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Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2008
uhh...I usually just sit back and chill. Bucket his lasers and either powershield his gyros or airdodge catch them. Airdodge catching them is better since if you're holding the gyro, ROB can't shoot another gyro at you. If he fills up your bucket to try to force you to approach, you can just sit there and powershield lasers, if you're in the lead.

HOWEVER, if you are losing, timing a dash attack stage spike is probably one of your best options. You can also run off the stage and bair, since it has a small chance of stage spiking and it has a nice lasting hitbox.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Melbourne, FL
Or land a dtilt/ftilt/fsmash, then follow-up with spaced chef spam. ROB will have a hard time escaping the shower of projectiles, regarding his broad hurtbox. Even if he does find a window to escape, it'd be so obvious, he'd get punished for it.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Toulouse, France
The chef spam doesn't work well (that's what I tried, and it failed, in fact it is my main tactic against ledgecampers but it's different against ROB, and that's why I ask). You will eat a laser/gyro (he simply has to drop the ledge, fall a little farther then jump or up b), which will cancel your chef spam and so on.

I think catching the gyro is a good idea, I'll also try the ledgegrabing tricks next time, thanks for your answers.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Melbourne, FL
The chef spam doesn't work well (that's what I tried, and it failed, in fact it is my main tactic against ledgecampers but it's different against ROB, and that's why I ask). You will eat a laser/gyro (he simply has to drop the ledge, fall a little farther then jump or up b), which will cancel your chef spam and so on.

I think catching the gyro is a good idea, I'll also try the ledgegrabing tricks next time, thanks for your answers.
I said after a 'spacing' move (dtilt, ftilt, fsmash), this way you can fit in chef while he recoveries. And if he ledge drops, that gives me ample time to SF dair, or take control of the ledge.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2008
Orlando, Florida
The best G&Ws are Hylian, xYz, and Omegablackmage, among others. I'm sure that you can find some of their vids in the video thread.


Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2008
How do you Smash DI or quarter circle DI? I couldn't find a tutorial explaining how to perform any of the advanced DIs. Do you know any threads explaining advanced DI or can you explain to me?


Smash Rookie
Sep 28, 2008
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Question regarding Bucket Braking,

Is it bad to use Uair instead of Nair? What makes Nair so much better? Sure it's 5 frames faster, but you also miss natural DI using it, or am I wrong with that? Thanks in advance.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
Best G&W? I'm trying to see whose vids I should look up.
Vex Kasrani is also really, really good.

Wow you spell really well and efficiently from via accessing the internet from an iPod
If you are complimenting me, thanks =]. I try my best, and I am learning to type because I am getting an iPhone soon. I also use e-mail so I have to be fairly legible.

If you are trying to disprove me and call me out on lazyness... >=[ I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE

Question regarding Bucket Braking,

Is it bad to use Uair instead of Nair? What makes Nair so much better? Sure it's 5 frames faster, but you also miss natural DI using it, or am I wrong with that? Thanks in advance.
You lose a few frames when you do a slower move, obviously. You should learn to DI the nair. But if you do accidentally do another aerial, just bucket anyways, it will have the same effect.

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Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2008
If you can DI + FF nair without doing a dair, its the better option. If you can't, FF uair + bucket works just as well, minus 5 frames. I usually go with nair, since you never know when those 5 frames mean the difference between life and death.

Brave Hippo

Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2009
Alright guys, I want to play GnW, but have no talent with him at all. SHould I stick with it or play someone I have talent with and can actually use? If you guys saw my GnW, you would all die from laughter. :urg:


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2008
Orlando, Florida
When trying to decide a character to play as, you should pick solely on your personal preferences. We play smash to have fun, so play as you feel most comfortable with. Though it is important to keep in mind that the lower a character's tier placement, the harder it is to play as them.

Also, I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that question, but I hope that it helped. But still go ahead and use pretty much any character you want. If you're bad with G&W now, but really want to play as him, just keep practicing and you'll get better soon enough.

Brave Hippo

Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2009
But I really hate his play style...ah well, thanks man. Im just gonna stick with Olimar as my main and Kirby as my second. Both are INCREDIBLY fun. :)


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
Hylain and other GaW's say it is even, the Falcos seem to think GaW has a good advantage last I heard.

For sure it isn't **** against us.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2008
ive been using GnW lately because he feels like a comfortable transition from TL.

Question 1: I noticed that in the rare instance that you get a full bucket vs a player if you use green house to down be it seems to be impossible to escape from. I've used it on my friends and in tournies successfully. Bucket gets filled more often in team matches obviously. Is this always a true combo or can it be escaped?

