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Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
* wants hylian totake notice most responces are from 07 and 08 members*

the marth grabs on ness and lucas can be gotten out of. many people have already admitted this. and lets say(for the sake of argument) they couldnt. i can limit marths grabs to 3 as i did with the IC. i can limit dededes to 3 or 5. i can limit all grabs to 3. now that is chagning brawl drasticly, that truly will affect texas brawl. but if u limit ONE character(ic) and thats all.......it will not effect texas brawl as a whole. i know, i run 80% of all texas brawl events.

and to the rest of you, i do not run texas. i run houston,tx. brawl will not collaps if IC infini CG is banned. plz wake up.
Ahem. *clears throat*.
I'm from Houston Texas. I'm an "08 member" even though I've been reading the boards since 04 for Melee Advanced Tactics and I think I speak for the rest of the Texans, if not the rest of smash boards when I say this:

Either limit it all or limit nothing. Doing a half-*** job of limiting things is the only thing thats going to "chagn brawl drasticly" as you put it.


Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
Lets try not to make this such a big deal. When someone gets handled by a character enough times and lacks the mindgame compatibility to adapt to a technique they are obviously going to have a distaste for what they keep getting owned by. And that is the case here.
This is just 'one' failure who decides to ban what he lacks the skill to defend against. This failure just happens to be a major host of Texas tournaments so what he says, goes. Dont think this will become so widespread that it will end up being a general rules of all tournaments, because thats not reality.

Hylian, good job putting this guy to shame. Alot of people will see this thread and this guy will surely get a reputation as a pud. Cheers.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2008
* wants hylian totake notice most responces are from 07 and 08 members*

the marth grabs on ness and lucas can be gotten out of. many people have already admitted this. and lets say(for the sake of argument) they couldnt. i can limit marths grabs to 3 as i did with the IC. i can limit dededes to 3 or 5. i can limit all grabs to 3. now that is chagning brawl drasticly, that truly will affect texas brawl. but if u limit ONE character(ic) and thats all.......it will not effect texas brawl as a whole. i know, i run 80% of all texas brawl events.

and to the rest of you, i do not run texas. i run houston,tx. brawl will not collaps if IC infini CG is banned. plz wake up.
I fail to see how it's fair to hamper only one character, ICs aren't exactly broken tier you know. Sure, limiting one character is not going to effect Brawl that much. Sure, eliminating one of a character's most useful tactics isn't going to effect Brawl that much. Sure, tripping's not going to effect Brawl that much, etc. etc. But when you start adding all of the small stuff up, it starts to have more drastic effects. As Corner-Trap stated, tournaments are competitive by nature. It is a test of skill. It is not there so we can all leave with a happy-go-lucky smile on our face. People can deal with CGs. They dealt with it in Melee, they deal with it now with other not-IC characters. Just because CGs are annoying doesn't mean they're the end all. If you'd notice, ICs do not dominate every tourney, and not everyone spams them like D3, MK, Marth, Snake, etc. Though, yes you're entitled to managing your tournaments the way you want, but I'm also free to state my opinions.



Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
Thousand Oaks, CA
Either limit it all or limit nothing. Doing a half-*** job of limiting things is the only thing thats going to "chagn brawl drasticly" as you put it.

Banning is ridiculous to begin with, but half-***** banning is the worst.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2007
That was a very intelligent post Eizon. =)

I'd like to state my own opinion on the matter as well (get prepared for a novel)...

Banning the Ice Climbers' chain grabs may not seem to have an extraordinary impact on Brawl. However, the banning of any technique will definitely alter the competitive brawl scene.

Chain grabbing, which is used by a fairly wide array of characters, has embedded itself in the metagame of Brawl already. Removing this technique, even for one character, could hamper the development of a competitive atmosphere.

Think of it this way: -The Ice Climbers can chain throw.
-Those who play as other character recognize this fact and adjust their strategies accordingly.
-The effectiveness of the Ice climbers' grab game is significantly diminished.
-Ice Climber mains develop new strategies.
- Those who main other characters try to create counter-techniques.

And so the competitive growth process continues...

Basically, the removal any character specific technique in brawl, no matter how small, ultimately changes its metagame. Other characters, as absurd as it may sound, can improve by facing effective techniques like chain-grabbing.

That is what fighting games are: You compete against other players, make note of their tendencies and strategies, and you adjust in order to win.

Please Xyro, take what I and others have said into careful consideration.

At the very least, I ask that you please postpone banning such a technique until brawl has developed more. That way, you can make the best decision possible regarding the banning of techniques.

