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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ('Terminal' - the 17th for Elite / 18th for non-Elite)


Smash Cadet
Aug 9, 2011
I really don't know what to think of quick scoping. It seems that whenever we watch a Youtube montage on quick scoping we all freak out at the skill this guy has, but once we encounter someone in an actual game it all of a sudden becomes the worst thing ever. As dumb as the concept is it's an inescapable feature that will be in call of duty series, and I know that people are pushing for sniping to be more real, but FYI: Call of Duty is not meant to simulate real life warfare, and that is the main reason I'll take call of duty over battlefield any day. All I really have to say about it is that I appreciate the occasional skill from some players who are respectable during the game, but as Lumpy said, I can't stand it when they do nothing but try and quick scope, get lucky on their shots, and then freak out over their kills and t-bag, and gloat over what just happened, all the while not doing anything to help the team. But one thing that I wish would change with the snipers is the damage that is dealt, it needs to be brought down quite a bit, I hate getting shot in the foot and dropping dead. That is all.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
When did this turn into an argument about snipers being the best close range weapon? I thought it was just about snipers being better at close range than shotguns, but not the best close range weapon?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
When did this turn into an argument about snipers being the best close range weapon? I thought it was just about snipers being better at close range than shotguns, but not the best close range weapon?
No, that's the knife. :troll:


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
The knife should only be 1 shot kill from behind, and even then it should have an animation like every game that has a 1 shot kill melee.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I like the idea of a double click for a non-backstab with a cap on the speed in which you can knife repeatedly. No clue what the cap should be though. Slow enough to not be abusable, but fast enough to still win in close range against most guns.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
The knife should only be 1 shot kill from behind, and even then it should have an animation like every game that has a 1 shot kill melee.
lol I just want the knife in this game to actually kill rather than have me ram into the guy and then I die because my knife didn't do anything.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
i wanted to try out specialist strike package thingy thing.

i wanted it to be a really aggressive run&gun class so i threw rapidfire on a supersoaker.
forgot how godly it is. i can't imagine getting quickscoped within my own effective range. they would die or maybe get a lucky *** no scope.

best close range would be super soaker with rapid fire or fmg9 with akimbo and steady aim.
most consistent victories at close range.

p.s. rushing makes me rage because of how much internet connection plays a role in every battle.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL

@Delta you're acting as if there's no risk involved as long as the person using the sniper is skilled. At close ranges they only have one bullet to get that kill (or 2/3 if the opponent sucks and depending on which sniper is used). If they miss the shot, they're dead simple as that. If they were able to get the kill then they deserved it. Not everyone is Grizz, so most of the time running around with a sniper trying to be him isn't going to do you any good in this game or for your team at all.

As for your Brawl comparison, yeah the ICs are good but just because they have a nice hidden power in the form of CG'ing, it still doesn't mean they're the best. There are other characters (or guns in this case) that outclass them.
But they only need that one bullet. And besides, if you miss, you deserve to die anyways. Same goes for nearly any weapon. I will admit that snipers have a smaller margin for error, but when a player overcomes it, I feel as though the rewards are simply ridiculous. And as Grizz shows, it's not humanely impossible.

As far as the ICs are concerned, they don't actually need to be the best for the sake of my comparison. I just wanted to illustrate that using a weapon/character outside of it's "normal" niche. That and the fact that nobody has truly pushed them to their theoretical limits yet. People are still dropping CGs, when it should be one mistake = one grab = one death. Snipers have been pushed to their limits, however.

That's a pretty ridiculous oversimplification. The AR user can miss a bullet but keep firing. If a non semi auto sniper misses, they must wait to do the bolt action and by that time they're dead.
The margin of error is huge. Grizz is an outlier because of the amount of dedication he's put into the game. There are so few like him. The point I'm trying to get across is, yeah with crazy reflexes and aim, a sniper can be really good. And with the dedication it can happen and make a sniper frustrating, but that type of skill takes insane amounts of effort. A sniper who's been practicing for years won't be able to consistently kill an AR user at close range. Maybe snipers can be OP in the right hands, but so few people have the hands to do it and in my opinion, if you do, you've earned it. I want the ability to win my close range engagements consistently with a sniper but I can't. After two years of sniping in Cod 4, MW2, and Black Ops and now MW3 I am still nowhere near that level of skill. And it's not like I'm a lost cause and sniping isn't my thing. I'm sure there at least a few members on SWF who can attest to the fact that I'm a fairly good sniper. I have a pretty good shot. But I've worked for it. And to make a sniper work the way you guys claim it can under the best of conditions takes so much skill and work. Grizz plays Call of Duty as his job. He just plays and plays and plays for hours and hours every day and has been playing since like CoD 2. He has earned the ability to best people with the sniper and even he doesn't win every close range gun fight. It's not as simple as put in some work and you're godmode.
K. Imma say this hopefully for the last time.

The required skill threshold for a tactic has NO INFLUENCE over the tactic's power unless it has been proven to be too difficult for a human to be consistent at it. Quickscoping has been shown not to be this difficult.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I play with good people. So if you guys prove you're good I might consider it.
Right now (from what I remember) all I heard was scrubs *****ing about quick scoping.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
And I play with people who wanna have fun, and don't give a damn about their W/L or K/D.

Now that that's out of the way, I'm going to bed, because I have work in the morning.
I'm in the Navy.. lololol
See how meaningless I made your post?


You sound like the kind of guy that tells all his friends at school that he has a K/D over 9000 in CoD.
I'm not. I don't give a **** about CoD in all honesty. I play for fun but

is where I excel.
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