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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ('Terminal' - the 17th for Elite / 18th for non-Elite)


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
After 'firing range' up to 'end of the range', I accidentally interpreted everything as if it occurred in Black Ops. I play too much Blops.

I want the chance to fire a bolt action sniper rifle in real life, though that probably will not be happening for a few years, if ever. I'm rather eager to get a chance at sniping in general, actually. My love for it in FPSs seems to have branched into real-life wants and desires.:applejack:

You should see my ranting on using a 'sniper rifle' at the firing range the last time I went. I shot a Mosin Nagant and a Swedish Mauser (old world war 2 rifles) with a scope. Just because there's a scope, it doesn't mean that you will hit your target.

There is no such thing as quickscoping in real life. There is just no ****ing way. Period. Those rifles are too heavy, and have too much kick.

But cycling back the bolt, and feeding another bullet into the chamber, and sighting in on your target... Nothing else quite like it. It's pretty ****in' awesome. Also, your shoulder will hurt. A LOT.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I heard there's gonna be a preview of the new map tomorrow. It'll prolly be up on the official CoD YT channel and XBL/CoD Elite.


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Hot_ArmS troll mode was engaged tonight, against a full party of lvl80 10th prestiges

messages after 2 games, the 2nd one in which i followed them to

Try Hard 1: there is a left stick on your controller, did u know?
Me: its broken
Try Hard 1: quit camping and ruining peoples games, youre pathetic
Me: buy me a new controller then
Try Hard 1: f*** off

Try Hard 2: dude...quit layin prone campin. how is that fun?
Me: My controllers broken I cant move much



Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Are Spec Ops more difficult this time around? I fired it up last night, and even though me and my roommate only had trouble with a couple of them on veteran in MW2, I am reallllly stuck on a lot of these missions. Maybe I'm just rusty.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Hot_ArmS troll mode was engaged tonight, against a full party of lvl80 10th prestiges

messages after 2 games, the 2nd one in which i followed them to

Try Hard 1: there is a left stick on your controller, did u know?
Me: its broken
Try Hard 1: quit camping and ruining peoples games, youre pathetic
Me: buy me a new controller then
Try Hard 1: f*** off

Try Hard 2: dude...quit layin prone campin. how is that fun?
Me: My controllers broken I cant move much

Sounds like me. :smirk:

Are Spec Ops more difficult this time around? I fired it up last night, and even though me and my roommate only had trouble with a couple of them on veteran in MW2, I am reallllly stuck on a lot of these missions. Maybe I'm just rusty.
IMO, yes. In MW2, there were only a select few spec ops missions on veteran difficult which took FOREVER to complete. MW3 pushes the boundaries a bit. Just look on YT if you ever get stuck. (I have yet to beat all of them on veteran too...lost interest in MW3 rather quickly...) :c


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Well, they showed the trailer for Overwatch/Highrise 2.0.


It's Highrise 2.0.

Also, I really wish they wouldn't have the comedian/comedian wannabe/actor they have advertising these things using a 1911. :c It's bad enough the gun isn't usable in game. Why taunt me with it in a commercial? T__T


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada

Hey that yellow crane looks like it was directly copied from the MW2 files! Oh wai-

And I love it how a season to them is "9 months". Oh well.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2011
The map looks like Highrise from MW2 had sex with Hotel from Blops, and out popped a ******** mess of a baby.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2011
But Hotel from Black Ops was a bad map.
My point exacly.

Treyarch: The more stories on a single map, the better. Welcome to building warfare 3.

They said it outright, man. "A cornucopia of sniper nooks and crannies."

Because that's what we've all been asking for.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
A lot of interesting places to hide!

I would die of laughter if they put one of the Domination objectives on the crane. I'm also guessing that this will be a hysterical map for SnD.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2007
Markham, ON
I've been playing with the KSG all week. Unlocked range, and the first game i play with it on = MOAB. damage is even better! KSG THE BEST


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
Whoever doesn't use the Orb class needs to start now. It is amazing.

Story time!

I was playing with IRL friends last night, and to no surprise a kid joins session. His name was Murder Us. I took notice of it and switched to my Assassin Type 95 class with FMG9s. I made him my *****, he talks **** in game chat.

M: Wow Snack, I see you can only use the Type.

Me: How are you gonna join session and ***** about what I use?

M: Sorry for wanting to play with friends.

Me: Be mature and wait your turn.

M: Be mature and use a grown up gun, something other than the Type.

Me: There's no pleasing you, is there? What, am I supposed to join session, use the Spas on village against a full party, and go negative? Will that impress you? Hell, while I'm at it, I'll write an essay for a bio about being mad, just like you.

He shut up real quick. Best night ever...


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
Even though I haven't played in a while, I'd still like to say a couple things.