Question 2:
I notice a lot of dthrows, tech chase to hyphen smash. Obviously this will only work if they roll in the same direction you choose and it seems that even then, people can shield it. Is this always true that they can shield it or is that just bad timing on GnW?

Question 3:
I like to use dthrow to dtilt. It seems to be guaranteed. Why don't more people do that?

Question 4: Is it possible to cancel dair? I know you can slow it. I thought I saw someone upb out of dair but am not 100%

Question 5:
Is uthrow to nair to upb a combo? Does it only work at low percents?


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
Is there a post with G&W kill percentages?
I don't really like kill percentages that much, they vary too much on the stages and opponents DI.. I would instead play around with killing early, and just try and get a feel for them. For reference, he kills at "low". Heh.

ive been using GnW lately because he feels like a comfortable transition from TL.

Question 1: I noticed that in the rare instance that you get a full bucket vs a player if you use green house to down be it seems to be impossible to escape from. I've used it on my friends and in tournies successfully. Bucket gets filled more often in team matches obviously. Is this always a true combo or can it be escaped?

Hmm, that is not how I do it so I don't have much to say. They can SDI behind you and put you in a jam. According to our guide on the boards it is a good idea. I prefer spacing it like you would a retreating fair, and dropping it on them when they attack.

Question 2:
I notice a lot of dthrows, tech chase to hyphen smash. Obviously this will only work if they roll in the same direction you choose and it seems that even then, people can shield it. Is this always true that they can shield it or is that just bad timing on GnW?

If they roll you can easily time it. Some characters go further, some shorter, so that could be effecting your timing. Same with techs, you have to be a lot faster though and some characters can roll far enough to be very safe, although with proper spacing you might be able to get a quickie off.

Try charging the smash a little, that really turns the situation against the shielder to a low reward high risk. They can eat OP smash of doom or get a grab or OOS punishment off.

Once again, Snake can be dumb and just f-tilt you, turning it into a high reward situation but **** him.

Question 3:
I like to use dthrow to dtilt. It seems to be guaranteed. Why don't more people do that?

I do that at the ledge or against walls, or if my guessing has been dumb this match. They can DI behind you and be safe though, but usually you aren't in that much danger either.

Question 4: Is it possible to cancel dair? I know you can slow it. I thought I saw someone upb out of dair but am not 100%

Nope, no cancel. He probably just parachuted right as it ended.

Question 5:
Is uthrow to nair to upb a combo? Does it only work at low percents?
Nope, it is not a combo. It is a deadly setup though, so don't be afraid to try it even if it is not guraunteed, especially against characters you can't chase as well like.. Snake.

So remember, it works but not against snake >_>


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Can someone tell me if Im bucket braking (I think thats what its called correct me if Im wrong )correctly
When I do it (or try at least), I bucket before my second jump but after I airdodge\aerial but it doesnt help me too much
Am I supposed to bucket first or do I have to to time it or what


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Can someone tell me if Im bucket braking (I think thats what its called correct me if Im wrong )correctly
When I do it (or try at least), I bucket before my second jump but after I airdodge\aerial but it doesnt help me too much
Am I supposed to bucket first or do I have to to time it or what
Simple answer:
As soon as you get attacked and get sent flying away spam the A button to perform nair. Make sure you DI the attack toward the corner of the stage but be carefully not to hold a direction while you press A.
As soon as you see yourself using the attack while flying away, starting spamming Down-B until your bucket comes out.

That's about as easy as it gets. After you bucket you can jump then move back toward the stage.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Simple answer:
As soon as you get attacked and get sent flying away spam the A button to perform nair. Make sure you DI the attack toward the corner of the stage but be carefully not to hold a direction while you press A.
As soon as you see yourself using the attack while flying away, starting spamming Down-B until your bucket comes out.

That's about as easy as it gets. After you bucket you can jump then move back toward the stage.
Ok thanks
And another question; How do you hit with the nair so that it barely knocks the enemy away (Ive seen falling nairs to DSmash and I want to know how to do that)

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Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2008
Fast Fall the Nair. Be sure to land before the final hitbox (the one that sends them away) comes out. Nair -> utilt -> Nair is a really night combo.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2008
Orlando, Florida
When you land with an incomplete nair, your opponent is left in a vulnerable posistion for either fsmash and dsmash, along with utilt and dtilt. UpB probably works, but you're better off going with a smash. Sometimes they might DI away, but it's pretty reliable, as the way to DI out of the auto-cancelled nair varies depending on when you land with it.
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