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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ('Terminal' - the 17th for Elite / 18th for non-Elite)


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
If you have Xbox Lumpy, I'd be happy to party up. I'll play whatever, I really like Kill Confirmed and Dom though.

<3 TRG.

People don't really understand sniping in Call of Duty because it's so different. It's a very potent rifle at long range, but due to the nature of the scope, you have the ability to take people out at close range. Is it reliable? No. Is it possible? Yes. It's something that I do because the situation calls for it. I don't actively go into a game saying "yeah I'm quickscoping." I say "I'm sniping." because if someone happens to jump me up close, what do you guys think I'm going to do? Sit there and die?

It bothers me that people that record gave us a bad rep. It's also funny you compare Grizz to the "kiddies" that actually manage to kill you guys. I don't like Grizz much myself, but he's a damn good player with an amazing Win/Loss. He's more of a team player than anyone here and I respect him for that. He just manages to make entertaining content and STILL WIN. As far as the children that run around trying to emulate him, just deal with it. They're free kills because few people actually know how to properly use the snipers in this game. Contrary to popular belief, snipers are actually really fun! You guys should stop being self righteous tightwads and enjoy yourselves more.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I literally haven't used any sniper in multiplayer even once.

Whiuch is strange because I really liked sniping in MW2 and BO.

I just feel like none of the maps are all that great for sniping, with the exception of Resistance, Bakaara, Lockdown and maybe Fallen.

Butr then again, I've seen people in TDM and Domionation and FFA all do really well exclusively sniping.

Alex what is your favourite sniper?

Actually I direct that question towards everyone.

I think I'll give it a whirl if I'm on tonight.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I really love the MSR and Barrett. The L1 isn't bad, I like the AS50 but it has a terrible scope, and the others are average.

This might sound crazy, but I perform better with a sniper in most cases. On days where my shot is on, I pull better scores than everyone on my team. And Aidan, I love Bakaara for sniping so much.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
if i could quick scope, i would play a sniper class on more maps.

i tried using the mk14 to fill a snipers role (throwing on the acog) and i hated it.
not sure how much recoil it adds but mk14 with red dot feels godly at all but close range.

my xbl tag is TurtleHermitQQ
anyone can add me. i'll prolly play a lot on wed.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I really love the MSR and Barrett. The L1 isn't bad, I like the AS50 but it has a terrible scope, and the others are average.

This might sound crazy, but I perform better with a sniper in most cases. On days where my shot is on, I pull better scores than everyone on my team. And Aidan, I love Bakaara for sniping so much.
I've had the pleasure of playing you in some quickscoping 1v1's back in the day, I know what you are capable of hahaha.

Bakaara is my worst map by miles, I almost never get my full run of killstreaks on it.

I think it's because I run around thinkng I'm unstoppable with the FMG'S and that map has lots of medium to long range action.

That and when I'm using the Type 95 is always get out gunned by the SCAR :p


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
It bothers me that people that record gave us a bad rep. It's also funny you compare Grizz to the "kiddies" that actually manage to kill you guys. I don't like Grizz much myself, but he's a damn good player with an amazing Win/Loss. He's more of a team player than anyone here and I respect him for that. He just manages to make entertaining content and STILL WIN. As far as the children that run around trying to emulate him, just deal with it. They're free kills because few people actually know how to properly use the snipers in this game. Contrary to popular belief, snipers are actually really fun! You guys should stop being self righteous tightwads and enjoy yourselves more.
I was afraid that if I said this, people would get superbieber.

But yeah, I go into games sniping too. I hardscope all day unless they're close to me. It becomes so easy to control parts of the map when you're not trying to look cool.


