We didn't use killstreaks, so Ghost was pretty much out although he ran it. To be honest, no first perk would have been really helpful at all the way we were playing. Nobody ever got blown up (except one time I ran into a claymore and turned out of the way to survive), so Flak Jacket was out. Scavenger was definitely NOT needed, and I feel like the sounds I made from Scavenger bags sometimes was a bit much. @_@ We definitely were NOT running very often, so LW was unneeded, and Hardline is lol.
We did run SoH and Marathon for our other perks, however.
I got a pretty neat turn around kill on him at one point because I faintly heard him behind me. He was going for a cheeky knife like I had before. ;o
The final kill involved spraying, a missed turn around panic knife, and more spraying. @_@
Also: You never truly realize how noisy a map is until you play a 1v1 on it. Holy **** Firing Range is loud.