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Call of Duty: Black Ops


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
Only took me a few games to cap all the flags needed for marathon pro, but that was like the first few days of playing, so everyone was pretty bad. Now it's kinda difficult, especially without sound whoring.

You have to do it with a party, that is, if you can join a game with a party. Randoms don't do anything.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
30-0 FFA on Launch with the Silenced Commando, yeahuz!

Marathon is a waste of a Perk, seriously, especially considering what you potentially lose. I have Hacker Pro, Tactical Mask Pro and Ninja Pro. Tactical Mask pro is nuts. I'll ever ever ever ever ever ever ever unlock Second chance. I might unlock Marathon if I get bored/start playing CTF.

Had to put this game down just now. Really starting to get frustrated with some things. Although there's a patch coming up, currently this game is obnoxious.

1. No footsteps = bad kids do well, which is stupid
2. Spawning people behind me half the time (or more)
3. Other peoples' guns shoot bullets, mine shoot confetti
4. Panic knifing

Fix please.
2. What Delta said, but they'll probably fix it with the footsteps.
3. Eh, I already know know all of the gun stats, I fix this by using high power rifles. When I feel like my shot is weak, I know it's lag, so I usually just play FFA so I don't drag my team down. But again, I agree with Delta; it's usually my fault.
4. ...Again, this could be fixed pretty easily with the ability to hear footsteps. For example, in CoD4, nobody was able to get close enough to knife me, because I could hear them coming from a mile away. But it's pretty annoying when it happens. I've been saying this forever, a one hit kill melee is just ludicrous, but it's become so embedded in the Call of Duty series, I doubt it'll ever be removed.


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
39-11 on domination. Pretty good for me :] I'm working to get my K/D up. It was at a .70 in the beginning cause I failed hard, but now it's at like a .85. Hopefully it'll be above a 1.0 by Sunday-ish.


Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
"Gain control of enemy equipment, turrets and crates; invisible to motion sensors"

How exactly does it work when they say gain control of crates?


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
i forgot to ask, for marathon pro. The CTF challenge. Do you have to get the enemy flag and return it 10 times or just grab it 10 times.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
Guys, multiple things.
1. I told you guys about the pm36
2. All of this footstep stuff.... do you guys really think it is that big of a deal? you're making it seem like every situation you get into you won't be obstructed by gunfire around you, or claymores going off (no click guise), or your teammates yelling.
When you isolate silly situations like that, of course you will do better with ninja pro, but everyone else will use it if it is that good.
3. I hope this doesn't become a pattern of posting K/D's. they just seem really unproductive. I would like to hear about how you helped out the team in another way than killing, though. d._.d


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
My gunship was stolen from me today. T___T

Otherwise, I wrecked face getting Steady Aim Pro done with the stakeout. Even a random on my team said something:

(whilst we were gaining control of A on Jungle, after I get a 6+ KS)

Guy on my team: Dude, some guy just came in here and ***** with a pump action.


As far as shotguns go, I would say DblBrl/Stakeout>other shotguns.

The Olympia has decent range and pack a mad kick, but the ammo obviously balances this (SoH sorta helps with that). Stakeout is pretty awesome with the grip and SA.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I don't know if it's because I'm playing the PC version, but I definitely hear claymore clicks.

Also my KD is terrible because I did a bunch of objective contracts in a row and basically got ***** while capturing stuff.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Guys, multiple things.
1. I told you guys about the pm36
2. All of this footstep stuff.... do you guys really think it is that big of a deal? you're making it seem like every situation you get into you won't be obstructed by gunfire around you, or claymores going off (no click guise), or your teammates yelling.
When you isolate silly situations like that, of course you will do better with ninja pro, but everyone else will use it if it is that good.
3. I hope this doesn't become a pattern of posting K/D's. they just seem really unproductive. I would like to hear about how you helped out the team in another way than killing, though. d._.d
1. I hate every SMG not named the Spectre or AK-74u. They're not my style.

2. Footsteps are a major part of the game if you have a headset, or even stereo headphones. Even more so if you're not playing in a team.

3. I predominantly play FFA or TDM, so I'm used to playing for my K/D. When I play objective games, I usually play the role of a slayer, because that's what I'm good at, and that's what I enjoy. I play to win, and my contribution to the win is usually kills. When I play Domination, it'll usually show two flag captures, because it is a very rare occasion that the other team will be able to take a flag that we don't permit them to take. In the event that they do, I'm one of the first people to support in re-capturing the flag. Even if I'm not on the flag itself, I'm there clearing the enemies around it. I know what it's like to capture/plant an objective, and no offense to anybody here, anyone can do it. However, somebody who plays a role similar to mine is sometimes vital for that bomb to be planted.

