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P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Cactuar-What is your opinion on Marth? Honestly?

I've heard talk lately that hes definitely not second best anymore and I highly disagree with this.

best grab game....period.
best edge guard game all around.
disjointed hitbox
can chain grab and goes even w the best character in the game.
The best set of all around aerials in the game. (Sheiks dair sucks, spacies fair is horrible, peaches uair sucks, jigglys dair is horrible)
a great set of tilts.
and combos ridiculously easy even at higher levels of play.

The only problem I see with Marth is that once something is started on him hes in a whole heap of trouble because hes HORRIBLE when people are below him. He can't shine to slow him down, float across the screen likes jigs or Peach, fall fast, or anything special. He basically either has to dair and try to beat out an attack or get away and pray everything works out nicely. When he starts to get comboed he is in so much trouble but, when he starts getting something going and getting that momentum I find its very easy to keep that flow going.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
Cactuar, what do you think of Mute City for Marth? Easy to get people off the stage, easy to keep them off. Theres some AD tricks you can use to laglessly come back from under it. Whatchu thank?


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA

have any tips for fox vs samus?
Yeah. Don't worry about hitting her shield. Upb sucks. Wiggle out and punish.

Get them in the air and keep them there. Samus can't do anything.

Don't get aggressive when she is off stage. Let her on the ledge, and punish her repeatedly for trying to get back on stage.

It works for me, but I'm the type of player that doesn't care if I get someone to like 200%+ before I kill them because I really like just hitting them over and over. :laugh:

pound 4 anyone?
I'll go all Marth in singles if I go. Just for fun.

Cactuar-What is your opinion on Marth? Honestly?

I've heard talk lately that hes definitely not second best anymore and I highly disagree with this.

best grab game....period.
best edge guard game all around.
disjointed hitbox
can chain grab and goes even w the best character in the game.
The best set of all around aerials in the game. (Sheiks dair sucks, spacies fair is horrible, peaches uair sucks, jigglys dair is horrible)
a great set of tilts.
and combos ridiculously easy even at higher levels of play.

The only problem I see with Marth is that once something is started on him hes in a whole heap of trouble because hes HORRIBLE when people are below him. He can't shine to slow him down, float across the screen likes jigs or Peach, fall fast, or anything special. He basically either has to dair and try to beat out an attack or get away and pray everything works out nicely. When he starts to get comboed he is in so much trouble but, when he starts getting something going and getting that momentum I find its very easy to keep that flow going.
Um. I've always considered Marth 4th best character. His aerials aren't nearly as good as you think, given the speed and control of the other top tiers and how laggy the majority of his moves are. This is compensated by spacing, but given another player who knows Marth's spacing and timing as well as you, you will be in for a world of hurt.

Cactuar, what do you think of Mute City for Marth? Easy to get people off the stage, easy to keep them off. Theres some AD tricks you can use to laglessly come back from under it. Whatchu thank?
Marth is stronger on neutrals than any counterpick stage imo. Plus I hate CPs anyway. lol.

4% APR

Smash Champion
Sep 5, 2006
yeah i agree, marth doesnt really have any cp stages that are very good for him

maybe brinstar if you're feeling really spicy

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I agree that Marth is horrible on cp stages. MAYBE against certain characters hes good on Mute City. (Link, YL, Zelda...characters who arent often found in tournament.) I pick this stage for the lawls sometimes.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I agree that Marth is horrible on cp stages. MAYBE against certain characters hes good on Mute City. (Link, YL, Zelda...characters who arent often found in tournament.) I pick this stage for the lawls sometimes.
All you did was say that marth was good against characters...., on mute city, that are terrible at mute city.

Falco Fox and Sheik are all definitely better characters than Marth. I am not saying this with bias it is my actual opinion
hmmm, well I thougth fox and shiek but falco.
so marth sucks, his sword is really slow and doesn't stay out for more than a few frames (besides nair)
Thats why he has a day job

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I agree KAOSTAR.

I could understand Sheik being higher than Marth but definitely not Falco. Falco gets gayed by toooo many characters and has limited options with his recovery. Dr Mario, Mario, Marth, Sheik, Fox, Roy, Donkey Kong, Link, and Young Link for god sakes can destroy him off stage. The room for error for Falco is EXTREMELY low. If you make a mistake as Falco, against a good player you should be dying. Honestly, all Marth has to do in the match up is get a lead, camp the ledge....stock.

I'm not saying Roy, DK, etc are GOOD against Falco but they can **** him when hes off stage.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Howell, MI
I agree KAOSTAR.