Thanks to all those who have taken the time to read this post.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
No No No!

Listen to the community, nobody wants IC CG's banned, ( not even people who don't main IC)

I urge all other tourny hosters to not follow suit on this one...


#1 Super Grimer!
Aug 24, 2004
Will you take the SBR's opinion on the matter into consideration when they release their view on the Ice Climber's chaingrab?


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Looks like Hylian and I will have to be the ones to show that chain grabbing isn't all the Ice Climbers have going for them at this next tournament (From what I remember, we were the only two there that ever used Ice Climbers).

I'll continue working on my solo climber skills.


Smash Cadet
May 4, 2008
Looks like Hylian and I will have to be the ones to show that chain grabbing isn't all the Ice Climbers have going for them at this next tournament (From what I remember, we were the only two there that ever used Ice Climbers).

I'll continue working on my solo climber skills.
I have to agree with you on that one. Even though I'm probably not as pro as some of these ICs I have been maining them since before I knew CGs for Ice Climbers existed and I did just fine with other ways of playing. And solo ice climber can definately survive as well. Its good that you don't give up on ICs just because one of their techniques is banned, even though I personally feel it shouldn't be.


Smash Cadet
Mar 27, 2008
The IC chaingrabs should be banned. One time, someone used them on me, and they hurt my feelings :(.
Someone hurts my feelings every time they use link and pogo stick me. Do I whine and complain? Yes. A lot. But I don't think it should be banned!

Point is just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's unfair.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I have to agree with you on that one. Even though I'm probably not as pro as some of these ICs I have been maining them since before I knew CGs for Ice Climbers existed and I did just fine with other ways of playing. And solo ice climber can definately survive as well. Its good that you don't give up on ICs just because one of their techniques is banned, even though I personally feel it shouldn't be.
Same here, I started maining the Ice Climbers since the day I started playing Melee, I didn't even know things like desyncing and chain throws existed until a couple months ago, so I have the normal fighting down better than most people I see that use them. Still, I've spent countless hours practicing these throws on different characters, so far I've finally gotten the 0% death timing down on marth, ike, and mario, and now I'm working on pikachu. But I don't see much use for it now...


Smash Rookie
Apr 28, 2008
brooklyn ny
In Soviet Russia, Ice Climbers chain grab bans you!

Can you get this guy to ban the Marth chain grab on Ness and Lucas too? I'm sure all the Texan Ness and Lucas players will love that.
im sorry, this is unrelated, but the soviet russia part was the funniest thing i have ever heard
On the related part, banning a cg is just being a scrub, but banning an infinite i can see, although it is stretching it to outright ban it. If a limitation of sorts can be found (for the infinite), i would agree, but simply not allowing a viable move for the IC's seems a little strange.
hahaha, i make myself sad...


Smash Cadet
May 4, 2008
Same here, I started maining the Ice Climbers since the day I started playing Melee, I didn't even know things like desyncing and chain throws existed until a couple months ago, so I have the normal fighting down better than most people I see that use them. Still, I've spent countless hours practicing these throws on different characters, so far I've finally gotten the 0% death timing down on marth, ike, and mario, and now I'm working on pikachu. But I don't see much use for it now...

Nice. I haven't been able to get the 0% death done on anybody yet myself. I suppose technically I can do it against DeDeDe but I can't get the timing for the backthrows, just forwad and downthrow. I work on it everyday though whenever Im not brawling a friend on wifi or something. I just go to training mode and toss characters around for hours hahaha.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
No No No!

Listen to the community, nobody wants IC CG's banned, ( not even people who don't main IC)

I urge all other tourny hosters to not follow suit on this one...
true that... I main ROB and I think that banning chaingrabbing is like taking away the essence of ICs. it's almost as if Sakurai programmed the IC's to CG. you might as well go and ban EVERY spammable and annoying move...

Deleted member

true that... I main ROB and I think that banning chaingrabbing is like taking away the essence of ICs. it's almost as if Sakurai programmed the IC's to CG. you might as well go and ban EVERY spammable and annoying move...
QFT even if you dont main IC's you can still see the idiocy of banning a move because you got ***** by it


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Nice. I haven't been able to get the 0% death done on anybody yet myself. I suppose technically I can do it against DeDeDe but I can't get the timing for the backthrows, just forwad and downthrow. I work on it everyday though whenever Im not brawling a friend on wifi or something. I just go to training mode and toss characters around for hours hahaha.
It just took a lot of practice. Orriginally I could only do the Down Throw combo, then I practiced the one where nana jumps up and spikes out of a grab, then I practiced the forward throw one (which took forever to learn), then I practiced the backthrow combo (which took way too long for a throw in the combo that isn't used that often). And now all I have to do is chain until my opponent has about 85%-100% dammage to have Nana throw the opponet into my charged up smash to kill them, the hard part is getting that far xD.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Well we all know Hylian's dropping IC's now since they arent Top Tier anymore.

