Is there going to be a full results thread?
Oh, and in case anyone cares, here's how my money matches went.
-MK vs Wario with Afro for $20 and lost 1-3.
-MK vs Dedede with Seibrik for $5 and won very close matches, 2-0.
-MK vs Snake with Seibrik for $5 and lost 1-3.
-Snake vs MK with Sebrik for $10 and won 3-1.
-MK vs Dedede with Hungrybox for $0.50(what a Jew) and won 3-0.
-MK vs Dedede with CO18 for $5 and twostocked him twice, winning 2-0.
-Snake vs Dedede with CO18 for $5 and won two close matches to win 2-0.
-ChuDat: It was really fun teaming with you! Our teamwork sucked until the very end, but we pulled off the wins when it mattered the most. Great job winning singles. I gotta work on being less predictable when you play me in singles because you read me too well.
-GDX: Nice Diddy. I enjoy fighting that character.
-Ghaleon: Best Lucas? Well, best one I've ever played or seen for sure.
-Seibrik: ***** me with Snake in singles, lol... Snake is the best character, not Meta Knight. I'll be ready to MM your Dedede soon to prove it.
-Afro: Wario is serious business. You're always fun to be around.
-Hungrybox: Also fun to be around.
-HRNUT: Wtf @ your placings...
-CJ: You're the freaking man for taking me home, mah d00.
-CO18: I'm going to be honest and say you were really easy in our MMs, but you proved you're pretty good by taking 3rd even with two top OOS players there, so I can't deny your ability. I guess I just have too much Dedede practice because the best one is my doubles partner. Let's try and put the e-hate behind us. Go OOS sometime and see if you do well.
-Cash Mooney: Followed me around all day, lol.
-ChuDat's cousins: **** at Brawl without really playing it LOL!
-Everyone else: Florida was fun as usual, hope to see you all again soon.
Which is why when Seibrik and I MMed that match-up, the person using Snake won 3-1 each time? I somehow beat Forte in a set when he did 150%+ more damage per match? I nearly threestocked Plank in tourny? I've only lost to two MKs in that match-up in tourny ever, and one is Mew2King while the other is the God of Patience, Plank?
Snake beats MK and he's the best character. Only character Seibrik can beat me with LOL.