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3/28/09 GIGABITS - A Smashing Good Brawl


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
xyz: dam u 2 guud sonnnnnn daymnnnnn

biglou: $$$$
reflex: thanks for the support in teams
kismet: victory is my kismet
seibrik: quickly becoming the most consistent player ever to grace our floridian realm
chops: Ah, Sensei Chops...
masky: ***** my ****
mk18: also ***** my ****
dedw8: lolz, your rob = 2 good
publix: CP halberd and you'll be ****** in no time
otru: you're so good with spacies, you always surprise me.
hrnut: tour de nado'd you off the top ftw. sorry you had to get wrecked like that
chaz: tripping sucks, i know, but it's just a lesson that you can't dash around all the time in Brawl
danny: awesome 2v1 skill, you're crazy
gmoney: great job getting godly with wario
lio: you do really well for playing a character that I always thought was one of the toughest to play
legion: that zelda is so fiyahhhhh
kyon: hugs and <3
co18: wow we had to play three full tournament sets... I thought you would have some crazy tricks to deal with tornado in teams by now, you certainly learned how to **** tornado in singles
basicsausage: cool guy, i wish we could have played a singles friendly so you could have owned me.
8-bit: thanks for the live stream set up and everything
gdx + dc: i watched you monkeez talk on the livestream for like 3 hours, and loved every minute of it :)


jk jk i tried to mainly only mention people I played, if i didn't mention your name, it's because we didn't play, and if I was going to mention everyone who was cool (like d-torr) even though I didn't play them, I'd have a really list cuz the whole community is so cool.

final shoutout:

Amber - none of this would ever be possible without you... :007:


Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2008
Outer Haven
If a user by the name of ****** goes on these forums, I sincerely apologize for not even saying "Good Game" after our match. I was angry with my performance all day, and that first match just did it for me. I usually at least shake my opponent's hand even when I am upset at something like that, but the way I acted was unsportsman-like. I am sorry.
****** is my friend, I'll let him know since he doesn't get on the boards >.<

M!X: although u rocked me in our traditional snake ditto, i feel that I didn't put out my best effort this time with people watching around (and my brother being there walking by to watch me play)

DewDaDash: check around later this week as i will send u a PM on hacking the Wii
Yea I felt that you where off... usually things go either way and close and this time the dittos didn't seemed what I was expecting >.< Next time though we Ditto we gotta go all out :) I didn't knew your brother came, damm but hey I had a real tough time with your Olimar, damm that was some intense stuff... I've never fought a good Olimar so it was good experience... Thanks :)

btw could you hook me up with the hack as well??? I found a way to do it but I think its wrong or i messed up on something idk.... I appreciate your help man ^.<

So this was my second gigs... starting to meet some more peoples, havin fun... :) good games to everyone I played, hopefully next time I can fight someone other than snake in the tourney!
Dude GG I didn't knew I was just another Snake you went up against XD if I had know I would of changed to my Kirby for more practice... to M!X things around you know??? anyways your Diddy is good bro keep it up :)

@TeeCo: GGs bro, our matches are always close.. this time I was sure you would of beaten me >.< but somehow I pull through like last time.... I hope to see yo again in my next Gigs :)
@GMoney: Nice talking with you again man ^.^ specially when I got my Lemonade XD good **** on placing, I don't remember what place but it was 5th or something like that???
@Mars: GGs man... Pretty sneaky... I'll like a Rematch next time I see you :)
@Ryu: I think it was you that I lost to my second time... GGs bro, in our first match when you followed me on my last stock underneath the stage... good **** man, no one does that XD so I never would of saw that coming hehehe
@8-Bit: our Snake Dittos are always intense and really fun man ^.^ your prob the only Snake I can safely have fun and still play serious :) I still regret not playing you in my tourney :( but at least this time we did managed to play :) I'll see you next time man ^.^
@Chaz: we didn't got to finish our pending half-way MM Snake vs Marth!!! I tried telling you about it a couple times but you didn't listened or something >_> maybe next time we meet again...
@ScaryLB59: damm bro we missed our pending mm XD we gotta do it next time, you have a sick Sheik!!! and I Can't wait to play you :)
@SheikSSBM & DewDaDash: good **** on getting 5th in teams??? I knew I shouldn't of had signed up for singles... cuz of that I couldn't ee you guys fight all your way till you got eliminated >.< damm that sucks for me since it was pointless me being in singles since I didnt planned to join it.... I hope for videos, that's all I can say
@Emo^Wolf & F-18: Good **** guys on getting as far as you did, considering that you guys hadn't teamed in like 3 months or so you guys did pretty good... things can be worked on but just be patient and practice ^.^ also Danny... don't kill Wolfito >.> lol