I could understand Sheik being higher than Marth but definitely not Falco. Falco gets gayed by toooo many characters and has limited options with his recovery. Dr Mario, Mario, Marth, Sheik, Fox, Roy, Donkey Kong, Link, and Young Link for god sakes can destroy him off stage. The room for error for Falco is EXTREMELY low. If you make a mistake as Falco, against a good player you should be dying. Honestly, all Marth has to do in the match up is get a lead, camp the ledge....stock.

I'm not saying Roy, DK, etc are GOOD against Falco but they can **** him when hes off stage.
True. I don't remember what was decided - but a few pages back they were discussing whether or not the chart was based off of the metagame or specific people. I think the metagame for falco by the top players is to the point where you don't make mistakes, or big enough ones to get you off stage like that. Mango, zhu, shiz, chops, blunted, and the many others I'm missing wouldn't be where they are if they were still getting gayed.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Now that I think about it:

I think ppl tend to mistake easily gimped for lack or recovery options.

Any character can be gimped just the nature of the character makes it harder or easier. Falco just lacks distance in getting back to the stage.

With good Di falco should be able to stay alive for more than enough time. Falco has more than enough options to consistently get back.

His recovery isnt as bad as ppl say. Just gotta make smart decisions to keep from being gimped.

Marth sucks now lol

I'm Vince irl

Smash Rookie
Oct 19, 2008
Dinuba, California
Okay, I've got another question... If I were to short hop into a forward b and then waveland into a fsmash, how useful would that be? I know (to me at least) it looks pretty **** pretty when it's done, but, how useful is it?


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Okay, I've got another question... If I were to short hop into a forward b and then waveland into a fsmash, how useful would that be? I know (to me at least) it looks pretty **** pretty when it's done, but, how useful is it?
There is not enough lag from the forward B to make this combo, so it's really a matter of if you think it will connect or not. In my experience a lot of players shield after getting hit with the overB or roll/dodge so I think it's better to grab.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
yeah somehow... this move would fail for everyone who tries to do it except, ****ing m2k of course. Seeing as every ridiculous move he does actually works.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Okay, I've got another question... If I were to short hop into a forward b and then waveland into a fsmash, how useful would that be? I know (to me at least) it looks pretty **** pretty when it's done, but, how useful is it?
sh fb to fair works on most characters if the fb hits. sh fb is a really good move, because you are safe during the slash with little after lag, and you can aerial or waveland->w/e directly out of it.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I think that side b is pretty when you mix it into your fair game. SH fair to side b, side b to fair, bair to side b to whatever. Its just cool looking sometimes. Other than that fairing is just a better option.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2006
i don't find side B to be a good move while airborne, except for stalling mindgames.
if the guy is in front of you, probably best option, if you can't spike him, Fair him so he goes outside the platform. Fair can be sometimes comboed to Dair you know.. xD
also i think fair has better priority
and side b can be DIed and you miss the Fair then.

i use side b for easy pivoting since you won't dash attack, for stalling and recovery.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I think Ive stated b4 but from a side b I like to :

reverse up B


if you do down throws or fthrows and they DI in you can side b and grab them.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
i don't find side B to be a good move while airborne, except for stalling mindgames.
if the guy is in front of you, probably best option, if you can't spike him, Fair him so he goes outside the platform. Fair can be sometimes comboed to Dair you know.. xD
also i think fair has better priority
and side b can be DIed and you miss the Fair then.

i use side b for easy pivoting since you won't dash attack, for stalling and recovery.
lmao at that

also, yes they could DI out, but its hard to see coming and not many people know how to DI it. remember just because someone could do something doesn't mean they even know of that option. even if they do, its sometimes a better idea to not do it (like jumping out of sheik's chaingrab as marth, if they are waiting to punish) so never give up on punishing stuff that "shouldn't" work


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
i don't find side B to be a good move while airborne, except for stalling mindgames.
if the guy is in front of you, probably best option, if you can't spike him, Fair him so he goes outside the platform. Fair can be sometimes comboed to Dair you know.. xD
also i think fair has better priority
and side b can be DIed and you miss the Fair then.

i use side b for easy pivoting since you won't dash attack, for stalling and recovery.
lol I love comedians


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2009
kfc is my fav marth player cuz he uses red marth. he uses the blood from his victims to color his clothes. :bee:

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
kfc is my fav marth player cuz he uses red marth. he uses the blood from his victims to color his clothes. :bee:
I'm my favorite Marth player because all I do is move around really pretty and try to upsmash people. :laugh:
You, and Sean are my favorite Marth players, because you both move around really pretty. <3
Tani and Ken get the vote for me. M2K's marth is good for learning how to be gay and cactus's is random but effective :laugh:

Tanis looks the prettiest.

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