I may have said this before, but unless a game just has super stiff controls, I don't think there's a platformer that has bad movement. For example, after I beat Sonic Heroes and found it to be the most fun to control of any of the 3D Sonics, I was surprised that most people thought it had awful physics and that was the main criticism of the game. I think it's because I just liked learning the game's quirks and taking advantage of them. For example, you can buffer a swap to another character while in midair even though you won't be able to until you hit the ground. When you do, you'll have all the momentum you built up as the previous character. So it's really fun to drop down as Sonic with all the speed you could want, buffer a swap to Tails, and then instantly get a nitro boost with great maneuverability and extra jumps as soon as I hit the ground. I also had to be super careful when using the Power attacks near ledges, so sometimes if there was a key there, I'd have to position myself very carefully and pick a god, pray, and press B. I know that doesn't sound fun, but it really is! I also felt this way about the dash in Mighty No. 9 (although I didn't like the artstyle very much so that's why I stopped playing it), Shadow The Hedgehog (it's like ice skating!), and...well I have not played that many bad platformers but I'll try to get around to some more.
I do not, however, apply this logic to two things, pre-slide Mega Man and Sonic '06/Frontiers. The former I think is fine because you can get fun out of trying to run at your set pace throughout the whole level, so even though the movement is boring it's not something I actually think about at all, the level design is engaging enough. '06 and Frontiers are exceptions to the "bad controls" thing in the opposite direction to Mega Man 1&2, because their movement is so stiff and so many parts of it feel like they're actively trying to take away player freedom unless you know speedrun techniques, and I do not think you should have to be good at speedrun techniques to enjoy a game to the full extent (lookin' at you Celeste DLC).
I do not, however, apply this logic to two things, pre-slide Mega Man and Sonic '06/Frontiers. The former I think is fine because you can get fun out of trying to run at your set pace throughout the whole level, so even though the movement is boring it's not something I actually think about at all, the level design is engaging enough. '06 and Frontiers are exceptions to the "bad controls" thing in the opposite direction to Mega Man 1&2, because their movement is so stiff and so many parts of it feel like they're actively trying to take away player freedom unless you know speedrun techniques, and I do not think you should have to be good at speedrun techniques to enjoy a game to the full extent (lookin' at you Celeste DLC).