So in the original MSX Metal Gear you can only equip one item at a time right? Well one of the items you equip is the keycard that can open doors, and you can’t equip it at the same time as weapons or other things. Anyways there’s one room filled with gas so you need a gas mask to walk around in it. You use the key card to open the door, equip the gas mask, and then walk into the room.
And then, for some stupid reason, the door that leads out of the gas room you need a key card to open. So you have to unequip the gas mask then equip the key card to walk out of the room. And doing this always, no matter what, does a tiny bit of damage to you. Why not just make the door a normal door that you don’t need a key card for? After all you literally needed a key card to enter the room in the first place.
That’s such a small design flaw yet so dumb and easy to fix that it’s annoying. How did no one realize this?