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Yooo lumpy I'm adding you, you have turtle on your name

I play with my brother and his friends alot, and they're all turtles (mrspeedyturtle, mrbeastlyturtle, mrcreepyturtle, etc....) so I'll invite you to one of their parties and you can be their hermit sensei lmao



a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
Does the trajectory of a bullet succumb to gravity and parabolize at any point? Or does it continue forward until it meets an impenetrable obstacle?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Ok So, you guys never see me rant but I just gotta say something

We **** at team deathmatch and kill confirmed, but we suck at dom. The only games we lose while playing as a party is Dom.

I think this is most likely because most of us like to get alot of kills and rush (which is why we **** at kill confirmed and tdm). But this I've noticed switches the spawns way too much leading the other team to cap flags. Yes, I'm saying when the game is close or when the other team is actually decent we should just play to defend and not to just get kills.I've seen many situations where the game is super close at the end, we have 2 flags and yet everyone still goes to rush their spawn, and the spawns switch and they cap a 2nd flag and keep it for the 15 points left in the game. Btw whenever we play ground war I never vote for Dom because of this.

I always facepalm whenever someone rushes enemy spawn too far and then complain that they died because someone spawned behind them.

Whenever we lose a Dom match ppl always say "look at tem they didn't even do good" (referring to their kd). Well newsflash: Dom isn't about getting kills.

People also care about their kd's way too much. Idk I just hate losing, especially games where it should be an easy win. I'd much rather win more than anything, even if it means doing "bad" in terms of k/d (which out of the gametype we play,doms pretty much the only one where you can get away with doin bad and still winning).
It's obviously cause I'm not there playing with you guys. I **** at Dom and TDM. :troll:

I never understood why scoping in quickly and killing someone is so frowned upon. Is it because you guys can't do it?
Yes. :c

I hate quickscoping because snipers shouldn't be that effective at close range IMO. That's what a shotgun is for.

Does the trajectory of a bullet succumb to gravity and parabolize at any point? Or does it continue forward until it meets an impenetrable obstacle?
Nope, this isn't BFBC2/BF3. Bullets go into straight lines but some can penetrate different types of cover/walls better than others.

ATTN People who run in groups when there's a Pred missile incoming:

Why do you do that?
*Puts down trophy system*


Let's go into the mind of a random teammate:

*sees predator missle*

*gets near other teammates to feel safe*
I love it when I'm wearing assassin and non-assassin users run near me. :awesome:


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
^ i love it when I have assassin and dead silence while enemy has uav up, and I try to sneak up on enemy but teammate with no assassin and has loud footsteps follow me and them we both die lol



Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
^ i love it when I have assassin and dead silence while enemy has uav up, and I try to sneak up on enemy but teammate with no assassin and has loud footsteps follow me lol

I wish randoms would stay the hell away from me.

*Me firing silenced weapon*
*Random fires unsilenced weapons*
*We both die*


Btw, Hot_Arms, I bought a new 360, should arrive between Wed-Fri this week. Let's play soon! :awesome:


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Perfect, im getting my wisdom teeth out Wednesday so all thxgiving break I'll have the perfect excuse to just stay in my room and play cod



Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Ok So, you guys never see me rant but I just gotta say something

We **** at team deathmatch and kill confirmed, but we suck at dom. The only games we lose while playing as a party is Dom.

I think this is most likely because most of us like to get alot of kills and rush (which is why we **** at kill confirmed and tdm). But this I've noticed switches the spawns way too much leading the other team to cap flags. Yes, I'm saying when the game is close or when the other team is actually decent we should just play to defend and not to just get kills.I've seen many situations where the game is super close at the end, we have 2 flags and yet everyone still goes to rush their spawn, and the spawns switch and they cap a 2nd flag and keep it for the 15 points left in the game. Btw whenever we play ground war I never vote for Dom because of this.

I always facepalm whenever someone rushes enemy spawn too far and then complain that they died because someone spawned behind them.

Whenever we lose a Dom match ppl always say "look at tem they didn't even do good" (referring to their kd). Well newsflash: Dom isn't about getting kills.

