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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ('Terminal' - the 17th for Elite / 18th for non-Elite)


smash brawl player 99021

Lol this complaining about the melee. it's true though, knifing is dumb and i want it to die. Just make it so I don't see the person knifing air have blood shoot out.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
I just don't like dying, period. I don't care if it's lag, ghost, second chance, camping, kinves, or simply getting outplayed. IDGAF, I just hate dying, it's piece of **** and I don't like it!


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I just don't like dying, period. I don't care if it's lag, ghost, second chance, camping, kinves, or simply getting outplayed. IDGAF, I just hate dying, it's piece of **** and I don't like it!
So much this, it's not even funny.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Stop assuming that people complain about those that knife only, it's the panic knifing that causes a problem. Defend it all you will, but that doesn't change the fact that it's problem that game developers notice. Call it reaction time if you will, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a flawed system.
Every system will be flawed. The flaws within the current system aren't major enough to warrant a change. If you make the melee anything but a 1 hit kill or something with massive flinch and stun, it will be absolutely worthless. Unless I can combo knife slashes or some ****, but that seems a bit silly.

Just because something is accessible to everyone doesn't mean everyone should abuse it.
It does if they want to win.

I personally like to rely on guns, and I feel that the fact that I try to drop shot in close range situations but when every 5 year old knifes me through his ****ing back when he gets outplayed is bull****.
Since when is drop shotting someone outplaying them? I don't recall it having some sort of inherent skill boost that causes it to gain the status of "outplaying" your opponent. All you're doing is flopping to the ground like a worm and spraying at someone. Similar to how all they're doing is stabbing you on your way down. Just because your method requires more inputs doesn't mean you're outplaying them. They outplayed you because you died.

I shouldn't have to abuse a simplified way to get easy kills in order to enjoy the game.
You can either do that, or avoid any tight situations so you never get knifed again. Accept the limitations you're putting on yourself and stop *****ing about people with fast reflexes.

Look, Delta, you're good at CoD, I understand that, but when you make your arguments, they're always assuming that someone is as good as you and that someone has the same wants and needs as you. I want CoD to take a little more thought than "OH **** SQUEEZE MY CONTROLLER AND KNIFE AND HOPE IT HITS HIM"
When you're balancing a game, you shouldn't be balancing it with respect to low levels of play where things that shouldn't work, do. Imagine if shotguns were being balanced, and you sent a bunch of people to play on maps with only ARs and shotguns. A good player picks a shotgun and stomps all over the other team, regardless of the map. Do you weaken the shotgun because it's too good? Maybe. Or you look at the context of the situation and realize that the team that got crushed into the dirt wasn't playing well enough to avoid the shotgun's use. It probably just failed to take steps to avoid the situations they got beat in again and again.

If I assumed games should be balanced with respect to how good I was, then I'd demand the FAMAS and the AK74-u be weakened further. Half my deaths are to those weapons, literally. I'd even demand that Ghost should be removed, and that Claymores should have longer delay between detection and explosion. But I don't, because there isn't anything really wrong with them (except maybe the FAMAS at this moment).

I make my arguments assuming the player is taking the steps necessary to avoid death by what's bothering them. Many people don't, and instead choose to just ***** and moan about their cause of death.

You caught me off guard! *squeezes right thumb stick out of natural reflex*

Clearly outplayed.
You caught me off guard! *hits down on the RS twice and sprays out of natural reflex*

Clearly outplayed.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Makes perfect sense that you knife through bullets. Even if you got hit by 2 or 3 bullets, that doesn't mean anything, anybody can literally run while being pumped full of lead. Yep, common sense ftw.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Man I can't wait to go to the military some day and then just run straight through my enemies bullets just to knife him because apparently I'm superman if I can do that!


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Lol@you saying that panic knifing is fast reflexes.
It's a reflex, no? See someone near you, hit RS, they die. Makes sense to me. Do you think it's a calculated decision? Wouldn't be a panic knife, then, would it? If it was a slow reflex, it wouldn't kill you so often, would it?

Lol@you not accepting that panic knifing is a faster reflex option than shooting or drop shotting.

