I'm generally someone who's all for transformative localisation with new intent, plotlines, characters, character and location names, jokes, e.t.c. - but there are bad localisations, and my favourite example of a terrible localisation is Bonanza Bros.
The original game was about burglars robbing a bank, but at the time games were being accused of promoting crime - this left Sega with two options, don't localise the game, or censor it.
They chose the latter, which makes sense and I won't argue against... but their localisation was super lazy. They left EVERYTHING intact, they still had bags of loot, stunned cops using tranquilisers, and snorted a bitcrushed "nyeh heh heh!"
They just added a description to the manual that said the Bonanza Bros. are detectives trying to recover evidence from corrupt businesses, and then contradicted it by adding an intro cutscene that said they were actual crooks but being hired to test out the security system of reputable businesses as to... prevent crime by doing crime? Guess the Bonanza Bros. work for the FBI
Really they could've just given them a deerstalker hat and a pipe, change the laugh to "Elementary!", put orange shirts in place of the cops' uniform and that would've worked - but no, Sega had to be lazy.