And you're free to talk about what you want related to the game, this is a public forum. You can talk about your K/D, your clutch bomb plant in Demolition on Nuketown, nobody is stopping you. I like to talk about stats because I believe that your overall numbers are a pretty accurate representation of overall skill in this game. You're welcome to talk about whatever the hell you feel like.

And let me say this right now: If you have a high K/D and a low W/L, you're bad at this game.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Alright, I wanna say something, because this annoys me more than anything.

Today I was playing CTF to get the marathon pro challenge, and I was the only person who was going for the flag the whole time. Teammates were completely stationary for the entire game. This goes for headquarters and domination as well. People not playing the objective and just staring off into the distance with an M16. Then they give me the, "im a defendr i defendz stuf" ****. No, you're a kill whoring, garbage player. If you're going to play an objective based game, do something to help us win the game.

If you want to kill people, go play FFA or TDM. You can camp all you want in those game modes, and it will pay off. But please, stay the hell out of game modes where you actually need to participate to win if you're just going for kills. Most frustrating thing in the world, especially when playing with randoms.
This x 100000.

Actually, today, we lost a CTF round because some **** on our team took the enemy flag all the way to our base and STOOD IN FRONT OF THE FLAG. HE WAS MURDERED, AND THEN OUR FLAG WAS CAPPED.

How long did it take people to cap enough flags for Marathon Pro? I've yet to do it, and I'm on my first prestige.
And, anyone else find Zombie mode infuriating and hard? maybe I just suck.
It takes a while. I recommend using a Lightweight/blank/Marathon class with a Tactical Insertion. Sneak around to a place near the enemy flag and run Spy Plane/something/Blackbird. This way you can use UAV info to pick the easiest route as you run. C. Spy Plane is good for confusing the enemy as well.

2. All of this footstep stuff.... do you guys really think it is that big of a deal? you're making it seem like every situation you get into you won't be obstructed by gunfire around you, or claymores going off (no click guise), or your teammates yelling.
Footsteps mean a LOT to me. You're talking to someone who could pinpoint an enemy location with a 100 yard radius of him in MW2. It hurts me to not be able to hear things. :(

I managed to get the 16 LMG headshot contract done in one game. Too good.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
3. I predominantly play FFA or TDM, so I'm used to playing for my K/D.
Weren't you the one who stated that I was bad (more or less in a different context) because you had the preconceived notion that I played TDM and FFA in mw2?
When I play objective games, I usually play the role of a slayer, because that's what I'm good at, and that's what I enjoy.
Slayer is a role? I understand that killing is part of the game, but to play every game mode for it? what? you're basically throwing away the point of every game.
I play to win, and my contribution to the win is usually kills.
Kills do nothing in objective based games except slow the other team down or help them get closer to the objective with the new spawn system. Its great that you think that you're amazing at this game but everyone thinks the same thing.

When I play Domination, it'll usually show two flag captures, because it is a very rare occasion that the other team will be able to take a flag that we don't permit them to take.
Its cool if your teammates hold you up, but killing a lot doesn't help in domination, as I said before. Sometimes it makes it worse.
Its cool if you want to play Domination and talk about how you win, but I'm pretty sure most people aren't concerned with you flaunting how amazing you are at this game.
its easy to think that when you play with a team against randoms.

In the event that they do, I'm one of the first people to support in re-capturing the flag. Even if I'm not on the flag itself, I'm there clearing the enemies around it. I know what it's like to capture/plant an objective, and no offense to anybody here, anyone can do it. However, somebody who plays a role similar to mine is sometimes vital for that bomb to be planted.
I'm sure you could multitask and commit more than just making your K/D flashy. You saying that you commit to the team in one mode in one way other than killing says a lot. Of course killing is an integral part, but as I stated before I'm sure everyone appreciates efficiency in winning in other ways other than just blasting randoms and ignoring the objectives until it
And you're free to talk about what you want related to the game, this is a public forum. You can talk about your K/D, your clutch bomb plant in Demolition on Nuketown, nobody is stopping you. I like to talk about stats because I believe that your overall numbers are a pretty accurate representation of overall skill in this game. You're welcome to talk about whatever the hell you feel like.
I didn't say you couldn't. I'm sure nobody is going to care, but I think that its not very helpful to a discussion to just flaunt your KD
Also, stats mean nothing. I have a 1.8, and my W/L is 2.3 but you don't see me flaunting those probably ****ty numbers. Even if they were good it wouldn't be a representation of me. Maybe I have been the best player in existence but I have been dragged down by randoms..?

