I think PC said it best when he said how in melee, being very aggressive and super campy were both equally effective. The problem with brawl, is it's difficult to be very aggressive effectively except with certain characters, and that's what frustrates many melee players (or at least myself). That and it is much less cohesive with the removal of combos in the overall sense.
On another note, For those who continue to bash the TO (I dont see this as much now as i did last night), I tuned in to the feed after it went down, and I personally found that what Samurai Panda did with his commentary was absolutely amazing and it made the entire ending MUCH more dramatic. I personally can't stand watching brawl because it's too slow, but I'm telling ya, that tournament was epic, and it would never have happened if it ran the way so many people were bi+ching about. I think the 450+ viewers watching after midnight PST shows how much better (IMO) everything was by the way things ended up. I'm not suggesting that this is how things should go for future tournys, but quit the bashing... and thank you Samurai Panda!