#1 - Please, pleeeeeeeease don't join session. I beg you not to join session. This game is frustrating enough as it is, we don't need people joining and RPGing us. When Brian's friend joined one time and got an RPG headshot on me killing me off of about a 15 killstreak I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. Have some patience.

and #2 - Don't complain about the type 95. Yeah, I understand it's stupid to get killed instantly by it and it seems like a shotgun sometimes, but it's really not as good as previous 3 burst weapons have been. Like I've said before, I almost exclusively used the M16 in CoD4 and the Famas in MW2 and the type isn't even close to as good as those were. I never use the type because it's insanely inconsistent for me, and I have a good shot with it. I don't get why people complain about the type but not the other 3 bursts in previous CoD games that were twice as good.

Really not sure how much more time I'll be putting into this game in the future. It's seriously one of the most frustrating games I've ever played and I don't deal with bull**** very well at all. When someone spawns, throws an uncooked nade straight up and it bounces off of 5 things and lands right in front of me then I think I need to take a break.

I stand by the notion that if you have over a 2 K/D, the game ****s you over in every way it possibly can. No joke.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
I know why people complain about the type 95. Because no matter how balanced a game is, people always need to find a gun to complain about. While this game has flaws I don't see any huge issues with gun balance. Sure the PP90 is crazy good, but the MP7, UMP, and P90 all measure up to it IMO. Also before anyone responds, remember I never said the entire game was balanced, just the guns.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Even though I haven't played in a while, I'd still like to say a couple things.

#1 - Please, pleeeeeeeease don't join session. I beg you not to join session. This game is frustrating enough as it is, we don't need people joining and RPGing us. When Brian's friend joined one time and got an RPG headshot on me killing me off of about a 15 killstreak I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. Have some patience.

and #2 - Don't complain about the type 95. Yeah, I understand it's stupid to get killed instantly by it and it seems like a shotgun sometimes, but it's really not as good as previous 3 burst weapons have been. Like I've said before, I almost exclusively used the M16 in CoD4 and the Famas in MW2 and the type isn't even close to as good as those were. I never use the type because it's insanely inconsistent for me, and I have a good shot with it. I don't get why people complain about the type but not the other 3 bursts in previous CoD games that were twice as good.

Really not sure how much more time I'll be putting into this game in the future. It's seriously one of the most frustrating games I've ever played and I don't deal with bull**** very well at all. When someone spawns, throws an uncooked nade straight up and it bounces off of 5 things and lands right in front of me then I think I need to take a break.

I stand by the notion that if you have over a 2 K/D, the game ****s you over in every way it possibly can. No joke.
Play MW2 with me!

I know why people complain about the type 95. Because no matter how balanced a game is, people always need to find a gun to complain about. While this game has flaws I don't see any huge issues with gun balance. Sure the PP90 is crazy good, but the MP7, UMP, and P90 all measure up to it IMO. Also before anyone responds, remember I never said the entire game was balanced, just the guns.
The PP90 outclasses all SMGs BY FAR. It's not even funny how easy it is to kill with the PP90. Powerful, low hipfire spread, ridiculous RoF. Just spray. That's it. What's sad is that just spraying with it works at considerable range, as well.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
and #2 - Don't complain about the type 95. Yeah, I understand it's stupid to get killed instantly by it and it seems like a shotgun sometimes, but it's really not as good as previous 3 burst weapons have been. Like I've said before, I almost exclusively used the M16 in CoD4 and the Famas in MW2 and the type isn't even close to as good as those were. I never use the type because it's insanely inconsistent for me, and I have a good shot with it. I don't get why people complain about the type but not the other 3 bursts in previous CoD games that were twice as good.
Mostly because in MW2 (I didn't play CoD4), I rarely if ever saw anyone use the Frenchmas/Man16. Maybe one person a game.

This game however, it's the same thing; At least half the opposing team, followed by Rapid Fire. Not to mention the bullet damage is high.

If they made the bullet damage consistent with that of the M16, along with RoF, it probably wouldn't be an issue. But what you have is something that kills faster than most ARs/Subs, and is stupid accurate.

Remove Rapid Fire, and part of the problem is gone. Nerf the bullet damage, and we're even better off.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
Play MW2 with me!

The PP90 outclasses all SMGs BY FAR. It's not even funny how easy it is to kill with the PP90. Powerful, low hipfire spread, ridiculous RoF. Just spray. That's it. What's sad is that just spraying with it works at considerable range, as well.
I might just have to do that. I wanna play CoD, but not necessarily MW3. Black ops or MW2 is fine by me.

And yeah, PP90 is the biggest ***** gun in the game if you ask me. People who use steady aim + rapid fire on that thing need to die.

Mostly because in MW2 (I didn't play CoD4), I rarely if ever saw anyone use the Frenchmas/Man16. Maybe one person a game.

This game however, it's the same thing; At least half the opposing team, followed by Rapid Fire. Not to mention the bullet damage is high.

If they made the bullet damage consistent with that of the M16, along with RoF, it probably wouldn't be an issue. But what you have is something that kills faster than most ARs/Subs, and is stupid accurate.

Remove Rapid Fire, and part of the problem is gone. Nerf the bullet damage, and we're even better off.
I'd agree that rapid fire shouldn't be an available option. The low fire rate balances it more. I don't understand why they make a gun with a weakness then give you an attachment that just covers it up. Defeats the whole notion of balance.
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