I love this funny socialist monkey goblin man. Go **** up that self-righteous capitalist prude, funny monkey. You're a hero.
Let's consider a few things:
-Prosperity brought a trident and shield, Funny Monkey Man brought no weapons, he has the moral high ground - not only that, but he's winning without weapons, making it clear he's objectively stronger.
-Her name, "Prosperity" sounds peaceful and serene but really just means to be "successful in material terms".
-The fact Prosperity is fighting at all with Funny Monkey Man implies she's an animal abuser.
-Prosperity is wearing a gladiator helmet. The gladiators were absolute buffoons who rushed into danger for the sake of others' entertainment.
-Funny Monkey Man is a funny monkey goblin, Prosperity is just a generic fantasy JRPG healer.
-He's stomping all over the UK shield. Screw the UK. Even we Brits hate the UK.