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COT4 Results as I get them (COMPLETE TOP 8 RESULTS)

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Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
That "kid" has beaten Inui and Atomsk before and used to be ranked 7th in NJ "Da Puffster".

He's 16 or 17 now and he's too awesome but I'm sad NJ had to take out another NJ player :(
He beat my Marth and Pit back in September.

Nobody should care about that, lol.

The next time I played him in tournament, AKA one week after I picked MK, I easily 3-0'd him in losers finals, beating his Diddy and Snake(character I can't beat if you have a brain).


Smash Champion
Feb 29, 2008
Chi-town, come at me
Because it's epic

No joke. There should be SOME way to enforce it...like, if he's BLATANTLY avoiding you throughout most of the match, and it end after 8 minutes with say, 2+ stocks on each player, the one who was obviously forcing the camp should just automatically lose.

People say "play to win" but this is just bull****, and they know it.

Does M2K win by doing this? No. Did any of the top 8 besides apparently Spammer? No..

commenting on this

Dojo employed that very tactic vs ninjalink on norfair in their last match

and there was a 10 second rule(IE: M2K's planking rule), but even though there were only two TVs no one was paying attention to it as Lee and Ally were playing. so there was nothing any one could do.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
it doesn't make sense

how can "he be avoiding you" while you aren't avoiding him?

the notion that fights "should" happen at the middle of the stage is garbage

if they're hanging out near the edge, why can't you approach them? because they're in a better position?

if you're winning, you have the right to camp


Smash Rookie
Nov 7, 2006
M2K is from Texas :psycho:
Yea, but Lee wasn't representing Texas from what I understood. Idk, Lee's my friend and I'm from LA, so it's kind of a big deal to me, haha. But then again, I guess it doesn't matter. :p


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
And then you brought the Melee bashing. Which means both parties are guilty of it. Which still makes me right.

The "he did it first" argument stops holding water once you hit middle school.
It takes two to tango but the instigator is always looked upon worse then the person who retaliates (assuming both actions are of relative severity). Both sides are not of equal blame.

they didn't "come through" on that because stall rules are inherently unenforceable. I applaud him for taking advantage of that fact
This is very true.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008

I haven't really watched camping matches, because I get bored after a minute, so I can't really go into detail about why it can or can't be enforced.

All I'm going to say is that those who are claiming that camping and running out the clock are legit strategies: don't be a hypocrite if and when you lose to it.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2008
I cant believe I read all this thread an every other cot4 thread lol

crazy ****


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
All I'm going to say is that those who are claiming that camping and running out the clock are legit strategies: don't be a hypocrite if and when you lose to it.
why would it not be legit?

anyway, if you whiny people really wanted to be able to enforce stuff like that, you could employ something similar to the japanese rule (which counts the # of edge grabs after the match)

the problem is that any "REAL" (enforceable) rule will either not actually solve the problem or it will tread on "legitimate" strategies (even though there's no reason ledge camping isn't legitimate to begin with), causing people to be DQ'd who weren't even trying to win with the "illegitimate" tactics

point is, if camping makes brawl boring and you don't like that, you should probably not be playing brawl


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
It takes two to tango
Right, both sides yelling at each other, not one side being victimized.

It takes two to tango but the instigator is always looked upon worse then the person who retaliates.
Assuming that the retaliation is equal, or even warranted. Regardless, you either get to defend yourself or play the victim, not both. I'm not necessarily pointing you out for this, as I don't know if you have or not, but I see a lot of Brawl players claiming that Melee is bullying them and telling them their game is dumb and making them cry when, in reality, I see both happening all the time.

So both sides need to recognize that we hate each other instead of playing the victim.

(assuming both actions are of relative severity)
****, I was beaten to the punch.

