" item. at this point im looking at this guy like he's crazy and i say, "You mean the collectible item you didn't even know about until i told you about it yesterday? on top of that i just bout a controller from you yesterday for 12 cash. is this how you keep customers... let me ask you something, how much do you sell n64 controllers for?" he says 10 dollars, and i start laughing. so you want to fip a controller on me for more than double pure profit? even gamestop's markups arent that bad... he says, "well if you're gonna to make fun at how i do things then maybe we can forget the whole thing." i say that's fine and bounce.

what i didn't tell this ***wipe is that the reason some don't have the digital port is because nintendo found out that less then 1 percent of users actually used progressive scan and because of this they removed the port for cubes made after 2004. so they are actually 3 years newer than the ones with the port.

on that same note though, i soon after bought a gamecube with the gameboy player attachment from craigslist for 10 dollars. i went to another store to sell the n64 controller for 6 dollars and gameboy attachmentfor 18 dollars. that, ladies and gentlemen, is karma at its finest.


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Crowley/Fort Worth, TX
dang frame. That sucks dude. I never sell video games or vg equipment to stores bc they always pull bs like that, but it really sucks that he tried so hard to squeeze every penny out of you. I thought the free contests he was doing with the retro games were really cool, so I've been liking FX exchange, but now I know not to sell to them.

Frame Perfect

Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2010
machine mainframe
lmao, i think i probably won his tetris contest on my first and only try... it was about 8 times more than second place on controls ive never used. that is of course expected, considering my mastery of tetris. but come on, it's not like he's going to call me any time soon.

also fogo, im looking for that rubber piece underneath the L button and a c stick, if you could check your boneyard...


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
maybe the FX guy would get more business if he wasn't so damn sleazy...

i went there once for a brawl tourny to get my feet wet before a hobo tourney where tgm/airbrushking/xyro mislead people into believe there were new gcn controllers up for grabs(i was only going because i was staying at a hotel thaT weekend anyways in houston nearby). false promises seem to be the trend now, am it right!?... i was planning on entering the fx tourney, but i decided to buy a gcn controller from there instead.

i then told him i was looking for a specific gamecube, one which came manufactured with a digital a/v port because i had recently acquired a gcn component cable which is actually extremely rare(unlike the actual gamecube with the port). i asked him if he could do a trade with me for another gamecube in perfect condition and he said, that plus 5 dollars. i then proceeded to inquire about trade values of different items...

so the next day i went there with my gamecube, n64 controller(nintendo brand), to trade. he pulls out a box and says here... i ask him to see the gamecube and when he pulls out the cube i am in disbelief. as a collector, i've seen countless gamecubes and this is the worst one i've ever seen. this thing is so dinged up and the area where the controller ports are looks like its been soaked in urine for about a month. ive seen the port area start to yellow, but never like this. i turned it over to see that the bottom of it was so scratched up that you could barely see the black color.

i then ask him if he has any in better condition and he pulls out another one that's in bad condition and tells me that's the only other one he has with the port. im ok with this, despite the fact that he tried to unload that first one on me. he then says that he won't accept a trade but cash only, which he didn't specify earlier. i told him that i just drove 30 min. to come here and i don't have cash on me and im not driving anywhere to get 5 dollars, but the trade value for n64 controller alone makes up for it. he offers me 3 bucks after his associate tests and says it is in perfect condition, which is hard to find. i also have a dvd in my trusty satchel that he offers one dollar for, which makes me short one dollar lmao. he tries to convince me that he's doing me a huge favor by giving me this "collectible" item. at this point im looking at this guy like he's crazy and i say, "You mean the collectible item you didn't even know about until i told you about it yesterday? on top of that i just bout a controller from you yesterday for 12 cash. is this how you keep customers... let me ask you something, how much do you sell n64 controllers for?" he says 10 dollars, and i start laughing. so you want to fip a controller on me for more than double pure profit? even gamestop's markups arent that bad... he says, "well if you're gonna to make fun at how i do things then maybe we can forget the whole thing." i say that's fine and bounce.

