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  • Heya you gonna be at oh snap 5?

    i remember i couldnt even touch you in the pools last time hahaha
    LOL I heard from TigerBlade that you switched mains in Melee to Falco. what happened to "Nope, I stick with just roy. After playing Brawl falco so much, melee falco is just to fast to control, lol"? I'm not mad I guess but the Roy community needs you, just don't give up on Roy is all I'm asking.
    Sounds good. Where is SHSU at?
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I have taken two semesters of community college, so I haven't just been sitting with my thumb up my *** the entire time...but now I really need to be supporting myself, so even if I don't want to I'm going to be getting a job, lol.
    I've just been taking a few basic classes at Tomball I still had to finish, since I have been taking just the more advance stuff at SHSU. The summer has been pretty boring for me. I am looking forward to going back into school at SHSU though. I don't want to sound mean or anything, but c'mon already, get your stuff going! There is nothing wrong with competitive gaming, but you need to do a little more than just that.
    Oh no ;_; I don't know anybody else who could afford to go. I know it would be crazy, but maybe Ronnie would...hmm

    That probably means I will not be seeing you at too many tournaments around here anymore. You'll be at HOBO 17 though, I'm sure.
    hey sethlon are you going to genesis? if so would you like to team for doubles?
    Yo Sethlon...I got an idea. Since we really haven't had much activity with Roy...and things are starting to pick up. What say we give them something to look forward to and get more active with? Since the Fox Boards already copied our multi-Peach combo vid idea, we should do a multi-Roy combo vid. It's probably just the jumpt start we need. What do you think?
    I'm curious to see if everyone ignores your request to go to San Antonio, lol.

    This is proof that I don't ignore you, at least <3
    I'm not talking about that one, I'm talking about the second one, you fell next to me before I'd done anything and I had a fart (the one I wasted later by barely misspacing).
    Just thought I'd tell you that you're a jerk! I let you live after the trip and then you grab released me like twice in a row T__T
    Been good, Alex. Just working a ton and taking a short break from the game to rejuvenate my senses. I will definitely be down for WHOBO so I can hang out with my brothers again. =) How you been, broski?
    hey! nice seein ya again at HOBO 15... if you're ever up for it we should team for a tourney sometime. So that way I won't have a partner whom I can consistently 3 stock ;p

    btw AIM me if you have it please: Platypusaurus
    Dude, I was looking at the comments on those old videos of you and me, and this was one of the comments on them:

    "It would be awesome to see you two do boss battles on intense. "

    No joke. Now we totally have to do this next time we hang out. No johns.
    Yow. You're tired of Falco because he's "too campy", but you pick up ZSS ? Kind of... strange XD
    hey call me 281 935 3313

    were tryin to get a hold of you to pick u up

    if u read this after the la tourney plz disregard lol
    That sucks. Well, I posted our flight times in the social group for chibos house. Dojo/Santi/I already have our tickets. Buy yours! :p.

    1. Try to get roy to go with you since tickets are cheap.

    2. Buy your ticket as soon as possible so the price stays low. Dojo and I are buying them right now.
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