I hope they dont ban this..

*Is scared for Dedede*


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2006
Cincinnati, OH
You've got to be kidding me. Brawl has been out for a couple months, meta games for all the characters have barely started to surface, and you're banning an integral part of a character's game because it won somebody a couple of games? Why are you trying to hamper the game's development like that? Everybody who lives in the Houston area, I strongly suggest you boycott this guy's tournaments until he rescinds on this. This sort of crap shouldn't be tolerated.


Smash Rookie
May 8, 2008
Westampton, New Jersey
Although I have never been subject to an infinite grab, let alone witnessed one preformed by the Ice Climbers, I have to agree with the majority opinion that it is wrong to ban this technique.

Firstly, it is much to early in the develope of the meta game to be making such large, potentially damaging decisions. If the Ice climbers Infinite grab were banned on a wide scale it would result in a drastically different meta game, one potentially without many grab avoidance strategies which I expect to be developed over time. This removal results in a less complex metagame, which I would argue is inferior.

Secondly it leads to a slippery slope argument. If the Ice Climbers infinite grabs are broken enough to be banned, what else should we ban?

Thirdly, is it fair to remove an intergral portion of the Ice Climbers game? I would consider it intergral as from my perspective (note: I do not main ice climbers and have only ever used them once) to the character as a whole revolves around them being two of them and the cool tricks that you can execute with the two of them, so removing this part of their grab game would take a large chunk of the character away. Taken in context most Meta Knight players would object to loosing the mach tornado and likewise Pit players would object to loosing the Palutena's Arrows.

Overall, I would have to say that we should wait on such a decision until the metagame has developed more and not jump to banning the technique immediately, but only if we see that tournaments are preety much composed of only Ice Climbers, since as I understand it they are resistant to their own chain grab.


#1 Super Grimer!
Aug 24, 2004
Ya know, if people didn't all play the same character all the time it would be harder for Ice Climbers to consistently chaingrab people. Different weight different timing. Maybe the Ice Climbers will be able help force the issue of overcrowding certain characters when they all get the reflex down for Snake, Metaknight, and Dedede. lol


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2005
Chicago, IL
Ya know, if people didn't all play the same character all the time it would be harder for Ice Climbers to consistently chaingrab people. Different weight different timing. Maybe the Ice Climbers will be able help force the issue of overcrowding certain characters when they all get the reflex down for Snake, Metaknight, and Dedede. lol
You've got a point. Learning IC infinite grab on every character perfectly every time even while going through different opponents is pretty much an impossible skill to master. You may get the timing down for all characters, but as soon as you get used to it and win, the opponent will jsut choose a different character and you will have to remember the timing for that too, and a god player is not going to let ICs grab them more than they can avoid.

Maybe people will actually play different characters, or main/second many characters. I know I personally like to play as a whole slew of the cast, which gives me versatility. I may not be the best with any one character, but I can pull a mean counterpick.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
As soon as this game gets older(maybe in a year or 2) the ICs will be banned.

It's only a matter of time before everyone learns this(I'm trying right now).

Like Akuma in SF, ICs are too broken.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
IC's CGs shouldn't be banned...

That was a very intelligent post Eizon. =)

I'd like to state my own opinion on the matter as well (get prepared for a novel)...

Banning the Ice Climbers' chain grabs may not seem to have an extraordinary impact on Brawl. However, the banning of any technique will definitely alter the competitive brawl scene.

Chain grabbing, which is used by a fairly wide array of characters, has embedded itself in the metagame of Brawl already. Removing this technique, even for one character, could hamper the development of a competitive atmosphere.

Think of it this way: -The Ice Climbers can chain throw.
-Those who play as other character recognize this fact and adjust their strategies accordingly.
-The effectiveness of the Ice climbers' grab game is significantly diminished.
-Ice Climber mains develop new strategies.
- Those who main other characters try to create counter-techniques.

And so the competitive growth process continues...

Basically, the removal any character specific technique in brawl, no matter how small, ultimately changes its metagame. Other characters, as absurd as it may sound, can improve by facing effective techniques like chain-grabbing.

That is what fighting games are: You compete against other players, make note of their tendencies and strategies, and you adjust in order to prevail.