Makes perfect sense that you knife through bullets. Even if you got hit by 2 or 3 bullets, that doesn't mean anything, anybody can literally run while being pumped full of lead. Yep, common sense ftw.
Man I can't wait to go to the military some day and then just run straight through my enemies bullets just to knife him because apparently I'm superman if I can do that!
I liked the part where you two thought CoD was perfectly realistic. Cuz people can have a grenade launcher explosion go off right next to them, go hide around a corner, breathe heavily for a few seconds, breathe deeply, then be perfectly able to fight again as if nothing happened.

It's almost as if you two are only capable of debating through the use of Morton's Iodized Salt. Not even Wretched does that. :awesome:


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Riiiiiight because panic knifing takes skill anyways.

Think about it, if I can do it, since apparently I suck in you people's standards, then it takes absolutely no skill at all. Literally this game sucks to the point where you just run right through bullets with no damage at all to kill someone with a weapon that's a OHKO.

That takes a lot of skill to do, sure. It takes about as much skill to kill someone with a panic knife as it does to kill someone with a nube tube with danger close, or as much skill as literally just knifing someone from across the room with Commando.


You know what I give up already arguing with you is useless. You literally play the game good, but then you have no idea what you're talking about and apparently everybody's opinion other than yours is wrong so you know what? I give up if you reply I am not going to continue


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Riiiiiight because panic knifing takes skill anyways.
It tests a different form of skill then shooting, but it does test skill. Reaction time is a skill that is tested very frequently in video games. This is a test of pure reaction. So yes, it does take skill.

Think about it, if I can do it, since apparently I suck in you people's standards, then it takes absolutely no skill at all. Literally this game sucks to the point where you just run right through bullets with no damage at all to kill someone with a weapon that's a OHKO.
You also aim and shoot at people. Apparently, since you can do it, and you suck by our standards, then shooting people takes no skill at all!

Brilliant argument.

Lol @ running right through bullets without taking damage and knifing people. I don't see people dashing through bullets unless there's a large connection gap involved. The only other situation it occurs in is bad aim/shooting late. If someone is already on you and you try to shoot them, you're going to die. But that probably happened cuz they got the drop on you. :awesome:

I have a clip of me dodging someone's M60 spray because he had bad aim and knifing him. It's not because the knife is broken, it's because he had terrible, terrible aim.

That takes a lot of skill to do, sure. It takes about as much skill to kill someone with a panic knife as it does to kill someone with a nube tube with danger close, or as much skill as literally just knifing someone from across the room with Commando.
No, it takes different skill. With the noob tube, it requires the skill of aiming the trajectory and firing. With the knife, it requires fast reflexes (a skill). With Commando, the only thing that changed was the range with which your reflexes could be used.

You know what I give up already arguing with you is useless. You literally play the game good, but then you have no idea what you're talking about and apparently everybody's opinion other than yours is wrong so you know what? I give up if you reply I am not going to continue
Opinions can't be wrong, but they can be formed for bad reasons and be backed up poorly. Yours happen to be that way. They're fueled by things that have killed you and by salt. I've died to these things as well, but I don't let them sway my opinions on what is balanced and what's not.

As an example, in Brawl, I hate the Fox Match up. Hate hate hate hate hate hate. I'm bad at it and it frustrates me. Do I think Fox should be banned/nerfed because I lose to him a lot? No. I understand that he actually is balanced and that I'm just bad at fighting against him. Maybe I should get better at it.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Delta, its pretty damn obvious that Call of Duty isn't realistic. Regardless, being able to knife through bullets is still annoying. Just because you're a good player doesn't mean your word is law. There's nothing wrong with changing the melee system from what it currently is. Not like this argument matters anyway since they already said they were changing the melee system.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
My word isn't law.

And there really is something wrong with changing the melee system when there are no well founded reasons for changing it. I don't care if they're already changing it, it's still wrong and they will probably end up ruining it.

And no, my word isn't making the change wrong. It should be common sense that changing something that's balanced without a good cause is dumb.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Opinions can't be wrong, but they can be formed for bad reasons and be backed up poorly. Yours happen to be that way. They're fueled by things that have killed you and by salt. I've died to these things as well, but I don't let them sway my opinions on what is balanced and what's not.
Ok you know what? I wasn't going to respond to this but your way of thinking ****ing pisses me off. Opinions aren't wrong, but you sure as hell think everybody's who isn't yours isn't is. Like literally you couldn't be drowning in your ego any more if you think that your opinion is undeniably right and that everybody else who isn't you is wrong. Just because you can play the game better than most others than most of the people in this thread, that doesn't make your opinion any more right than any of ours. It's seriously ****ing stupid how you look down upon anybody because you think you're God.

