I don't buy the

negative nancy train. Even with her crappy default specials, she is not a bottom 5 character. There's just no way. All of her gimmicks make her just too flexible, and her grab reward + workable KO potential keeps an otherwise lackluster skeleton from actually being a bad character. Yes, her d-tilt sucks. Diddy's jab sucks, so hopefully Palutena mains can copy their innovative solution of
not using that move. Of course, that might not be a fair comparison since Diddy has crazy true combos out of d-throw, but... Oh wait.
I think that she is a bottom-5 character just because of the characters that she's surrounded by at the bottom. People are drastically underrating Swordfighter, Samus, and other perceived bottom-5 in this game; they are not nearly as bad as you think. Intelligently played Dededes are way more fearsome than intelligently played Palutenas with default movesets.
Her normals don't give her many options, especially in close-range situations, and she has an abnormally large hurtbox given her weight (Rosalina is comparable, but Rosalina has Luma, which keeps people out). Once you get in on Palutena she is functionally a light Ganon with bad options and better escapes from combos (just Warp, mostly; it's hard to escape with her n-air).
Now, you're making a mistake if you conflate bottom 5 with
bad. I don't think that Palutena is bad, just not above 5 or more other characters in this game.
Let it be forever known that anyone who says

is the worst character in the game is wrong. Just totally, absolutely wrong. Everyone wants to reduce Little Mac to this simplistic, binary character with a flawed design:
It seems to me that you're reducing the argument against Little Mac as well. I don't think that Little Mac is the worst character in the game because you throw him off the stage and he dies, no. Rather, he's so polarizing that I think he has more bad matchups (and more here indicates degree as well) than just about anyone else. There are many matchups where Little Mac is facing so much of an uphill climb that he you may as well select someone else, and I'm not just talking about Diddy and Sheik (though Sheik
is strong against Mac). If a tier list is meant to indicate competitive viability, then Little Mac is the least viable solo main, perhaps next to Zelda and default Swordfighter. But if your tier list doesn't value consistency (and you consider, say, secondary potential, which Little Mac does have), then LM is higher.
@people who mentioned Peach: no, she isn't just underused because she's hard to use. She also has legitimate problems against the Top Tiers. She has trouble against characters who can swat her with massive autocanceled aerials--hello Diddy, hello Sheik. Peach is a great character who oozes KO power for some reason and does massive damage and has loads of options, but it's just a case of bad MU ratios against popular characters. She probably passes the bar against Pikachu, Sonic, Olimar, Fox, ZSS... man, basically everyone! But then she's lousy against the game's two best characters (and maybe Mario/Luigi/Villager too, actually; not to sugarcoat the truth). At least for now.
If she could just get a better Sheik OR Diddy MU everything would change for her, and she would probably be Top Tier. Just one MU close to even among the top two. I think she can do it against Sheik, but it will take some development of her metagame to get there.