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Honestly I feel Ultimate's "second life" after the next Smash launches will probably be through mods like Brawl - modern Smash is basically playing a tug of war between Brawl and Melee game design with Melee edging closer each game, and the people who argue "wavedashing isn't needed" and such tend to end up prefering the faster pace of each new instalment. Even if casual players don't want wavedashing or such, they will catch on to SSBU's performance issues and see its pace as sluggish come a new instalment.
Cotton Candy Yarn Yoshi has appeared in all 3 Yoshi alt lists for Mario Smash so far. Not really saying this means anything, I just think it's kinda cool how from the very large list of Yarn Yoshis we've pretty much all agreed on one.
It's kinda funny how both NASB and Multiversus, regardless of quality, undeniably only exist to shill the legacy content on Paramount+ and HBO Max respectvely - but the game that's success spurred them on is filled with content from games with next to no official or legal means of access.
While divisive games are nothing new, NASB's divisive factor is pretty funny because depending on who you ask it's either on the level of Garfield Kart, or superior in every way to a GOTY nominee - though I think that says less about NASB and Smash, and more about how priorities can differ between fans of a single genre - do you eat a cupcake for the cake or the frosting?
Even before the buyout splurge, Nintendo fans were seriously over-estimating how big/important the Rare IPs are among Microsoft's stable. The only Rare projects I'd argue to have anything remotely close to the same legacy as things like Halo, Fable, and Gears of War are DKC1 and GoldenEye... the ones featuring characters they don't own.
I have a really good - if potentially controversial - idea for a fighter job on the Mario Smash thread that will seriously stretch creative muscles, but since our last fighter submission job was for clones I'll do a more conventional fighter job before i get to this next one.
I feel the DLC phases of creation threads tend to be super repetitive and a little unengaging compared to base game, I want to avoid that with Mario Smash
On the Mario Smash thread, we're submitting clone changes from Luigi to Googi, plus Final Smashes for veterans; and voting on New Donk City and Rainbow Cruise music, as well as changes to veterans' special moves!
Peach: P-Wing (replaces Peach Bomber) Peach flies forwards with the P-Wing and does a mighty slap! Compared to Bomber, this move has more startup lag but less end lag, meaning it's great for starting combos. The slap is also done manually, so it can be done earlier or later into the move - or...
I dislike when people criticise media with anthropomorphic characters by saying "what reason is there to use animals/objects?" - like, I understand if it's something actively detrimental to the franchise's presentation and worldbuilding (see Schafrillas' Cars video for an example), but there's no real issue with using dogs or minotaurs or chairs or whatever as just a stylistic choice without contributing to the storytelling.
A Hanna-Barbera rep I think could be good in Multiversus is Bamm Bamm - I've always liked the idea of a slow, powerful, heavyweight with a Pikachu-esque frame.
People talk a lot about Nick hiring an underground cartoonist to make Invader Zim because of his comic with "Homicidal Maniac" in the title, but not about the main protagonists of Catscratch originating from a dystopian mecha battle comic.
I think a lot of times people don't consider the length of remixes when submitting them to creation threads - like I feel 3/4 minutes or so is fine, but a six minute long song or a 5 minute medley that lingers on its first song for a minute? Not so much.
I think a Cappy throw would be really cool as an aesthetic change for Mario's cape, where Mario just spins Cappy around him like his side taunt, but not as anything beyond that - though a projectile that reflects other projectiles or can be used as a spring could be pretty fun for a less conventional character.
Sonic is in a really weird situation with Smash because if he got a second rep it'd probably be as confusing for Japanese fans as Sonic not having a second rep is for Western fans.
I think Bub & Bob in Smash should be alts and not a duo, mostly because the bubble trapping mechanic combined with a climber duo would be hell to fight.
I would unironically like Talking Tom as an Assist Trophy in Smash - can't really see him as a fighter though, unless the cartoon version has more to work with I don't know about.
Clippy in a Microsoft crossover is kinda weird because he would by all accounts fill the "wacky joke" criteria, but he's also an extremely obvious character it'd be a complete disservice to make the game without - makes it really hard to decide when in the pre-release cycle he should be revealed and how.