And you say I'm the salty one if you respond to others the way you do


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
What's wrong with changing it? Would it really be bad for close encounters to be settled by *gasp* using a gun?
It's sort of outting an entire subset of players that like to go around knifing for no apparent reason outside of community complaints. Sort of like quickscoping in Black Ops, but that was more reasonable as it was somewhat unbalanced in MW2 and it has received constant patches since release to be doable once more.

I'm personally okay either way, but I think it's unfair and stupid to do such a thing. The only thing that would change is that people would be spraying at close range more, since the range at which knifing is effective is also a range at which ADS is sort of ineffective if the enemy is moving. Close Quarters would be determined more by hipfire action. Which may actually lead to a degree of gun balancing, with SMGs having good hipfire for such occasions, with gun classes geared towards longer ranges losing such a bonus.

To clarify, I don't go around knifing very frequently. I rarely knife in general, and when I do, it's usually a calculated knife or in a situation where I'm caught reloading so I try to dance a little and then lunge at someone. This issue doesn't hold a lot of weight with me personally.

I never said opinions can be wrong, but not all opinions inherently hold the same value. You back up opinions that you put out for debate using experience, statistics, and evidence. The only thing you tend to use to support your opinion is your experiences with getting buzzkilled by someone who knifed you, or something similar. You didn't point out anything wrong with anything I said, you only posted your rage at what I pointed out about your opinion.

Do you think I haven't been buzzkilled by a Commando lunge? By a panic knife? Had someone lunge at me through my shotgun blast and kill me? I'm not God at this game. I never claimed I was. I'm just a somewhat good player who like to play pub games and style on them randoms. The difference between you and me, is that when I die to something and get frustrated, I don't vent all my anger out at it and think that's the only reason I died. Or think that it needs to be removed because "half my deaths are to panic knifing". I'm able to keep my opinion in the scope of the game and the balance of all the tools, NOT on a small subset of the several thousand deaths I've acquired playing this game.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Delta, I need you to know I have Fuelbi on ignore.

So you quoting him with that picture is perfect. Thank you for making my day.

I'm staying out of this knife talk.

Here's what I want;

A setup where I can still run and use a knife, and something to throw (knife/tomahawk/shuriken). If I have secondary that replaces my guns with a knife, I'll take it. Don't even care if it's ballistic or not (but that'd be cool).

I agree the magic arm/panic knife is stupid. But if you are sacrificing your secondary weapon for knives, I feel that's different and should/can/could be a OHKO. Because the risk to get a kill is greater than trying to shoot someone with a gun. You have to get CLOSE. And with thrown weapons, you're sacrificing explosive/AoE damage for a precision weapon that you need to be damn accurate with.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
To be honest, if the knife were made a secondary and it acted the same as it did right now, it wouldn't be bad at all.

Sadly, I would never get to use it as my desire to have launchers as secondaries is much too powerful.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
As I've been saying....if the knife was a secondary weapon in which you had to sacrifice, in this case, your pistol/launcher, I'd be perfectly satisfied (ballistic knife style). However, I'd also be satisfied if they created a similar looking melee to CoD2, beat down-ish, made it do 50 damage, and gave it a fair amount of cool down time in between hits. Just my thoughts, but we'll see how they tweak it.

Also, I'd rather be sprayed down by the biggest scrub in the world with the worst gun in the game than be knifed by him. It's that annoying.


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
Im kind of hoping this game will make me get my xbox out of my closet and actually want to play cod games again. Bo was terrible and mw2 and cod4 just started to get boring to me atleast.



Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Ok you know what? I wasn't going to respond to this but your way of thinking ****ing pisses me off. Opinions aren't wrong, but you sure as hell think everybody's who isn't yours isn't is. Like literally you couldn't be drowning in your ego any more if you think that your opinion is undeniably right and that everybody else who isn't you is wrong. Just because you can play the game better than most others than most of the people in this thread, that doesn't make your opinion any more right than any of ours. It's seriously ****ing stupid how you look down upon anybody because you think you're God.

And you say I'm the salty one if you respond to others the way you do
Do you like making yourself look stupid?