And let me say this right now: If you have a high K/D and a low W/L, you're bad at this game.
How is that true? I've met people who play with randoms, like I said before, who could stack points but needed good teammates to be able to keep control of objectives.
I gotta say, you got mad for a vague statement that I made so I figured I wouldn't let your efforts be in vein.
Here are the facts:
1. There is no accurate representation of skill because there are too many variables
2. Most people would rather hear about the actual physics of the game than listen to you choke on your KD's long decimal.
3. When there are so many randoms, it is easy to get a good KD, and there is no solid, written out standard of getting a good KD. I could flank, run right into the direct path of fire, or I could sit back and shoot you from a high corner. Nobody has the right to label any of such as the true skill method, so justifying being good at this game as a representation of your KD is just silly.
4. While I do love killing, and I must admit that I am selfish, for you to say that you are selfless for just killing everyone and letting your teammates hold you up is disappointing.

also, to everyone about the footsteps, I understand. I personally don't need them but I can see how you guys would get used to it.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Guys, I've learned the ultimate troll technique

As your team mate is about to get something REALLY good on his Care Package like a Gunship, just take it away from him by rerolling into ammo with Hardline Pro

That'll have them complaining for the entire match :p


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I've done that a good amount of times, roach and it's hilarious.

It's usually when they get something bad but if I hear some trash talking, I just have to step in.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Guys, I've learned the ultimate troll technique

As your team mate is about to get something REALLY good on his Care Package like a Gunship, just take it away from him by rerolling into ammo with Hardline Pro

That'll have them complaining for the entire match :p
LOL I have to try that.

I actually stole an enemy's carepackage the today by rerolling it into a Chopper Gunner. Dohohohohohohoho.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Instead of stealing care packages, I prefer rigging them to detonate with Hacker Pro. I didn't even know that was possible until I did it for the game winning kill in Search.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Well now, you've kind of formatted this in a way that makes it hard to respond to, but here goes...

You: "Weren't you the one who stated that I was bad (more or less in a different context) because you had the preconceived notion that I played TDM and FFA in mw2?"

Me: I don't recall that, and even so, it's still super easy to win and go positive regardless of what game you're playing. I said I predominantly play FFA or TDM because the game is new, and I need to understand the game before I really get into objective games.

You: "Slayer is a role? I understand that killing is part of the game, but to play every game mode for it? what? you're basically throwing away the point of every game."

Me: In objective games, you need to have someone/multiple people who get large amounts of kills. Take CTF for example, if you have an entire team of 6 running for flags, you are going to get ****ED UP. If need be, I'll jump on a flag or get the bomb plant, but more often than not, that's not necessary. Anybody who plays with me will agree with me when I say that I always have the objective in mind, regardless of game type.

You: "Kills do nothing in objective based games except slow the other team down or help them get closer to the objective with the new spawn system. Its great that you think that you're amazing at this game but everyone thinks the same thing.

Me: Well now, that's... stupid. I definitely consider myself to be above average at this game, but I don't consider myself amazing. I'm realistic, not arrogant. And you're saying that me killing someone who's about to capture a flag isn't just as important, if not MORE important as capturing a flag itself? Get real. Kills are a vital part of ANY gametype. Period.

You: "Its cool if your teammates hold you up, but killing a lot doesn't help in domination, as I said before. Sometimes it makes it worse.
Its cool if you want to play Domination and talk about how you win, but I'm pretty sure most people aren't concerned with you flaunting how amazing you are at this game.
its easy to think that when you play with a team against randoms."

Me: I talk about the games I did exceptionally in, I don't really care what you have to say about it. Very rarely I go negative, and most people who play in parties usually ragequit against us, and with the new matchmaking that for some reason insists on putting people in parties against us, it seems to happen much more often that we end up in games where we win by forfeit. When we actually play a competitive game to completion, it's usually not anything to brag about.