I find it funny how every Vietnamese beef restaurant has the Laughing Cow cheese logo on it, like it isn't even a corporate logo anymore, just a universal symbol for a product it wasn't even intended to promote
I feel a trailer for an assist promotion that references the character's previous status as an AT would only work for Waluigi and maybe Sukapon or Dr. Kawashima. Everyone else it'd be kind of an an injustice to.
The Prehistorik Man box art really annoys me - they made this utterly breathtaking prehistoric scene, but then just had to shove in an image of the exact same character already on the art with sunglasses and sneakers that don't even attempt to look prehistoric leaning on the age rating that he's nowhere near.
I feel that "Microsoft Smash" and "Sega Smash" rosters often tend to just be Rare and Sonic rosters made by people who have never once considered the posibility of a non-crossover platform fighter.
It's kind of surprising how many times Wart has been portrayed as a friendly or otherwise non-malicious figure - like for any other kid friendly villain or rival it would be practically inevitable (you don't really get Tom & Jerry T-shirts where they're angrily grimacing at one another) - but for Wart they may as well be a majority of his appearances.
Back in 1989, a company named Nexoft was making Super Mario themed greeting cards. They were pretty interesting, Nexoft created original art for these cards. What’s really interesting though, is that they usually depicted Wart as somewhat of a friend. pic.twitter.com/xqWtZbPbxN
— VideoGameArt&Tidbits (@VGArtAndTidbits) May 29, 2019
OK, maybe that last one isn't exactly as protagonistic as the others...
I made a cartoons-only Multiversus roster yesterday
and just now I decided to modify it a tiny bit, and for the fun of it I kinda want to go through the thought process of these 5 character changes
Rosie: George provides pretty good moveset potential as a man of the future, but Rosie is a robotic maid - there aren't any robots on the roster (though there are tech users), and a maid fighter sounds extremely fun. Additionally she's an extra female fighter.
Wakko alone: The Warners are slapstick team players and this is already a team game. The PPGs already have a trio tag-team mechanic and fit it way better thanks to their small size and flight abilities. Wakko was chosen since he has the most running gags of his own. (and is also my favourite)
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy as a trio: The Eds are known to bicker and fight, which makes them a little more unique from the PPGs compared to the Warners, while having roughly the same size (and an extra member) distinguishes them from Tom & Jerry - that being said if this were just CN I'd want the Eds to be seperate
Carl: I have never seen Aqua Teen so there may be something I'm missing, but the main 3 characters all strike me as super hard to adapt into a fighting game body-wise - but not in the fun way. Frylock's arms come out his head, Master Shake has stubby hands and no arms, and Meatwad is... a meatball.
Pim alone: I felt I needed another small-bodied fighter, and in a fighting context being a duo wouldn't provide as much to the Smiling Friends as it would the other duos and trios in the game
I also came super close to swapping Yogi for Boo-Boo or Dastardly for Muttley to get another small-bodied fighter in, but I decided against it simply because of how iconic Yogi and Dastardly are.
When I was first making the roster I was also considering Baba Louie instead of Quick Draw McGraw for memes' sake, but an out-of-context voice clip from a radio show that most people don't even realise is tied to the character doesn't exactly give as much to work with as a Dragon Ball parody. I also had planned to include McWolf, but realised that outside of his role in Red Hot Riding Hood he's a pretty forgettable generic cartoon villain so I opted for the subject of his awooga-ing herself instead.
Even though the song jobs for the Mario Smash threads have been really hard to find a good system for, the songlists thus far have been really good - the only song I have any misgivings about the inclusion of is World Bowser for Bowser's Castle, not because it's a bad song but just because I feel it's not fit for this specific stage. That being said, I feel we'll eventually add a stage it's more fit for that song to go on. (speaking of which, I've gotta start documenting which stages and songs were added when so I can say which songs can be moved over to which stages)
If I were making Melee, I would've removed the boat portion of Rainbow Cruise and called it "Hop! Hop! Donut Lifts" then let Yoshi's Island be a Mario stage.
edit: something about being proud of having three reps