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Ben Holt
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  • Bad news. I cannot march tomorrow. My ride dipped on me.
    For those that do not know, I have a phobia of driving by myself out of town.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    I appreciate it. I used to have A LOT more phobias.
    At one point, I would literally wake up in the middle of the night just to have panic attacks over literally nothing.
    It was at that point that I admitted myself into a mental ward for ten days and found out that I was an alcoholic (I had a stressed liver at age 21.).
    But yea. I've conquered most fears since then, but driving out of town is still my big one. I'll definitely work on that, as I intend to go to Florida with my nephew after this pandemic is over to meet one of the girls I met online.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Here's a weird one. At one point, I wouldn't play online games because of the social anxiety of interacting with strangers.
    My anxiety went from zero to 100 real quick.
    At 17, I had an extreme amount of caffeine that led to the first panic attack ever, and I didn't know what it even was.
    At 18, I had one random panic attack because my parents were out of town without cell service, and that led to me getting general anxiety (I was unaware of this too until my doctor told me that all my physical symptoms were not caused physically so it had to be anxiety.).
    Then my anxiety was so bad that I almost dropped out of High School out of the simple inability to show up, but I was able to finish the last few months I had left.
    Then I went to college, dropped out of college, became an alcoholic, and peaked at age 21 when I could not go a single day without random panic attacks with no apparent triggers.
    Then I spent 10 days at a mental ward. I loathed every moment, but I got on medication that has me stable now. I have since been relatively anxiety free, but being in a car by myself out of town is my biggest trigger.
    But at one point, I was literally afraid to leave town at all, even with a driver, so I've made pretty major progress.
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    I was worried I was crossing the line with this post since it’s a serious and personal issue so I was trying be careful with my wording. But yeah, I would say that is a huge process. My parents have a fear of flying (and being outside of America) yet they complain and moan about not being able to see their grandchildren. They have the time and money to make a trip to Japan (well not currently with the virus) but they always say they can’t leave the country and don’t want to go on an airplane. And then they complain about not being able to see the grandchildren. We thought the birth of our kids would get them over the fear of flying/what’s outside of America but I guess even that won’t make them budge

    He has called for the MURDER of all antifascists!
    This is not a drill! The Nazis are coming!!
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    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    the dude's a pile of ****, but I don't think anyone will take you seriously when you throw around the term "Nazi" like Oprah gives away cars.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    They're literally calling for the extermination of their political opponents.
    I know what language I use, and I do not use Nazi hyperbolically.
    Fox News literally runs "anti-elitist globalists" (code word for "the Jews") propaganda daily, and Trump openly praises them.
    The Nazis believed that a global cabal of elites (the Jews) conspired to de-whiten Germany to weaken the Aryan race, and that is why the called for mass killings. Notice how the Republican party and Fox News say the same thing but replace "Jews" with "Globalists" or "global elites". They have openly stated that there's an international cabal to force immigrants into America to "destroy American values". It didn't start with the Jews; it started with political opponents. Notice how Trump is threatening to label Antifa as a terrorist organization despite them not even being an organization at all. It is simply an ideology of anti-fascism. And the FBI has been recorded asking protestors if they hold "anti-fascist sentiment".
    This is not everyday Republican hate anymore. This is the start of a genocide.
    As a person who studied and still studies Political Science, I am very careful with my labels.
    But if what's happening now is not directly adjacent to Nazism, then Nazism doesn't exist at all.
    This is no longer a few internet troll LARPers. This is mainstream Republican ideology.
    At this point, I could see Republicans start to wear Swastikas on their armbands and still claim to not be Fascists.
    Saturday, I march with my people.
    Just be safe, okay?
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    As horrible as this sounds; I'm white. But we literally have a permit from the city to march.
    The biggest threat will be the rednecks wanting to run their vehicles into people.
    Reactionaries would rather believe in a global conspiracy than consider for just one moment that their actions are wrong and hateful.
    Definitive Ranking of all Nintendo Consoles as Proven by Science / My Divine Ordinance:
    1. Switch
    2. SNES
    3. Wii
    4. Game Boy Advance
    5. NES
    6. GameCube
    7. 3DS
    8. Game Boy
    9. DS
    10. Nintendo 64
    11. Wii U
    12. Game Boy Color
    13. Virtual Boy
    14. Color TV Game 15
    Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the proletariat must be frustrated, by force if necessary.
    I just did a little math. If my product (I cannot mention what I invented, as I'm under NDA) is as successful as I hope, I could be looking at $75 million over the next 20 years.
    Sony has delayed the presentation of the PlayStation 5 in honor of George Floyd, stating that they need to let more important voices be heard.
    Good on them.
    All games that got remade on 3DS should get remade on Switch:
    Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid II, Xenoblade (Check!), Luigi's Mansion, Metal Gear Solid 3, Dragon Quest VII, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Yoshi's Wooley World, Monster Hunter III, Rayman 2, Street Fighter IV, and StarFox 64.
    Some 3DS original games like 3D Land, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, and Fire Emblem Awakening are also great games deserving of HD renasters.