People also care about their kd's way too much. Idk I just hate losing, especially games where it should be an easy win. I'd much rather win more than anything, even if it means doing "bad" in terms of k/d (which out of the gametype we play,doms pretty much the only one where you can get away with doin bad and still winning).
I tend to play nothing but the objective, and my K/D will reflect this. If the objective is kills, that's what I'll be going for. If the objective is capturing flag points, that's what I'll be doing (though Riot Shielding may not have been the best support option for that... Still a work in progress).

Is it normal that when I play with my roommate on splitscreen when we get EMP'd I can still see radar and HUD on his screen?
Is he using Assassin Pro? If he is, then yes.

I never understood why scoping in quickly and killing someone is so frowned upon. Is it because you guys can't do it?
Because that's not how a sniper rifle works. Doesn't matter if I can do it or not. That's not the definition of sniper or snipe.

What the community has done is *******ized it into a system that takes advantage of a powerful, one shot kill system that shouldn't even be there. The sniper should be down range, away from the action, covering the rest of the team defending the point, at most, maybe playing an aggressive role by setting up shop overlooking their spawn. But that's it. If you wanna pull the "I don't wanna die" card, SoH pro says "Hi", you can pull out your sidearm. Or combine that with Overkill and use a shotgun.

You're entitled to your opinion. If you have fun, great. (b' . ')b More power to you. But they're ruining MY fun. I don't want to go into a game where I have to deal with kids/guys/people/a girl pirouetting around the map with their OP gun that they can zoom in with faster than I can with my gun that takes MORE BULLETS TO KILL WITH than their's does AT THAT CLOSE OF A RANGE.

See, at LONG RANGE, it would be fine. The trade would make sense. My AR shouldn't be able to do that much damage over distance. 5 bullets to kill him from 50 yards (in video game terms) to his one bullet, okay. Fine. He has a precision rifle. And my AR isn't that accurate from that far away. But when he gets into a 10 yard range... or closer... His accuracy should suffer for it. And be able to zoom in that god damn quickly. THAT'S why quickscoping needs to be nerfed. BALANCE. And that's my problem with it.

You can turn it on the other foot and say "But ODIN! You knife! The knife is a OHK too!" Yeah, well. It is. But I but knife isn't a OHK at ALL ranges. I have to get within spitting distance and they also nerfed MY playstyle. Not yours.:glare:

Am I holding a grudge to quickscopers because of that? No. I never liked them long before this happened. Just making a point.

Well... There's my two cents on it.

do you guys fill up your ground war team often?
i'd like to jump in some time.

i do decent/good in every mode but i almost always play by myself (which is why my ffa kd is way better than tdm or dom).
i'd like to roll with a party and see how good it feels.
I prefer 6v6 rather than GW, but we go to GW if we fill up. You're welcome to join anytime. I'll add you next chance I get.

If you have Xbox Lumpy, I'd be happy to party up. I'll play whatever, I really like Kill Confirmed and Dom though.

<3 TRG.

People don't really understand sniping in Call of Duty because it's so different. It's a very potent rifle at long range, but due to the nature of the scope, you have the ability to take people out at close range. Is it reliable? No. Is it possible? Yes. It's something that I do because the situation calls for it. I don't actively go into a game saying "yeah I'm quickscoping." I say "I'm sniping." because if someone happens to jump me up close, what do you guys think I'm going to do? Sit there and die?

It bothers me that people that record gave us a bad rep. It's also funny you compare Grizz to the "kiddies" that actually manage to kill you guys. I don't like Grizz much myself, but he's a damn good player with an amazing Win/Loss. He's more of a team player than anyone here and I respect him for that. He just manages to make entertaining content and STILL WIN. As far as the children that run around trying to emulate him, just deal with it. They're free kills because few people actually know how to properly use the snipers in this game. Contrary to popular belief, snipers are actually really fun! You guys should stop being self righteous tightwads and enjoy yourselves more.
See above.

I literally haven't used any sniper in multiplayer even once.

