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My Feelings on Christianity
I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to put this, but I assume it is. Anyway...
I was discussing religion (specifically Christianity) with my mother the other day, and I realized that I have a lot of thoughts about it, and I really just feel the need to get it down somewhere. I rarely find opportunities to talk to anyone about these kinds of things, so I figure the best way is to post about it here.
So, let me start by saying a little about myself. If I had to call myself something in regards to religion, I suppose I would fall somewhere between Agnosticism and Atheism. I don't believe in a god, but I can't write off the possibility of one (or more). My father was raised Christian, but somewhere along the line came to the conclusion that it wasn't something he can believe in. My mother was raised Jewish. Neither of my parents are very religious; we may celebrate the holidays, but we have never gone to Church or Temple. I would say I have been raised with a very open mind to religion, and my parents kind of left it on me to build my own views. I've always been turned off by religion, and Christianity in particular. So, onto how I feel about Christianity (let me stress that this is how I feel, and I am by no means a scholar when it comes to religion).
I think Christianity can be a good thing. In fact, it can be a great thing. The problem is, this is only when one chooses to "cherry-pick" parts of the bible. So "love thy neighbor," may be a great moral (by the way, I apologize in advance if I botch any quotes. I'm doing most of this by memory), but "(homosexuals) must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads," or "Tell slaves to be submissive to their masters..." are things that I cannot follow. So, I looked in the bible, and found numerous verses that appear to tell me that beating my wife is okay, beating/owning a slave is okay, beating my children is okay, homosexuals should be killed, etc, etc (I can find/link these verses if anyone wants. Off the top of my head... Leviticus 20:13, Titus 2:9).
So we got some good verses that preach good morals.. then we have the other ones I come across. What I don't understand is how these verses seem to be ignored, or accepted. Now, I'm a very anti-sexism/racism/etc kind of guy, so when I read these things, it makes me sick.
The way I see it, if you are going to be a Christian who follows the bible - you follow all of the bible. Not parts of it. The entire thing. I mean, is it okay to support a person who gives homeless people a home, but also beats his wife? I say no. I think it's unfair to just cherry-pick parts of the bible you like, because by calling yourself a Christian and following the bible, you are still supporting the entire thing.
So when I bring this kind of thing up, the usual response I get is "oh, but you are misinterpreting it." I think this is ridiculous. First of all, it looks very clear to me. I don't know how you could possibly misinterpret some of these. Anyway, my response will always be, "well isn't it awfully convenient that it's only the terrible things that are a misinterpretation?" Why can't "love thy neighbor" be a misinterpretation? Why can't that mean "**** your neighbor"? In my eyes, the bible clearly advocates slavery, sexism, violence, and homophobia.
Then we have the belief in god. I'm sure you've all heard it all when it comes to debates on god's existence, but I still want to get my feelings on that down as well. Basically, my feelings are that it's just as reasonable to believe that the universe was infinite as that god was infinite. But, I can't write off the possibility of a god. The way I see it, if god did exist, he would be beyond our abilities to prove or disprove. I don't like the Christian idea of god... more so the Futurama idea of god: a formless, emotionless, omnipotent being. I've always said that if a god existed, it wouldn't possess humanly emotions, and thus wouldn't need to be worshiped, etc. It is this belief that leads me to believe that most of the bible was just, well, written. No more or less true than Greek mythology. Only stories.
So then I wonder "why do people follow this? Is it the want or need to be part of a group? Why not make your own beliefs? Do they ignore these verses? Do they support them?" Now, I'm aware that I could be totally wrong about this, and by all means correct me.
I would like to really, really stress that I do not mean any disrespect to any Christians who may be reading this. I do not hold anything against you for being Christian, and I really don't want any hostility here. I fully acknowledge that I may be completely wrong in all of this, and if I am, I would like to know where and why. But again, no hostility.