So i clicked the download link on the op. Then downloaded the first file on the web page. then I unzipped it on to an empty 2GB SD card that I checked works with my wii. Then i cleared all my custom stages and reset my wii with the SD card in it. I went to stage builder in the vault. And there was no stages to load or a prompt to start BBrawl. I even selected to read SD card and still there was nothing. I plugged the SD card back into the computer and the files were still there in the places that you mentioned in the OP. I have a US non hacked Wii. Any Ideas on where I messed up?
I figured it out. All the files were under a "Balanced Brawl" folder instead of being the root. Thanks For all your hard work I'm excited to see what all this is about.
I figured it out. All the files were under a "Balanced Brawl" folder instead of being the root. Thanks For all your hard work I'm excited to see what all this is about.