I mean I really wouldn't mind if they made a knife a secondary, but that's not the point. Delta is actually maturely debating with evidence and reasoning. I really don't see how he's looking down on people. He really hasn't said anything that strikes me as him having some sort of god complex. But you just make yourself look ridiculous when you respond to him with a ton of profanities and insults that add nothing to the discussion.


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Just to clarify, for people who says it's fine if they have knives as secondaries and act like they do now. Do you mean they'd have to pull it out, meaning press y and knife, or just press rs and the knife automatically comes out if they have it set as a secondary?

Also, I never realized this until Odins post but being able to throw shurikens or even kunais would be pretty boss



Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Just to clarify, for people who says it's fine if they have knives as secondaries and act like they do now. Do you mean they'd have to pull it out, meaning press y and knife, or just press rs and the knife automatically comes out if they have it set as a secondary?

Also, I never realized this until Odins post but being able to throw shurikens or even kunais would be pretty boss

You'd have to switch weapons ('Y' button) and then knife people. (Not like the tac knife/ballistic knife in MW2/Black Ops tho.)


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
F8AL. if that were the case, then the knife would have to be severely buffed to compensate. Otherwise, it'd be useless. It would need to have essentially 0 swap time and increased range.

The point of changing the melee system should be to make it still have a point, not to make it absolutely worthless.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Knife is too slow for that to have any use.

Problem unsolved.

Make it 2 knife kill with slash combos (RS twice with proper timing) and increased range + speed.

Problem solved.


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
I think it should be

Ballistic knife as secondary. If you press rs when you have your primary it should knife as it is now but the recovery time from the motion increases, in contrast to if you actually have it out the recovery time would be less. And both instances being a one hit kill

however, if you don't have knife as a secondary and you press rs it will be a pistol whip that'll take 2-3 hits to kill.



Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
The whole point is that the knife comes out too fast.
If anything, it needs a laggy start-up. Giving it an increased cooldown would only stop it from getting multi-kills.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
The focus is gun on gun gameplay, which means *gasp* shooting one another instead of bro rushing for the knife. If they want to accomplish this, they need to tone the knife down among other things.

Getting really tired of kids knifing me through clean shots then standing still in astonishment in the killcam wondering how they commando lunged me from that far away. Real skillful.

Bad kids. :awesome:


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
The focus is gun on gun gameplay, which means *gasp* shooting one another instead of bro rushing for the knife. If they want to accomplish this, they need to tone the knife down among other things.

Getting really tired of kids knifing me through clean shots then standing still in astonishment in the killcam wondering how they commando lunged me from that far away. Real skillful.

Bad kids. :awesome:
This is why I'm glad I've never played against you. >.>


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
I respect Odin knifing.

It's the kids who freak out and stab me that drive me insane.

Also you knifed me on Bob's account like 10 times :c
Hey man! You totally joined session. >_>

And I 'hawked you a few times. ^___^ That was a fun game. And let's leave it at that.

Shurikens were Wretched's idea. Back a couple pages or so.

Thunder: Don't know what to say sir. I've been doing it a while, not just in Blops. :shrug: I know you do it too.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
u should be able to attach a yoyo onto the gun's trigger then throw the gun and when it reaches the peak of the yoyo it starts shooting and then it comes back 2 u and stuff then hitting someone with the gun can take 2 hits to kill them and then you hit them on the way out then bring it back and hit them on the return and then you can throw it and tie up bad guys 2.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Just thought I'd let you guys know that the big MP reveal for MW3 will take place at CoD XP from September 2-3rd. I expect a trailer showing off all the new kill streaks, weapons, perks and maps! :bee:


Our big MP reveal is at Call of Duty XP on Sept. 2nd and 3rd. I've got some big things planned for you then, lots of details.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
You guys are so silly sometimes.

Panic knifing is as legit as hipfiring an M16 shot into someone who tries to sneak up on you.

You only get knifed if you let yourself get into a position where you can be knifed.

Just use an AR the way you are supposed to and you will very very rarely get knifed.

Knifed, knifed, knifed.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
You guys are so silly sometimes.

Panic knifing is as legit as hipfiring an M16 shot into someone who tries to sneak up on you.

You only get knifed if you let yourself get into a position where you can be knifed.

Just use an AR the way you are supposed to and you will very very rarely get knifed.

Knifed, knifed, knifed.
Aido endorses camping, suck a **** you crazy drunken foreigner, you!
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