Whiuch is strange because I really liked sniping in MW2 and BO.

I just feel like none of the maps are all that great for sniping, with the exception of Resistance, Bakaara, Lockdown and maybe Fallen.

Butr then again, I've seen people in TDM and Domionation and FFA all do really well exclusively sniping.

Alex what is your favourite sniper?

Actually I direct that question towards everyone.

I think I'll give it a whirl if I'm on tonight.
RSASS. I've always been a fan of the M21, and the RSASS (or whatever it is ) is the closest to it. And the M14 IS the m21. :awesome:

I really love the MSR and Barrett. The L1 isn't bad, I like the AS50 but it has a terrible scope, and the others are average.

This might sound crazy, but I perform better with a sniper in most cases. On days where my shot is on, I pull better scores than everyone on my team. And Aidan, I love Bakaara for sniping so much.
Haven't bothered with the other rifles yet. I think I tried the As50 once. :shrug: It killed the guy I aimed at.

if i could quick scope, i would play a sniper class on more maps.

i tried using the mk14 to fill a snipers role (throwing on the acog) and i hated it.
not sure how much recoil it adds but mk14 with red dot feels godly at all but close range.

my xbl tag is TurtleHermitQQ
anyone can add me. i'll prolly play a lot on wed.
See above. Will add later.

I was afraid that if I said this, people would get superbieber.

But yeah, I go into games sniping too. I hardscope all day unless they're close to me. It becomes so easy to control parts of the map when you're not trying to look cool.
See above. Do what makes you happy. Hardscope all day, erryday.

Oh yeah, there is this Irish TV comedy that one of my friends directs/does some camera work for.

Anyways one of the hilarious "bad guys" in the show has a gameplay video out that is hilarious.

You guys mightn't find it as funny as people over here seem to but....

Link won't work for me. :(


Nov 19, 2009
VA baby whe' you at
I was playing on Hardhat the other day and I was following this guy who shot at me once with a sniper. I though, "Oh, if I sneak up on him, then I can easily out gun him" So I did, but he turned to look at me and started shooting before me. I heard like, 5 or so bullets go off and thought, "Oh, he must've switched weapons" And I watched the kill cam and instead, it's him shooting off 5 or so bullets with the RSASS.

Mad? No. Disappointed? Slightly.

Also, before I add anyone on Xbox live, I'd like to point on beforehand that it's a shared account (by me and my dad) and since he plays the game too, it won't always be me online.

I have notifications off, so if I get an invite to play, I'm probably the only one who KNOWS to check/accept. That said, the GT is bigmix. I'm really not all that good at this game...But I'm not horrible.

At least I don't think. :c


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2010
New Jersey
We ***** at Dom in black ops but for some reason none of us seem to rush B like we use to which is why we ultimately get triple capped and rage.
Lets fix that plox.

Also my main problems with quickscoping
1. No matter what you say I refuse to believe snipers should be better at close range than shotguns and ARS. It's stupid.
2. You get ******** little kids doing it when you're losing and it's super irritating .



Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
>Random teammates on your team do bad
>Same teammates do well on opposite team the next game

First rule of Call of Duty: Your random teammates are never any good


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2011
I never understood why scoping in quickly and killing someone is so frowned upon. Is it because you guys can't do it?
As a person who actually plays other first person shooters, I can genuinely attest that Call of Duty has the worst sniping system to ever be invented. If you don't think that's true, allow me to provide examples:

In Team Fortress 2, the original sniper rifle was brilliant. It was decently accurate when not scoped in, but didn't do a whole lot of damage. If it was a hip fire headshot, it took a good chunk out of your health, but for stronger classes this wasn't enough to kill you. Now we get to the good part. If you would "quick scope", the damage calculation was nothing more than that of a hip fire. However, you were rewarded by taking your time and aiming your shot before shooting, because the longer you scoped in, the more powerful your shot would be. This was a perfect balance for the class, since a fully charged body shot was enough to kill most enemies, and a fully charged scoped in headshot was insta-kill. Bottom line, quickscoping and hipfiring didn't exist, and the sniper was completely useless at close range. But from far away it was a killing machine.