You: "I'm sure you could multitask and commit more than just making your K/D flashy. You saying that you commit to the team in one mode in one way other than killing says a lot. Of course killing is an integral part, but as I stated before I'm sure everyone appreciates efficiency in winning in other ways other than just blasting randoms and ignoring the objectives until it"

Me: Not even once did I say I ignore objectives. As a matter of fact I said quite the opposite:
...because it is a very rare occasion that the other team will be able to take a flag that we don't permit them to take. In the event that they do, I'm one of the first people to support in re-capturing the flag. Even if I'm not on the flag itself, I'm there clearing the enemies around it.
Pay better attention. I only go for kills when I know that the win is secure.
I gotta say, you got mad for a vague statement that I made so I figured I wouldn't let your efforts be in vein.
Here are the facts:
1. There is no accurate representation of skill because there are too many variables
Actually, thanks to the new fancy leaderboard, there's not. If you have a low K/D, but you have a ****load of Flag captures, bomb plants, etc, I'd still want that person on my team.

2. Most people would rather hear about the actual physics of the game than listen to you choke on your KD's long decimal.
I'm sorry that I'm not the lead designer of this game, but I spend a lot of time trying to help people in this game/give an educated opinion on things. I've provided really helpful links I've found as well (ex. my previous post). All you do is ***** and gripe to me about my K/D, just shut up please.

3. When there are so many randoms, it is easy to get a good KD, and there is no solid, written out standard of getting a good KD. I could flank, run right into the direct path of fire, or I could sit back and shoot you from a high corner. Nobody has the right to label any of such as the true skill method, so justifying being good at this game as a representation of your KD is just silly.
www.hupitgaming.com stop playing with randoms, it's the worst way to play this game. And again, I don't judge someone solely on their K/D. I quote:
And let me say this right now: If you have a high K/D and a low W/L, you're bad at this game.
4. While I do love killing, and I must admit that I am selfish, for you to say that you are selfless for just killing everyone and letting your teammates hold you up is disappointing.
I'm not even going to respond to this. Aside from dealing with your atrocious spelling and grammar, I’m really hungry/bored of this.


Dankness of Heart
Aug 6, 2010
New Mexico
You should try to get that up, Mad, I would love to see that.
EDIT: Leafy, you don't have to attack my grammar, plus you just rehashed all of your previous statements and ignored some of the most important of mine and missed the point completely.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Guys, I've learned the ultimate troll technique

As your team mate is about to get something REALLY good on his Care Package like a Gunship, just take it away from him by rerolling into ammo with Hardline Pro

That'll have them complaining for the entire match :p
You can do that to team mates? That's interesting, though you could use it for something more productive, like using it to help your allies instead of dragging them down. I mean, why would you drag one of your team mates down? I could see it if one of them is being a jerk or something. If they get something good in their care package I'd just leave it alone. If they get something bad I'd try and help em out by changing it for them. But why change their care package from something good to something bad? You're just dragging down your team that way(especially in team deathmatch since kills are more important in that and care packages that a team mate gets could actually help bring in some kills for the team).


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
That's actually a really good idea. Making a stealthytage with Hacker Pro would be awesome.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I do believe that each individual care package comes with a pre-determined second streak that can be rerolled once.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
You should try to get that up, Mad, I would love to see that.
EDIT: Leafy, you don't have to attack my grammar, plus you just rehashed all of your previous statements and ignored some of the most important of mine and missed the point completely.
Does it really take that long to revise what you're posting? Also, I'm pretty sure I've covered everything, but if you have something in particular in mind, lemme know.


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
So apparently a lot of people think it's wise to throw down a care package and then go into RC car mode. My friend saw a team mate do this. His care package was a chopper gunner. He proceeded to changing his chopper into ammo. umad


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Instead of stealing care packages, I prefer rigging them to detonate with Hacker Pro. I didn't even know that was possible until I did it for the game winning kill in Search.
Well done.

Also, Grand, why not just steal the Gunner?

New killstreak path for me!

Spy plane > SAM Turret > Blackbird

With Hardline pro I reroll the SAM turrets after I already have one so I can use both a care package and it. It's pretty good.


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Also, Grand, why not just steal the Gunner?
It's funny. i asked him the same thing cause I would have taken the gunner, but apparently he thought it'd be funnier to troll him rather than get the kills.

So my current and favorite class is:

Enfield w/ Red Dot Sight
I use a blue crosshairs with circle reticle.

CZ75 fully auto
(although I'm debating between this and M19 Dual Wield)


Sleight of Hand

Marathon (I'm probably going to eventually change this to either tactical mask or hacker)
If they patch footsteps, than probably Ninja

Concussion grenades
Motion Sensor

(What equipment do you guys use? I don't like any of them much. i don't use motion Sensor to camp either. i just put em in areas where there's usually a high enemy concentration so I don''t get surprised. And does anything protect from motion sensors?)


