Tourney was alot of fun. I'll probably start going to tournaments again now.
Quick shoutouts:
Action: You got so much better. We gotta do more matches. I'm stealing some of your stuff btw. Airdodge spam's coming back.
Mars: Nice Pit, matches were close. Danny's coming to Jan gigs.
NickR: I knew you'd place well. Funnest set I had that night. Btw, ZSS looks like a ***** when she's getting jab locked. Come to FIU more!
Inui: I hope you stick around for a bit,wanted to play you some more. Fun matches and a different MK.
GDX: Lol, you kicked my *** in teams. I'll get you though. Storing up the hate and greed for next gigs, saving it specifically for you.
HRNut: Me and Bonesaw are no. 1 at random teams. And now we know we'll never have to worry about you counterpicking Yoshi.
Tommy G: By far the coolest guy I know. Stop suiciding in tournament matches! (only I'm allowed to by failing up-b's I do correctly all the time except in serious tourney sets)
RA?: Never seen you at a tourney before, good set.