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D.B.R. Presents: GENESIS! RESULTS-Melee: Mango. Brawl: To Be Decided

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Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
I second this, as long as we dont have another pound 3 in which they had to desperately find a separate venue to finish singles at 2am

in my defense, i already had the backup venue situation just in case things went wrong.

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
Just wanted to state that it's not as if we have ruled out the possibility of holding Brawl crews. We've been doing some mock scenarios with different pool sizes and rounds based on different #'s of entrants and how many work their way into the Bracket, and while it *will* be difficult to hold regional crews for both games, it is by no stretch impossible with the right planning.

In the end, it's all going to come down to us having the adaquate number of setup commitments to ensure that we can run as many simultaneous pools & bracket matches as possible. Should we meet our goals, we might still be able to fit in both crew battles (though we may just save the Grand Finals of each crew battle for Sunday to coincide with all the other event finals matches). What this will mean, however, is that:

1.) We will attempt to run at least a full round of pools Friday evening. This will most likely be either Melee or Brawl Teams, as we only plan on having 1 round of pools for the teams event prior to reaching the bracket.

2.) Depending on which crew battle we schedule on friday first, we will have to begin around NOON to ensure we can finish all non-grand-final matches on Friday before we have to begin the pool matches.

3.) Depending on how strapped for time we get, we might just run all the Teams Pools matches on Friday while the Crew Battles are taking place. Though if it appears we don't need to do so, we will be able to provide friendlies only while the crew battles are taking place. More on this at a later date though.

King Out


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
right, but that's just a baseless assertion

whereas i'm saying you can configure them such that they take the same amount of time, and since each "crew battle" involving 15-20 players only requires one setup, time is the only constraint

barlw-bashing is stupid and pointless when you're actually trying to get something done, especially to hypothetically satisfy 400+ people


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2007
MILFord, CT: We do moms
I have to explain this? You're slacking Pocky. Meta basically summed it up. It meant that if there's enough time to hold melee crews, there won't be enough time to hold brawl crews entirely during the melee one, as brawl takes significantly more time to play than melee. There is never enough time to hold brawl crews during melee crews. I figured anyone who's played both games would know this >_>

also, it's not "barlw bashing" to refer to the game being slow. It's just a fact, brawl takes longer than melee, people know this.

p.s. brawl sucks


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
One solution could be to simply lower the number of players (or number of stock) per crew. Lowering players is probably the best solution, considering there's hardly any hype for Brawl crews anyway. Also, that makes it so you can still have 3 stock per person.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
there're also people like m2k who **** at both melee and brawl, so that'd kinda screw him over.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
King, assuming Germ doesn't read the boards that often, could you tell him LoVo needs a rematch with him at Genesis? If he loses again, we're making LoVo stay in NorCal until he beats Germ in a set.

I also wouldn't mind playing you in a MM, but I hafta check and see how much I have to set aside as-is. Currently I'm challenging like... all of Cali to a MM anyway. --

If we could get CO's crew vs DBR (assuming we don't meet in Melee crews), that would make Genesis the best tournament ever, since me choking against Popsicle Patrol was the only thing that kept us from playing you guys at OC3. D:

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
King, assuming Germ doesn't read the boards that often, could you tell him LoVo needs a rematch with him at Genesis? If he loses again, we're making LoVo stay in NorCal until he beats Germ in a set.

I also wouldn't mind playing you in a MM, but I hafta check and see how much I have to set aside as-is. Currently I'm challenging like... all of Cali to a MM anyway. --

If we could get CO's crew vs DBR (assuming we don't meet in Melee crews), that would make Genesis the best tournament ever, since me choking against Popsicle Patrol was the only thing that kept us from playing you guys at OC3. D:
Lol, I'll let him know LoVo's gunning for him.

I probably won't be $MM'ing anybody at this tourney. I usually don't $MM anyways lol, to me it always felt like having to do a money match was an attempt to settle some underlining vendetta or rivalry should the two players not get the chance to compete in the tourney...and I guess I just never took the game that seriously to care. BUT if anybody wants to play a serious match against me without money just say the work, and I'll try my *** off against you either way.

Concerning CO vs DBR, it might be tough considering 1.) Due to time constraints we're only doing Regional Crew Battles (west coast, east coast, south, midwest, and like Canada & International) so that leaves individual crews who want to play each other without any set structure...although we'll try to have a TV or two set aside for that kind of stuff anyways. And 2.) Most of DBR will be running the tourney throughout the whole weekend, so it might be really difficult to find a decent time period where none of us are busy, lol. But we'll try. =p

King Out


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2006
Hiding from La Migra
I wanna get some mm's too, but i've made lists before, and 90% of those lists never happened. So if anyone wants to mm me, just find me at genesis. I won't be too hard to find, I'll be the only Mexican guy there wearing a DK tie and using DK in melee. Oh, and also, i don't mm for more than $5. Only exception being my meal match with Kage, in which case i said i'd go up to $10 on food if i lost


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2003
Concord CA
King, assuming Germ doesn't read the boards that often, could you tell him LoVo needs a rematch with him at Genesis? If he loses again, we're making LoVo stay in NorCal until he beats Germ in a set.

I also wouldn't mind playing you in a MM, but I hafta check and see how much I have to set aside as-is. Currently I'm challenging like... all of Cali to a MM anyway. --

If we could get CO's crew vs DBR (assuming we don't meet in Melee crews), that would make Genesis the best tournament ever, since me choking against Popsicle Patrol was the only thing that kept us from playing you guys at OC3. D:
...You might as well have Lovo move here after Genesis.....


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Lol, I'll let him know LoVo's gunning for him.

King Out
Aight. Sounds good to me. I'll hunt ya down at Genesis. Hopefully we can get CO v DBR. If not, oh well, we know CO woulda won anyway. We're just not sure if we'd have 2 or 3 people left afterwards. No biggie. ♥

Melee, I don't have the patience to go into 8 minutes matches in brawl, even 5 mins matches for me are absurd. Usually when you fight me matches normally don't last longer than 2 mins lol.
Yayaya. Sounds good to me, then.

GERM v LoVo will be epic as long as LoVo doesn't give Germ charity kills, mmhmm.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2003
Concord CA
GERM v LoVo will be epic as long as LoVo doesn't give Germ charity kills, mmhmm.
I like how all of Colorado's credibility comes from random friendlies some of them almost won a long a** time ago, lol. But seriously, I ain't losing to someone who tries to play like a 2003 version of myself, just sayin'. The only one who suicided in our friendlies was me, the rest was me playing paddle ball. Respect your elders biznatch.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
I just found out today, If I go to Genesis. I'm fired.
Use ninjitsu to create a shadow replication.

I like how all of Colorado's credibility comes from random friendlies some of them almost won a long a** time ago, lol. But seriously, I ain't losing to someone who tries to play like a 2003 version of myself, just sayin'. The only one who suicided in our friendlies was me, the rest was me playing paddle ball. Respect your elders biznatch.
Germ, MM.

Kage, MM. five bux or whatever.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
My boss was all 'wtf that's like the worst time ever' then I was all 'yeah but Imma do it anyway' and he's all 'whatever I'll just take a holiday then too'

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