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA

I think I'm gonna unlock Rolling Thunder the next time I play Nuketown, lol
Do it. Rolling Thunder is amazing. Did you watch my video I posted a few pages back?

Guys, I've learned the ultimate troll technique

As your team mate is about to get something REALLY good on his Care Package like a Gunship, just take it away from him by rerolling into ammo with Hardline Pro

That'll have them complaining for the entire match :p
lol I threw a Care Package and it was ammo or something so I let it sit there hoping a teammate would take it for my Hardline Pro. A teammate goes up to it and re-rolls it into a Rolling Thunder and tries to take it. I go over a pick it up fast.



Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Here's the classes I'm attempting to work on; (all classes have Tomahawk, because I love it so. Might go to Semtex. Cause they're also gnarly)

sniper:Sniping in Black ops? lololololol I like the PSG1 with the obvious Ghost/SoH/Ninja or Hacker

Shotgun: Stakeout <3 w/grip
Launcher (stinger replacement)
Steady Aim (w/grip it makes it pretty awesome)
Marathon/Hacker Pro

Role: Rusher really. Used in Domination and wiped the floor in a game with my Stakeout. 4 shots is kinda rough, and the RoF is something to be desired, but the reduced spread with SA/Grip REALLY helps the range a little. Had a nice double kill in a single shot. I may or may not try to get some Stakeout footage on my fileshare Mr.:Mad:

PIMP63 w/Extendze
Lightwieght Pro/Hardline Pro
Steady Aim pro (knife recovery, but still experiminting to see how this works)

Lol class for knifing. I stand by my words of saying the Bknife is a flashy weapon, but nothing more. I don't see much use in this weapon.

Kill those @#$%:
PIMP63 w/Exteeeeeeeendze
Launcher (stinger)

Hardline Pro/Scavenger
Hacker Pro

Scavenger is useful to me since the extended mags are almost a must on the PIMP63, so having your clips go 30/30/20 is not exactly comforting. :-/ Scavenger is nice for extra ammo starts and extra mag pick ups.

Killstreaks are currently as follows (cause I'm a team ish player)

Spy Plane
Counter Spy

My lifespan is very irregular in this game. Some games I'll barely get 2 kills in a row per life. Some I'll just 7+ kills a life. Keeping my KStreaks shallow makes it easier for me to help out when I'm such an inconsistent player. I usually hold onto the CSpy until A) enemy SR77/spy is in the air or B) game is almost ending.

As far as EQ: I'm having a tough time picking/using them. They all have their uses, but I can't find one I love.

Tac grenades are so hit or miss with me. Haven't bothered with flash. Like Concussion, but I don't think they're as good as the stun grenades from MW2. An interesting strategy I've used for demolition was using Nova Gas at the bomb sites. Throw a couple down when someone is about to go plant, or throw somedown when you've planted. I find it almost more useful than claymore in the sense that a player will second guess going in there without a tac mask. Obviously tac maskers aren't affected by this, but I'm banking on the fact that I'm sure very few players USE tac mask. Not saying it isn't useful, but I'm sure other players would rather be silent/see traps.

As far as shotguns, I feel they're ranked like so;

Olympia/Stakeout>Spas>HS10(?). I unlocked all my shottys today, and the spas has a greater RoF than the stakeout, but the range/spread was too much for me. :( HS10 isn't great at all. 4 round clip and dualies increases the spread too much. Crap for range too.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Odin, why not use the Tomahawk to Knife cancel for your Ballistic knife class? It might be faster than Steady Aim Pro, but I can't test it as I haven't even unlocked it yet.

Also, sorry for spawn trapping you on Summit today. :(


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL

Tomacancel? O_o How does that work. I am intrigued.

I hate playing against friends. T__T It shows how much I suck in comparison.
Hey, I got like, 30/50 Dead Silence contract kills that match if it makes you feel better. :)

Tomacancel is like equipment canceling from MW2. After you knife, hold RB to ready the Tomahawk, then press Y to switch to the weapon again. I'll show you in a private match if you want.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I'm 99.98% certain I won't be prestiging. Lazy, don't feel like doing the pro challenges again. Don't know what the unlocks for prestiging are. Etc.
You get an extra custom class for each odd prestige and you get to participate in those "prestige playlists". And some other stuff I think.
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