OKay so finally gonna do shout outs.....
1st off
Good stuff alex, crismas, inui, atomsk, tantulas, solid jake, OBM, Darc, Dazwa, HAT, magnus, chibo, lobos (thats right I helped too), and everyone else that made this tournament run so well. ECRC events have been getting better and better!
2nd too my fellow TL mains
Jash - Good stuff for coming and still beasting, we gotta do teams sometime and have a legendary TL team with stuff flying all over the place.
Phase - I forgot where you were from but nice TL you got there
Map - A TL main in my pool that just picked up TL......was star struck and happy to play me lol
Heero - Came up to me and said HI but we never got to play wanted to play friendlies but I was bouncing all over the place
Izuma - Your MK is better

and your ganon eats my bairs
shadow moth - did we meet or play at all??? I know it wasn't hard to find me with the headband and all
3rd my pools if I remember everyone
Neo- You suck.... stop beating me

Kai - Close set I have fun fighting diddy's.....and good job banning brinstar..the **** I would have gave you on that stage
Map - Just keep improving you'll get there
Solid Jake - took me to game 3, not bad for someone who doesn't practice.....needs moar snake impressions!
D3K or D3T - I can't remember which it was but you have a solid kirby keep working on it
4th teams
Chaos marth - For a second I didn't think you were gonna make it in time

could have done better but GGs
OmegaBlackMage and xYZ - Fun set, I was kinda wrecking you guys in game 1 & 2

Dizmy&partner - GGs and had fun in those friendlies
Lain + Omni - GGs simple tactics beat us lol
5th brackets
1: Ally(guess) - Good stuff winning
2: Mew2King(guess) - Thanks for the friendlies, you got better in the match up and didn't let me spike you this time
3: Lain(Ics, DDD) -

Nice pics lol
4: Anti(Snake, MK) - Nice meeting you
5: Atomsk(DDD) - Always a pleasure sir!
5: Ksizzle(Lucario, MK) - Quiet guy but *****
7: ADHD(Diddy Kong) -

play me
7: Anther(Pikachu) - Awesome friendlies your pikachu is legit
9: Seibrik(MK, DDD) - "Let me do it! I'm like 100Lbs"

9: Candy(Snake) - I got johns for days in that ditto but I'm a man of my word, expect a donut at chu's dojo....the one with white cream filling

9: NinjaLink(Rob, Diddy, Pikachu) - The most none energetic guy, proud to create such a monster TL *tear*
9: Blackwaltz(Olimar) - Had a fun set, grabbing me thru the platform ugh!!
13: Afro Thunder(SNAKE!!!) - Wish we played! Nice meeting you
13: Dojo(MK) - ***** me in friendlies and then my boy the next day. GG Sir
13: Ultimate Razer(Snake) - lol someone took your lunch money
13: HolyNightmare(Rob) -

17: Y.b.M(Kirby) - I did hear people say will smith was at our tourney....LOL
17: UTD Zac(G&W) - Cool guy wish we played
17: Slikvik(Wario, G&W, Peach) - JLB for life son!
17: Dazwa(Zss) - You got shout outs!
17: NEO(Marth) - See above and lol at your reaction after candy beat dojo
17: Boss(Mario, Luigi) - Get ***** by jash on live stream
17: Plankk(...guess) - lol funny guy
17: Light(Shiek, Pit, MK) - Your shiek is good! Had fun freindlies
25: Hylian(G&W) - You said TX would have someone in TOP 5....what happened?
25: Meep!(ICs, barf) - MEEp!
25: PhantomX(Wario) - Scared to play me?!?!?!? lol jk Nice meeting you
25: kornnn(METAKNIGHT) - Thanks for the freindlies, I needed a warm up
25: ESOJ(DiddyK) - You are now my rival ....2-1 in tournament... great set!
25: Jash(TL) - Your TL plushy 3 stocked my video
25: Puffster(DiddyKong) -

25: Xzax(MK) -

33: PGN(G&W) -

33: Crizthakidd(MK) -

33: Cawesome(SNAKE) -

33: Judge(MK, Wario) -

33: Steel2nd(Marth) -

33: HAT(SNAKE) - HAT!!!
33: Chudat(Kirby) -

lol sleeping right before getting called, see you at the dojo
33: Eazy(MK) - Finally we got some friendlies but it was too short, Get at your boy!
33: Vex Kasrani(G&W, DDD, Bowser) -

33: Kadaj(Marth) -

33: PikaPika!(guess) -

33: Inui (Broken Finger Johns) -

33: Fatal(Snake) -

33: BadNewsBear(Lots of characters) - nice meeting you we should have played
33: Yes!(Snake, Fox) -

33: EEvisu(DayDayDay) - Great car ride! I'm still laughing at work!
49: Rhyme(Spamus) -

49: SK(92)

49: Xiivi(Luigi) -

49: Omegablackmage(SlikVik) -

49: Xisin(?) -

49: KirinBlaze(Mario) -

49: Omniswell(ICs, Wolf) - Hey fun friendlies and stuff
49: Dphat(Marth, MK) - breakfast was good in the morning!
49: TUSMMMMM(DaydayDayyyyyyyyyy) -

49: Ophelia(Sonic, MK) -

49: JJ wolf(guess) -

49: D1(FLACO, Metacake) - MA DOOD!!!
49: Darc(Marth) -

49: Keitaro(Falco) - Keitaro time?
49: Kai(Sonic, Diddy) - See above
49: IcyLight(Olimar) -


65: Okin(Lucas) - Looking fly as a mofo can't wait till otakon
65: Clai(MUTHA****IN GANON) -

65: Smurf(Pit) -

65: God-is-my-rock(slikvik) - JLB FOR LIFE!
65: BetaZealot(falco) -

65: Dark. Pch(Pch) - I ***** you in 1 friendly and you left GG
65: Buuman(DDD) -

65: Ninja Edd(Diddy) -

65: DIZMY -

65: Jilla -

65: Kage - Your ganon is **** in melee
65: Blackanese(G&W, MK) -

65: .com - lol funny guy and fun friendlies
65: Sky -

65: Gunblade(snake) - I ***** you on live stream LOL JV 4 stock!
65: Lobos(TL) - EW do better!
65: WTP -

65: Izumi(MK) -

65: EpicProportions -

65: The Hulk(DK) -

65: Vanz(DQ'd) -

65: Yoshididdy(Diddy) -

65: Doom(MK) -


65: dj nintendo(Bowser) - Cool guy.....****** with bowser in melee and brawl wut!!
65: Turbo Ether(Snake) -

65: Will(DK) -

65: Arrancar 18(Lucario) -

65: GDX(diddy) - Lets team again guy!
65: Malcom(sonic) - Funny guy! Trash talk is too good
65: Pyronic~Star(Olimar) - what happened!?
6th everything else
ithrowthings - fun friendlies! Sonic can be difficult to get a kill on
Ummm hope I didn't forget anyone, had fun overall.....
Oh yeah melee peeps sorry I didn't go down there and record some video footage next time I got yall!