General feedback from people I played on the weekend with the beta 4 codeset: Idea (2nd best Melee Jiggs player in EC Canada), Kirbykaze (Best Melee Shiek in Canada), Europhoria (Beat Wife in a Melee tournament set... <_< <3 you Wifey!)
debatable =) someone was saying that...i think bernard, 4-stocked jarc's jiggs repeatedly. and bernard said my jiggs is better but that jarc as a player overall is better. not that it's a big deal, just going for accuracy, hehe
okay, adding on to what you've said here...
metaknight: i think one of the main reasons he's still broken is that now he can techchase. i had no trouble getting things like dthrow, techchase dthrow, techchase upsmash, upair, upair, up-b...and if you get the up-b backwards and near the edge (which you should be after all that running around) then they will likely die from it <_<
i mean, he still has his crazy *** range and priority, but now he can legitimately combo you too?
i imagine the way to counter him would be to take a floaty character with projectiles and camp him to death. either that, or just someone with more range than him. game and watch might work, actually.
game and watch: he's good. his moves are really strong, just like in normal brawl, so that certainly helps now that you can follow people and combo with him too. but he runs slowly (right, that reminds me - metaknight can run fast. helps with chasing people). so he can't techchase all that well.
and...we weren't playing very campy. one of game and watch's main strengths seem to be his range (and power) on his aerials, so what i should have been doing was spending much more time spacing bairs with him. but that's boring so i didn't. just something to keep in mind - none of us were really testing alternative strategies with our characters.
i'd put him in upper high tier or lower top tier.
peach: i'm not even sure why she's good. i guess it's that, in comparison with melee peach, she retains her power but gains speed. i don't have a good grasp on how to play peach, but her moves seemed to work despite that =P dash attack is really good, i think at one point it went through someone's shield with one hit and knocked them up with the next. she probably has a bunch of crazy combos.
i dunno. peach is good, even without turnips. someone figure out why =)
snake: still really good. didn't feel any different. i bet he can combo out of mines and grenades now, though. that would be so cool...
jiggs: LOL she's too good. rest is stronger than in melee, i'm pretty sure (if someone has explicitly said that, my bad, i haven't read anything in this thread =P). pretty easy to get rests and they kill more easily. and it seems harder to punish her for it when she misses or you die off the side. overall she feels about the same as melee, but keep in mind no one played meta/snake/g&w/etc. against my jiggs.
so this is all a bit speculative, since i only played this version of brawl+ for part of one day. the only one i really feel comfortable talking about is metaknight. and that's cause he's so simple. he's good at everything, that's why he's good.
sorry this is so disorganized, i'm just typing stuff as it comes to mind...sanuzi, i disagree that spot dodging is overly good. in regular brawl it was amazing, but then people just started waiting for it and predicting it. this should be even less of a problem now that everyone is faster. it will likely still be very good with metaknight, but hey, big surprise there. i think this was just us being unfamiliar with it.
metaknight - best; super strong + melee sheikish combos
game and watch - just as strong, now with combos and fast
snake - probably still high or top tier
peach - good somehow
jiggs - lololol just as irritating
bowser - none of us played him cause no one cares
hopefully we can practice this more at grmo's biweekly this weekend.