Please Xyro, take what I and others have said into careful consideration.

At the very least, I ask that you please postpone banning such a technique until brawl has developed more. That way, you can make the best decision possible regarding the banning of techniques.

Thanks to all those who have taken the time to read this post.

Everything I could have added has been summed up here.

IC's chain-grabs shouldn't be banned--- It's not like they are dominating the tourneys... I just saw results for a tourney where the top 6 players were Snake... I think the 4th was Meta. My point is, the IC's CGs are no easy feat, they require a TON of practice. As such, because of this steep learning curve, many players will never take to the ICs.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
It´s possible to get out really fast at low %, and even if there´s one player who makes this perfect everytime, it´s still needed to get a grab, and tripping stops this "infinites" from working every now and then.


Smash Cadet
May 4, 2008
It just took a lot of practice. Orriginally I could only do the Down Throw combo, then I practiced the one where nana jumps up and spikes out of a grab, then I practiced the forward throw one (which took forever to learn), then I practiced the backthrow combo (which took way too long for a throw in the combo that isn't used that often). And now all I have to do is chain until my opponent has about 85%-100% dammage to have Nana throw the opponet into my charged up smash to kill them, the hard part is getting that far xD.
Haha I've got the downthrow nana forward air spike down. I have the timings for every character but as previously stated in this topic when someone switches sometimes I have to get the new timing down, although this normally only happens for the larger characters, their timings bother me. But the downthrow nana forward air spike combo isn't infinite...its only 3...from 0-67% right? And actually I stumbled on to instead of forwad smashing with popo at the end of the downthrow nana spike combo and you squall hammer it can take them to about 69% Only a 2 % difference could be more...I might be missing a hit or two in there. I just thought it seemed effective.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
This is what happened with Fox, Falco, and ICs in Melee.

Everyone knew they were really good, but eventually, they almost broke the game.

Which is what this could do to the game when everyone learns it(like Fox in Melee).

But in Melee you had a plethora of options.

So, being that Brawl is very linear, ICs will probably be banned in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
What in the ****?!!!!

:mad: What kind of scrubbery is this?! Do they know how hard it is to do these grabs, let alone the different timings for each character. They don't know how to counterpick to MK or Peach, are they that scrubby?! You mean to tell me I can beat IC mains with SONIC of all people and avoid their main strengths consistently, but a whole state can't manage it?! Heck, their grabs in Melee was a hell of a lot more dangerous than in Brawl. Man, my sympathies go out to Hylian and all the other IC mains in Texas. Maybe hosting your own tourney's might help?:confused: At this point, I don't think Texas is going to have any decent Brawl players except for a few people there. To balance out this injustice, ask for the following things :chuckle::

- BAN MK!! His tornado is too powerful and his other moves have too much priority.:p
- Make The Summit legal as a counterpick lawl.
- NO CAMPING!!!! >:O
- Snake can't stick people, that's cheap :o!!!.
- Sonic can't run around anymore and can't use Spin dashes too much, he's too hard to hit if used right CHEAP!!!!
-Lucario's ability is too powerful BAN HIM TOO!!!

Can't give us this, then they shouldn't make ridiculous bans such as this.:mad:

The day this rule is everywhere is the day I actually think SRK is right about the Smash community in general (and those guys are bigger idiots not all though, I hope everyone doesn't prove them right). :urg:


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
This is what happened with Fox, Falco, and ICs in Melee.

Everyone knew they were really good, but eventually, they almost broke the game.

Which is what this could do to the game when everyone learns it(like Fox in Melee).

But in Melee you had a plethora of options.

So, being that Brawl is very linear, ICs will probably be banned in Brawl.
How did ICs break melee? They pretty much sucked in melee except against shiek/spacies. Let's count the characters that owned ICs in melee:


I'm probably forgetting someone.

Let's count the list of characters that beat Fox:


And now they don't even have wavedashing. Ice climbers are such an awful character. Yes, in brawl they do own with their gay chain grabs, but they are also very easy to counterpick. A lot of characters can keep them separated really well and anyone with a projectile stops their desyncs, which are really predictable anyway. Their approach is awful, so they have to mostly rely on shieldgrabs, which I don't see them getting often against anyone with good spacing.

Banning anything to do with the ice climbers is laughable to me.