Both sides are not of equal blame.
This is opinion, and mine differs with yours, meaning I am right regardless of the circumstances. Man I'm so great.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
yea are you sure those are the real placings? The TO's told me i was guaranteed 9th O_O


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
ummmm...... no? If he's got a good strategy, what's the problem? I'm not convinced that ledgecamping has been proven to be broken to the point that we need to make arbitrary rules to limit it. That seems kinda extreme..... idk, I'm not pro, but is this really accepted? It sounds even crazier than banning MK.
What game have you been playing LOL It's beyond a shadow of a doubt that Brawl promotes camping big time. That's how scrubby Diddy's are able to take out the best D3 in the world.

boo frickin hoo

they didn't "come through" on that because stall rules are inherently unenforceable. I applaud him for taking advantage of that fact


he's not there to entertain you or uphold some ill-conceived notion of honor. If camping within the rules lets him win, then let him camp

If you don't want to get camped that bad, then quit the campy game
lmao pocky, I've been through this argument too many times. We are both right in different ways about this. Let me just say that I do find certain things about Brawl very entertaining. I love using Diddy Kong and I don't even care about banning MK anymore these days. I've learned to deal with it. The reason I quit Brawl is because of the playstyles. How on Earth do you find it fun to deal with someone who runs away the entire match? Wtf especially in a game where you have to land so many freaking hits to kill them since very few combos exist. Jesus, at least in Melee I could grab a campy Fox once with Falcon and 0-death him if I was smart enough.

because whether or not he likies it, its in his blood. you can't quit your own blood, can you?

sry thumbs, can't quit yourself.
Can't quit MD/VA either :(

I cant believe I read all this thread an every other cot4 thread lol

crazy ****
ROFL same here :laugh:


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
lmao pocky, I've been through this argument too many times. We are both right in different ways about this. Let me just say that I do find certain things about Brawl very entertaining. I love using Diddy Kong and I don't even care about banning MK anymore these days. I've learned to deal with it. The reason I quit Brawl is because of the playstyles. How on Earth do you find it fun to deal with someone who runs away the entire match? Wtf especially in a game where you have to land so many freaking hits to kill them since very few combos exist. Jesus, at least in Melee I could grab a campy Fox once with Falcon and 0-death him if I was smart enough.
competitive gaming isn't inherently about the fun. it's about winning.

and who knows; maybe the camper has fun doing what he's doing? how can you say that it's more important for you (as a spectator in this case, no less) to have fun than for him to have his own version of fun?

brawl is conducive to campy playstyles


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
What game have you been playing LOL It's beyond a shadow of a doubt that Brawl promotes camping big time. That's how scrubby Diddy's are able to take out the best D3 in the world.

lmao pocky, I've been through this argument too many times. We are both right in different ways about this. Let me just say that I do find certain things about Brawl very entertaining. I love using Diddy Kong and I don't even care about banning MK anymore these days. I've learned to deal with it. The reason I quit Brawl is because of the playstyles. How on Earth do you find it fun to deal with someone who runs away the entire match? Wtf especially in a game where you have to land so many freaking hits to kill them since very few combos exist. Jesus, at least in Melee I could grab a campy Fox once with Falcon and 0-death him if I was smart enough.

Can't quit MD/VA either :

ROFL same here :laugh:

i'm happy u see it the melee way ...

i mean brawl is fun dont get me wrong ... but imo it shouldn't b a tournament game ... its all about cheap tactics ... barely any pressure unless u have projectiles ... very stupid imo lol


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2005
Southeast Michigan
yea are you sure those are the real placings? The TO's told me i was guaranteed 9th O_O
No, I'm not. Who did you lose to in winners?

I may have some more results...

AndyG says in this post that he tied with Azen, Snakeee, Anti, Kismet, and Dapuffster for 17th
I checked it, but that doesn't make sense, given the fact that they didn't finish all of the 17th placers before they closed at 10 PM, and none of those guys made it to chibo's apartment.


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
You know...this is some crazy nonsense.

The "he did it first" doesn't work...in the court of law. If you happen to start a fight with someone, lose, and get beaten badly....guess who gets the worse sentence? The guy that beat you up. If it's an even fight...you BOTH get just as bad of a sentence. In essence...so long as you had PART in it, and exchanged blows, you're just as guilty. That's how the law works. We're not in school, so we go by that. You only get away if you took measures to defend yourself, which sadly, and no offense Alpha...that wasn't the case. You could have said something like, "We'll see at Genesis" or something non-insulting. Ragging on Melee turnouts just makes you guilty. I'm not saying the initial comment wasn't wrong, either, but someone's gotta be the bigger man and walk away. Come to think of it....in school...the "he did it first" doesn't work either. If you hit back...you both get suspended.