In Red Orchestra, I distinctly remember some of the heavier weapons (yes, sniper rifles are heavy. true story) having tripods attatched to their bottoms. In order to scope in at all, you would have to place the sniper rifle on some form of barricade or ledge, or simply lie prone and scope in. While doing this, the sniper was a completely stationary target. But a hit from that rifle could kill anybody. Bottom line, moving around with a sniper was out of the question, and the player's focus became finding cover and picking off unsuspecting enemies at range.

In Counter Strike, the only OHK sniper rifle cost you a fortune to buy, and you lost it as soon as you died. Nuff said.

Halo and Gears are the same when it comes to this: two-shot body kill, one shot headshot kill. Nuff said.

In Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, there was no sniper. Period.

Now, in response to this, one might ask, "Well, if CoD was like that, they would lose a large part of their fanbase since many people enjoy sniping as it is." Unfortunately, this too is incorrect. There are approximately 2,000 hosted servers running at any given time in Team Fortress 2. On average, there are 24 players per server. There are usually two snipers per team, which makes four snipers per server. Do the math: you get around 8,000 people sniping at any given time in that game. Even if my data is off by a couple hundred, I think we can say that the sniping community is definitely not dead in that game.

I would say that Infinity Ward doesn't balance the snipers because they're afraid of losing fans, but with as many preorders as they had for MW3, I don't think that money/losing players is an issue. I legitimately believe that the IW staff is too stupid to program balance into their sniper rifles. They don't know how because they don't play their game. They don't play other games. They don't compare their game to other fps's out there. They simply slap a new face on an old game engine and call it the next in the series.

Look at other games' sniping mechanics. They will tell you why snipers are OP in MW3.

End of story.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Loool, I just stole an enemies Juggernaught and not only did I rake in the kills with it, I got the emblem for surviving for 5 minutes and regenerating health 5 times.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
The guy must've been sooo pissed. Even worse was the fact I waited for his care package to drop and him to come out of his hiding place before I killed him.

Also I played so much MW3 this afternoon that I went from lv 64 to 70 and got a blister on my finger. This is what happens when I'm on holiday from work.



Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
While I respect your guys decision to hate on the snipers, this isn't OTHER GAMES. This is Call of Duty and they choose to make them viable. Snipers are not better than shotguns at close range and you're stupid if you think that. You honestly don't have the time to pull out a secondary, it's a split second thing despite the bonus Sleight of Hand Pro gives you.

The maps in this game don't cater to traditional, stealthy, lay down and stay in scope play. If it hinders your fun, deal with it. ;-;

Sorry for even bothering to reply, this is why I don't like the community.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Just from the experiences I've had so far, I'd say snipers are better than shotguns close range in this game. I'm pretty sure hitting a person 4 times with an ADS spas at close range means they should die but no.

I have yet to actually use the Range or Damage proficiency so maybe that makes a huge difference but regardless I should be killing people at the range I'm trying to kill them currently. It's not like I'm going for mw2 spas snipes either. I'm in reasonable range to OHKO a person yet it's not happening.

Meh, it's still fun using the Model 87 though :D

Oh yea, here's my first MOAB



Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
Yooo lumpy I'm adding you, you have turtle on your name

I play with my brother and his friends alot, and they're all turtles (mrspeedyturtle, mrbeastlyturtle, mrcreepyturtle, etc....) so I'll invite you to one of their parties and you can be their hermit sensei lmao

wow. i think i will feel really gay in that situation. lol sounds fun.
turns out i'm too "sick" to go to work today so i called in.
i'll be clockin' in on mw3 instead.

giant post
i loved the sniping in tf2, because i didn't play it until after i played mw2 and i used to hate getting ***** by quickscopers (because i never learned to do it).

i actually really like how long it took snipers to ads accurately in black ops.
it just makes sense to me that the downside to a sniper is scoping in.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
While I respect your guys decision to hate on the snipers, this isn't OTHER GAMES. This is Call of Duty and they choose to make them viable. Snipers are not better than shotguns at close range and you're stupid if you think that. You honestly don't have the time to pull out a secondary, it's a split second thing despite the bonus Sleight of Hand Pro gives you.