Smash Rookie
Mar 27, 2006
Oh boy, here comes the ban-hammer. Xyro, I just ask you to consider what you're doing, mainly because of the infancy of the game. We seem to forget what characters such as sheik could do to a lot of the characters in melee. It seems as though until more than a few of your friends complain about a couple chain grabs in a couple of games, the likeliness of it actually being a true problem is questionable. Sure, IC CG's are obnoxious, but so are things like a character truely committed to playing a defensive/camping based game (Olimar players come to mind). Neutering a character is not helping the community, it only hampers development that could be created from playing or playing against such "broken" techniques. So, I'd just say that some of the Texas community needs to step up and hold some tournaments.

Hylian, I'm sorry to hear that you're the first to experience such blatant disregard for competitive development, but it's your G&W we should worry about, anyway, right?


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Finch is correct.

Even someone who is completely amazing at chain throws... I cannot imagine him defeating a solid Metaknight.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Wow, thats honestly so gay, Just because he wasnt as good as you, and cant find a way around getting grabbed, doesn't mean he should be allowed to ban it. Thats just being a Scrub right there.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
WOW, theres been lots of posts about this since i left. So let the explaining begin!!!

1. Lets talk melee for a sec. In melee wobbling/infinite chain grabbing(ICG) were never OFFICIALy banned. The back room took the easy way out(are were afraid of the backlash if they decided to ban it) and decided to let the tournament host create the rules. So in Brawl, I dont give a **** about backlash and i will take the stand of stoping the train wreck before it happens. And what i mean by that is this: i have seen time and time again(and most of you have to, although u wont admit it) that there have been matches in melee and brawl where player 1 is clearly better than player 2 (based of of previous tourney placings/MMs) but yet player 2 pulls off a wobble or ICG due to a single grab and take a match from player 1. Tell me is this "fair"?

2. Dont get grabed! Play smarter! Again, these are common counter attacks from people who most like-ly are 07-08 members (people who cant tell a apple from a rhinoceros). In brawl, shield stun has been reduced GREATLY or maybe even eliminated in some cases! This means that if the attack hits the IC shield, its a grab. Unless u space perfectly, and even then(since there isnt L canceling) u may still be grabed. WD and L-canceling are gone, those 2 things played a major roll in how people got out out of situations, now that its gone.....IC have an advantage here. If you even try to fight this, you have sheer poop for brains.

3. "Well if you ban/semi ban the ICG then u gotta ban XYZ that character XYZ can do." How about you STFU, stop smoking pot and realize that the MAIN REASON why i am banning this ICG. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ESCAPE IT UNLESS THE IC MESSES UP OR THEY ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO GET HIT BY THE LEVEL ENVIORNMENT. 2ndly, falco CG,dedede CG,marth CG on ness/lucas have all been PROVEN to be escape-able. If you want proof of this, go to ****ing youtube and look.

4. Arguments like "well a good meta/snake/marth/falco/ect would never lose to this ICG business". Do you know how easy it is to pull off a grab? Just one per stock is not hard. There isnt a pro or noob that does not get grabbed. Again, since the shield system is grab friendly, it makes it even more viable to grab. not to mention u can send out nana to grab well ahead of you. Also, think of it this way: YOU have to stop ALL grabs, THEY only need ONE.

5. Some might counter with "oh yea well what about tripping?!?! HA since there are 2 climbers that means there chances of tripping are double, so there IS a way around it". My retort is this: plz go drink iodine and die. Since tripping is EXTREMLY rare and the fact that you only need ONE grab per stock........who cares if u trip 3 times. All u needed was ONE GRAB. And please dont retort with "well practice on not getting grabbed", it doesnt work like that and ALL of you know it. THEY NEED ONE GRAB.

5a. Hylian, if you read this before u check out the houston thread, plz go read my post in the houston thread. Im willing to make a deal with you.

6. Some people claim that the ICG is EXTREMLY hard to do and its even harder cause its different per character. I FULLY AGREE!!!! Except when all u see is a max of 10 characters per tourney, its kinda easy to remember the timing for only 10 characters. I swear on anthing you want that if you sit down for 2-3 weeks and practice ICG it will become easier. So the arguement of "its super hard to do so it shouldnt be banned' is retared.

7. Just like our president(wether you like or dislike him) i am taking out the trash(ICG) BEFORE it starts to stink(cause problems or screw up tourney results). I am not claiming that the world will all pick up IC to win tournies. its not about winning tournies. Its about IC beating people who are clearly better than they are due to ICG.

8. When you people respond. I ASK that you PLZ take it from my point of view and at least ATTEMPT to consider how it feels for people who get 3 and 4 stocked from ICG hen in reality they may have been the better player.

9. I will run my tournaments how i see fit. if you cant handle that......plz commit suicide.

PS: i hope this clears some things up. And plz forgive me for my bad spelling.
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