As far as the top 8 go, Spam went Wario against Ally. Spam is my Hero, xD.

As far as M2K goes...quit whining, he won. Good stuff, bro. Good stuff to Ally, you're a beast no matter what. You'll get him eventually.

As far as the camping thing is concerned: Get over it, it's a part of the game. They said it...Dojo did it to NinjaLink. You wanna win that badly, you had better be prepared to take it to some sort of extreme when it's this big. Sure, you MIGHT be able to win in the fray, but when you want to guarantee it...play to win. Play how you KNOW you're going to win. Even Ken did it, (no Johns anyone who claims it's only Eastcoast) and he won with it. Is it annoying? Yes. Does it win? Yes. Should it be done for a whole match? Maybe not....but it happens.

Let me ask you a question: How did Ali beat George Foreman? OH MY FREAKING GOD!!! HE CAMPED!!! If it's unsure...camp. It's like when people block and stay away until they get an opening in any other fighting game. Or they just stay away and bait people into their own combos/moves.

Oh, and the other thing....who said anybody underestimated anyone? Come off it, and stop feelin' yourselves. There was talk that Texas was good before this. Good stuff to Texas, but whoever said people were underestimating...eh....someone is going to surprise people. Vex surprised people by beating Azen. NinjaLink still placed 5th even though Inui was saying "There are so many people that have surpassed him." (No that's not an offense to you. I kept it in my mind about Texas being good 'cuz of you.) Inui and Atomsk not getting second, xD. I mean...lots of things happened that people weren't expecting. This happens, let's keep it positive by saying that people really stamped a name for themselves on a national level.

Good stuff to everyone out there. Chu reppin' Kirby to the fullest. Spam doing some amazing stuff with Wario, get at him. M2K unleashing the DMBrandon aggro style of MK on Ally. Superknight the second coming. NinjaLink just bein' cool, xD. Ally handlin' business. Dojo reppin' hard for his region. Much love for everyone at the tournament. They got everyone on Brawl...even those who don't play for this one night, xD. That, my friends is epic.

P.S.- Chibo, I hope you're feelin' better, bro.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Sooo....Texas did pretty good at this for not having our 4 best players there :p.


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
we can talk about playing to win all day. if the game is stupid or no fun, no one will play it.
This is being quoted for its abundance of truth


for anybody just coming in...
I am now going to attempt to overview all the big storys of this tourney

*Random Ike Guy (RIG) 3 stocked M2K (lol joke)
Pools started 6-7 hours late.
Dojo 2 stocked M2K in tourney. (not a joke)
Atomsk lost to anther and got camped out of the tourney by a lesser known diddy
Azen got beat by anti and Vex Kasrani
online players (Judge and Ally) are good in off line tourneys
Anti's mom knocked him out of winners AND Losers adn had to take him home.
Inui and Atomsk lost to a non M2K team
teh spamerer beat inui and atomsk in two on ones TWICE.
M2K got SUUUUUPER pissed and got the "angry PC Chris face" when he lost a game to Snakeee and Spam in doubles
Malcolm didnt play Sonic NEARLY as much as he should have.
Atomsk and DKsmash started a riot chanting "Money Back" and "eff Chibo"
SamuraiPanda was still commentating on the matches while riots were happening.
Rent a Cops shut the venue down.
tourney ended at 4 AM at Chibos house.
**The LAPD came to philadelphia
Teh Spamerer >>> Michigan
SuperKnight lost a ton of money.

And lastly...

Inui johns WAYYYYYYY too much.

did I miss anything?
ill only do this once.

* There was an Ike player in one of the pools, he got JV 3 stocked by everyone in his pool. Although, he did beat ProBrawler. The person commentating on his matches didnt know his name, so they just called him the random Ike guy. a.k.a. RIG. He was so epically bad, that we made a meme out of it.