The maps in this game don't cater to traditional, stealthy, lay down and stay in scope play. If it hinders your fun, deal with it. ;-;

Sorry for even bothering to reply, this is why I don't like the community.
Mad, I love you, but you and I must not be playing the same game.

Shotguns aren't doing any damage in this game. If at all. So Snipers ARE better at close range compared to shotguns. And I'll be happy to upload clips of the shotgun failing at point blank range. Where it shouldn't be because it's a shotgun.

Sleight of Hand Pro combined with a pistol (which already has the lowest switch to time) has that split second switch to time.

My style of stealthy, gameplay is find long sight lines, and watch. Make the kill, and MOVE. Resistance is great one (B flag and A flag). Village is good. There are other maps that are decent too. But I agree, they don't cater to the campy style of say, Wasteland.

My opinion still stands, and you have yours.


Arguing on the internet is dumb.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2011
While I respect your guys decision to hate on the snipers, this isn't OTHER GAMES. This is Call of Duty and they choose to make them viable. Snipers are not better than shotguns at close range and you're stupid if you think that. You honestly don't have the time to pull out a secondary, it's a split second thing despite the bonus Sleight of Hand Pro gives you.

The maps in this game don't cater to traditional, stealthy, lay down and stay in scope play. If it hinders your fun, deal with it. ;-;

Sorry for even bothering to reply, this is why I don't like the community.
Sorry for even bothering to reply, this is why the community doesn't like you.

Snipers aren't enough to ruin this game, not by a long shot (punny). Believe me, I've killed my fair share of snipers with a shotgun at close range. It's perfectly viable. But in a game where a certain amount of realism must be achieved to create balance, a sniper should almost ALWAYS lose a close range battle. Even giving them the benefit of the doubt and implementing a way for a sniper rifle to kill up close is a horrible solution to their combat deficit.

Let's say for a moment that we decided to fill all the gaps in the combat deficit of EVERY weapon in the game.

Shotguns could kill cross-map.

You could commando lunge someone from five blocks away.

Pistols would have automatic headshot kills.

Rocket launchers and grenade launchers would explode everything in a mile-wide radius.

LMG's would outrank any gun in terms of power.

Throwing knives and grenades would have homing features.

If all this was true, the game would be unplayable. Fortunately it's not, so we continue to play.
But the simple fact that sniper rifles even have the ability (not saying it works all the time) to be a one-shot kill at all ranges is unacceptable. Simply put, there is no drawback to sniping. You give up nothing, and gain immeasurable power over all other players.

Again, TL;DR
Snipers don't have drawbacks. Everything else does.

End of chapter 2.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
While I respect your guys decision to hate on the snipers, this isn't OTHER GAMES. This is Call of Duty and they choose to make them viable. Snipers are not better than shotguns at close range and you're stupid if you think that. You honestly don't have the time to pull out a secondary, it's a split second thing despite the bonus Sleight of Hand Pro gives you.

The maps in this game don't cater to traditional, stealthy, lay down and stay in scope play. If it hinders your fun, deal with it. ;-;

Sorry for even bothering to reply, this is why I don't like the community.
but if you get caught in close range and you have a sniper then you should lose the gunfight because snipers are supposed to be long range weapons. And so you don't like the community because people disagree with you?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2011
Yeah, the glitch is still there as far as I know. It also works with any scoped weapon, like if you put thermal on an AR, same thing will happen.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Snipers have drawbacks, you're just dumb.

<3 ODIN.

CoD sucks.
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