what i didn't tell this ***wipe is that the reason some don't have the digital port is because nintendo found out that less then 1 percent of users actually used progressive scan and because of this they removed the port for cubes made after 2004. so they are actually 3 years newer than the ones with the port.

on that same note though, i soon after bought a gamecube with the gameboy player attachment from craigslist for 10 dollars. i went to another store to sell the n64 controller for 6 dollars and gameboy attachmentfor 18 dollars. that, ladies and gentlemen, is karma at its finest.
Yeah like I was saying prices were just so high. And the gameboy advance wasn't in mint condition either. Guy probly just ebays all that stuff then jacks up the price.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
There is no venue for phase. The person who let them use FX Exchange got butt hurt that the tournament wasn't bringing in any new regular customers and simply won't let them do it anymore. That is according to Slaps.
FX stopped having Smash tournaments because Slaps posted on his FX facebook page, saying something along the lines of coming and ****** everyone. Of course, that statement is acceptable in a gaming community, however on the page you advertise to families to bring in customers, it is unacceptable. I fully understand his reasoning and probably would've done the same in his position.

If your statement was true, he wouldn't be having MvC3 and SSF4 tournies monthly.

As far as all the other bashing is concerned, you can't really compare Gamestop or FX to some place like ebay or Craigslist. Both stores must turn a profit in order to continue running, else the place would instantly bankrupt. Ebay and Craigslist are different as they are people just wanting to get the value back from their item.

So...Slaps broke it lol


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2008
Wifi training room waiting...
Well that is what he told me when I asked him about it, and i realized my comment on facebook was dumb after the fact which is why i questioned myself on that after the fact since i had known how they were about rude language.. I understand if he did it because of that but why not just tell me because of that? I am sure he isn't afraid to hurt my feelings or anything... If it really was because of me then I am sorry to the community and I apologized to him about the incident. With school wrapping up I am going to have time to go look for a new venue.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
Wait time out, so let me understand this. FX guy got angry because Slaps said he was going to **** at the tourny?

It's gaming jargon... are you sure that is full story? I don't understand how one comment (that is comment among gamers) would cause the guy to cease tournies. Maybe I'm not comprehending this correctly..


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Wait time out, so let me understand this. FX guy got angry because Slaps said he was going to **** at the tourny?

It's gaming jargon... are you sure that is full story? I don't understand how one comment (that is comment among gamers) would cause the guy to cease tournies. Maybe I'm not comprehending this correctly..
Imagine those little kids, you know... the 10 year olds, and you go post on all of their mom's facebook pages that you plan on ****** at a game tournament. Something just doesn't sit right with that... ya know?

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
It's the truth.

I know we could all write essays on the word **** and why it's okay to use in the gaming community.
But those moms haven't read our essays and think that the original use of the word was the one specifically about non-consensual intercourse. AND that it's the only meaning of the word.
So we have to treat it as such if we want to be liked.

tl;dr-- We can't spout "****" in public, family-oriented situations without offending someone.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Slaps breaks everything. TV's and Wii's and Dreams.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
SETHLON! just found a copy of legend of mana black label at gamelot!

(I think you check here more than facebook lol)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
Richardson, Tx
Im thinking the jackie chan cartoon is basically abunch of **** happening and he is still asking for no trouble. I lol'd!!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2009
Dallas, Tx
so i was going across reddit and i saw this pic

This is incontrol a SC2 player. For those who don't know this player,probably not that funny...here I'll translate it in a way that you would get it



Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
so i was going across reddit and i saw this pic

This is incontrol a SC2 player. For those who don't know this player,probably not that funny...here I'll translate it in a way that you would get it




Edit - SOMEONE PLAY THE NEW DISSIDIA WITH ME! </capslockiscruisecontrolforcool>


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
next month is may, change yoru OP.


The first event will take place in Austin, Texas on March 7th! A separate thread will be made for all things pertaining to that specific event. Clear your schedules because you're not going to want to miss it.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
Richardson, Tx
I ****ing hate my life. I knew as soon as i saw that big words thing. It was gonna turn into a joke about me. I'm laughing but, mad at the same time. Son of a *****!
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