**When the rent a cops were forcing the smashers from the venue Keitaro was commenting on a match. And he mistakenly called the security LAPD. He said LAPD as a general term for cops, we lawled at the fact that keitaro was talking about los angeles police beign in philadelphia and made a meme out of it.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Something I learned in life, is to never agree with a pessimist. Your life will end up being so depressing.

Stop talking so negatively...
i'm not the one being negative

i'm defending brawl players who play the game the way (i believe) it was meant to be played

note that not once have >I< called the game "stupid" or "boring". I myself still play brawl, go to brawl tournaments, and generally have an okay time (though I'd never choose it over a melee tournament -_-). I am a bit annoyed that the brawl community, but I like the game itself, for the most part

I don't recall being the one that said...

Who won by camping and pure dumb luck from two horribly ****ty stages. It's true, I saw parts of it. The guy looked like he was 14. I also talked with several friends who played that Diddy in pools and said he camped everyone and ran the timer on another friend of mine.

I hope that kid dies.
dies for what? not entertaining someone in a video game that he paid money to play?

if people want to "fix" brawl by changing the way the game works or plays out in the future, so be it... but fact of the matter is, when THIS tournament (and specifically THAT match that he is referencing) happened, everything the player did was perfectly acceptable, and there are no grounds to be angry about it

The "he did it first" doesn't work...in the court of law. If you happen to start a fight with someone, lose, and get beaten badly....guess who gets the worse sentence? The guy that beat you up. If it's an even fight...you BOTH get just as bad of a sentence. In essence...so long as you had PART in it, and exchanged blows, you're just as guilty. That's how the law works. We're not in school, so we go by that. You only get away if you took measures to defend yourself, which sadly, and no offense Alpha...that wasn't the case. You could have said something like, "We'll see at Genesis" or something non-insulting. Ragging on Melee turnouts just makes you guilty. I'm not saying the initial comment wasn't wrong, either, but someone's gotta be the bigger man and walk away. Come to think of it....in school...the "he did it first" doesn't work either. If you hit back...you both get suspended.
that's simply not true

in the "self-defense" argument, you WON the fight (hey, you killed the guy! and you're still alive), but 'he started it' means you get off scot-free

not that this is relevant at all to the discussion; brawl-haters indulging melee-haters and vice versa really helps nobody... but just pointing out that you're wrong with your analogy


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Something I learned in life, is to never agree with a pessimist. Your life will end up being so depressing.

Stop talking so negatively...
No, but it's right. If you don't like the game, don't play it. That way we don't hear whining all day, and can enjoy the game. Hmm, maybe that's what you meant after all? idk :laugh:

If you don't want to play a campy game, either don't play Brawl, or find ways to beat those strategies. Pick one. If it's going to be the second, then don't complain about the camping, because you're asserting you think it's a beatable strategy by trying to beat it.

It's possible that Brawl should degenerate to infinite, unbeatable ledgestalling. I think this needs to be proven, though. There's no problem with camping, but there's a problem if matches always run to time because players start the match by running to opposite ends of the stage and waiting for a disadvantaged approach. I don't think we quite see that happening. Let's have some reservation before we start using arbitrary rules like count-the-ledgehops :urg:


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
No, I'm not. Who did you lose to in winners?
I lost to m2k. But before that i beat rush, basic sausage, seibrik and snakeee. So if u were to look into the bracket, if i were to beat m2k (LOL) i wouldve faced dojo.


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
Actually, I'm not wrong, considering I've seen the situation FAIL in the self defense aspect many times. One guy get jumped by 5 with weapons. He beats them up, and HE gets charged with the assault. My analogy isn't, wrong, Pocky. You gotta realize that the law isn't as sweet as people think it is. Self Defense doesn't come through all the time...heck, the only time it does come through is if and ONLY if the other person can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had no choice. (There are even more BS situations to that, but I won't get into it.)

Edit: Look at what happened to Chris Tucker. HE got attacked, defended himself and who ended up in jail? HIM.


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
KID you also forgot when Snakeee and spam beat Lee and m2k the first time, m2k's face turned into angry Pc Chris.

I've seen that face, and I laughed hysterically when D1 said it.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
Lee is from Louisiana, not TX.

to my knowledge, Vex has mained DDD, but used bowser this tourney? He HAD to have also used DDD...no way.
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