Last but not least @ QDVS & ColBol: Thanks for housing us, it really made a difference sleeping 5 mint. away from the venue XD that was really nice ^.^you guys are cool to hang around with and we had an intense doubles set with ****** as my partner... ahh too bad melee is dying out :( I remember hearing a lot from you guys back in the day... one thing I got amazed was seeing you ColBol play Chu in that Melee tourney... your Fox is too good, really insane XD those damm gimps are just... WoW!!!

anyone that I missed my bad but good ****


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
McDouble Mmmmmmmm JYES!!!!!!!!

YOu my dog now, dude arent you hosting a tourney?
Nah, I know a guy who is hosting one at Play and Trade and I told him id post it on Smashboards so more people would attend. Just helping out a friend. But if I do your on the VIP list!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2005
Lakeland, FL
I will nag CECIL to post the brackets. I am no longer working as GIGABITS manager. This tournament was actually my last day.

I will still help organize some tournaments for Giga so I will still be around ocassionally.


Smash Ace
Jun 19, 2008
Lol at gmoney, this tournament is partially mine, and i don't have any gym meets to coach,

Course i'll be in tally.

you'll be at D's house night before?

Looking forward to hanging again, been too long!


Smash Ace
Jun 19, 2008
Ask DBS, though he may be full.

Either way, don't worry about housing, we'll get you all taken care of.

Wherever you stay, party at DBS's house night before. (might not even need to worry about housing, party normally goes all night.)

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
i love Kyon

we're sorry we had to use MK/Wario over TLink/Wario, but you guys shut Lio down TOO well XD (thus shutting me down)

it still sucks that your counterpick countered you guys more (silly giant toon bombs)...

Peach/Zelda is too good ;)
I love you too still! much respect still. =^-^=


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2008
Tally FL
I will nag CECIL to post the brackets. I am no longer working as GIGABITS manager. This tournament was actually my last day.

I will still help organize some tournaments for Giga so I will still be around ocassionally.
Awwwww we will miss u <3


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
I will nag CECIL to post the brackets. I am no longer working as GIGABITS manager. This tournament was actually my last day.

I will still help organize some tournaments for Giga so I will still be around ocassionally.
ah, ok sounds good


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
can't upload matches since youtube has pranked us by not letting us do anything

edit: reflex, i can assure u 100% that your avatar and character listing is a joke and knowing that you're gonna main mk from now on.

heck... might as well have the whole board turn to MK avatars


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
8bit I hate to be one of those people...

But could you possibly find my g&w matches and upload them since I have 0 brawl videos ever?

Pritty sure I was the only black g&w on the livestream TV.

If its too much effort then don't worry about it.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
Florida, Ocala
Lio said he's going to get Ryo to possibly upload the videos by the end of this week, I'm still waiting for our TL dittos lol they were really fun.


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
Im picking up the random button... only the manliest players will use it, especially if it's falcon you get...

there should be a code on the random button modification that you can have a preset list of characters per player and it will go by such and such


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
I'd pick random all the time if Sonic wasn't included.

He's seriously the worst character ever for someone who doesn't main him.

He's so different from the other characters...


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
were good we have one now, still comin today?
A tonyfest and I wasn't invited!? ha

I'd pick random all the time if Sonic wasn't included.

He's seriously the worst character ever for someone who doesn't main him.

He's so different from the other characters...
IKR? I still don't know the difference between sideB and DownB. stupid sonic :urg:


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
How do not ppl realize the obviousness of the april fools joke. im quite sure reflex isnt using mk
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