Again you fail to READ MY POSTS! I am not saying ICG or wobbling will win tournaments. Im saying how many times has a wobble or ICG beat some on in tourney when the player who was wobbled or ICG could have won the match if it was banned?
So, by your reasoning, anything that might tilt the competitive advantage such that one player who would have lost otherwise should be banned, correct?
Well, different stages favor different characters. Let's ban all but Final Destination.
Proper use of Fox's Shine can turn battles around. Let's ban that.
And, of course, it's likely that people fighting Kirby, Dedede, Metaknight, Charizard, Pit or Jigglypuff would have SO much of an easier time if no hovering or past-triple-jumps was allowed.
Your maxim, in short, breaks down to a reducio ad absurdum world of ultimate scrubhood. The maxim that tournaments should be organized is NOT, "Would X player have won minus the use of Y tactic?", but rather, "Is Y tactic so incredibly overpowered and apparently poorly thought by the designers that it irrevocably alters tournament play and single-handedly causes a particular character(s) to ascend artificially?" You haven't even TRIED to demonstrate latter point, namely because your butt has been handed to you on a platter by pretty much everyone here on that issue.
Plz dont use zelda to shiek example. That transformation does NOTHING even slightly close to what IC can do with their ICG. I would expect that comment from an 07- 08 member.
Why not? The transformation gives smart Zelda/Shiek players, especially in Brawl (Melee not so much) access to an array of competitive strategies that can turn a battle around quickly, and therefore prevent "the more skilled player" (don't we determine "the more skilled player" by who wins the match?) from winning. This is on a much greater scale than one tactic which is inherently interruptable (as testing here has shown) and so by your logic should be INFINITELY worse.
Bear in mind that you are banning not a tactic that a number of characters use but essentially one character's tactic. The only possible outcome of this is less use of that character, which hurts the meta-game.
Are you sure you didnt steal an 06 account? Because that was pretty d@mn ******** what u said. I dont need to know you or see any of your matches to know u get grabbed. every one on earth gets grabed. YOU CANNOT PREVENT YOUR SELF FROM GETTING GRABED IN BRAWL. ESPECIALY WHEN MOBILIT HAS BEEN GREATLY REDUCED FROM WHERE IT WAS IN MELEE. I thought you knew that but maybe you didnt take notes in class.
Apparently not, since actual empirical testing has shown a) that this tactic is clearly not so abusive that it single-handedly wins tournaments (not even you have claimed that) and b) that various tripping, dodging, and mobility elements do at least mitigate if not almost eliminate the risk.
good thing this has never happened to me and it never will. ive hosted/ran/help run over 50 smash events.......and im still going strong.
So have other tournaments that have fallen into disrepute.
How about i ban somthing that cant be escaped from and dont worry about questions.
Because apparently it CAN be escaped from given that not everyone lost to IC even with chain grab attempts. YOU might not be able to escape from it, but that is far from the community consensus.
there is no need to force those Metas/snakes/rob/g&w to use different chars because of a move that u cant escape from. u ban the move. simple.
A) YOU aren't "forcing" them. The competitive nature of the metagame is. That's what tournaments are all about. QED.
B) Why do the rights of MK/Snake/Rob/G&W players beat the rights of IC players? If their characters are viable, indeed dominant (at least MK and Snake, given tournament results), and if IC players therefore function as a counterweight, what happens? A) Those players either learn to play MK/Snake/etc. more creatively and thus avoid a tactic or learn to be able to play multiple characters. Either way, their skills improve. B) People who previously sailed to easy victories with the above four will consider changing their mains, and new players will also be forced to experiment with others. This leads to a richer and more complex character choice and therefore a better metagame.
Down the line, this action freezes innovation and makes for cruddier tournaments. And, as people have rightly pointed out, you also harm Texas players because those in the rest of the country who find the counter for the IC CG strategy will have developed at least one, if not two, tiers higher than your finalists and players who won your tournaments will lose ignobly in nationals.
looks like some one still doesnt understand that it takes ONE grab to take away a stock no matter how god or bad both players are. I have seen HORRIBLE players PERFECT the wobble or ICG and beat good players off of just getting 4 grabs in a match.
It happens all the time. Good players can either a) whine about it or b) ascend past scrubhood and develop additional skills to deal with those tactics. Might it arguably suck that even after achieving a high level of skill they STILL have to add moves to their repertoire to be competitive against all opponents? Sure. That's what makes champions.
Again, the empirical result of your prediction would be that IC would be the most dominant characters in tournaments. They're not even close. This is why the community is generally laughing at you, because the claim is absurd and even you know it, apparently...
Edit: This was a gem.
no matter what happens here, the scene will shrink to about 5-6 characters like melee did.
Putting aside that, yes, it's a premature prediction, even his formulation implicitly concedes that the pool has not shrunk thusly yet. So he's implicitly TAKING IC OUT OF THE RUNNING NOW. It's one thing when the metagame ends up electing 4-7 characters. It's quite another when TOs artificially choose which ones. Let the metagame decide those characters.