    Furthermore, any notable Wii U games left unported should get ported to Switch as well:
    3D World, Sonic Lost World, Twilight Princess HD, Wind Waker HD, Nintendo Land, Pikmin 3, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, Wii Sports Club, StarFox Zero, Splatoon (yes, the original is different and is not redundant alongside Splatoon 2), and maybe even Smash 4 (same story as Splatoon).

    Any HD Wii games on the Nvidia Shield in China should be easy direct ports to Switch, so bring all those over.

    While we're at it, bring back the Virtual Console with all Wii, DSi, 3DS, and Wii U Virtual Console titles intact.

    Add GameCube and Wii to the Virtual Console as well, since the Nvidia Shield proves that these titles can run on Switch without a hitch.

    I know this is a lot at once, but these are all piss easy ways for Nintendo to wring out my wallet.
    I absolutely LOVE my Switch. It is what the Super Nintendo was to me as a kid, a console filled with a perfect library.
    It is also what the Wii was to me in my late teenage years, a unique new console that also had a great selection of my favorite legacy titles (Wii through Virtual Console and Switch through rereleases and remasters).

    If Nintendo does all these things, the Switch will transcend from being my favorite console of all time to being my holy grail, acting as a library of all great video games past, present, and future.

    All this in a console I can remove from my TV and play on the go? Absolute bliss.
    Black lives matter.
    Saying "All Lives Matter" is completely beside the point. Black Lives Matter is about highlighting the indifference of the system to said lives, not just in terms of deaths, but overall how the system ignores their plight. Saying "Black Lives Matter" doesn't detract from the importance of other lives anymore than saying cheese is good means other foods aren't. Saying "All Lives Matter" in relation to "Black Lives Matter" reduces Black Lives Matter to a literal meaning and thus removes all context to it and ultimately undermines it.

    If you unironically use All Lives Matter you are either ignorant to the above or you are deliberately attempting to undermine Black Lives Matter.
    S StoicPhantom Absolutely not, I value all lives equally. What's going on in the world is tragic. As I've said many times in the past, I do my best to avoid social media like the plague, so excuse me from not being up and up to date on things like this. Until last night, I had unironically never heard the phrase because I don't frequent basically anywhere where that would be said.
    Shroob Shroob It's all good. I was meaning that as a more general statement and not intending to single you out. I didn't think you were meaning it maliciously.

    But do be careful about using political language you are unfamiliar with, especially in these contexts. These terms can be loaded enough that people can get the wrong impression of you.
    I REALLY hope the rumored Mario remasters are true. And that they're full on remakes.
    Super Mario Galaxy (and 2) is my favorite game of all time, and Mario 64 is right up there.
    Sunshine is pretty dope too.
    At best, 64 would be the only actual remake, since it's much lower on polys than the rest.
    Honestly, a 64 and Sunshine remakes is all I need. But I would be also thrilled about Galaxy 1 and 2 remakes. But honestly though, my most wanted Mario remake is a remake of the original Paper Mario 64. That game aged well, but I feel like it it could get some improvements in a remake.
    My cousin's son just WIPED HIS ****TY ASS with HER DEODORANT!!!!
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    And put the lid back on the deodorant!
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    Please do not document that.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    I'm 25 on the outside, but 14 on the inside. I nearly busted a gut when my cousin told me the story and showed me the "moldy" deodorant.
    Family toilet humor is the highest form of entertainment, like when my brother got wasted at his High School reunion and starting mooning his wife at my mother's house.
    I literally wanted to stop laughing, as the back of my head literally started having a pinching pain, and I thought I was gonna have an aneurysm, but I couldn't stop laughing.
    My thought on the riots?
    "Those that make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."
    -John F. Kennedy
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    I understand the sentiment, but it's just a Sociological fact that the logical outcome of systematic injustice if not adequately addressed is violence.
    Sure, in principle, I am against violence as a PRIMARY means of political change, but it's kinda like the guy who pokes the beehives and blames the bees for stinging him.
    Yes, the bees were in the wrong for stinging, but the person who poked the hive is equally at fault for knowingly agitating the bees.
    Yes, rioting is morally wrong. Yes, attacking police is morally wrong, but again, when peaceful protest has been made impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitable.
    It's just like the Boston Tea Party where Colonialists attacked property to stick it to the British. But that was seen as admirable, as we won the American Revolution and lived to write the history.
    Riots by black Americans is unfortunately seen as a threat to America's white culture.
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    I understand that. I still don’t think it justifies violence and lost of property and all paths of a peaceful resolution, in my mind, should be sought out. Only under extreme circumstances (like in Crimea) should violent means be used.

    I also was coming from a personal level as, like I said, I have a good friend in that police department as well as other friends and family in law enforcement across the country. My father is a retired firefighter and had to extinguish fires due to riots in the past. It was a very scary time for my family (though honestly every day he worked was scary as we didn’t know if he would come back or not). Anyways, sorry for coming at you from a personal level. I didn’t mean to get into a huge debate or anything.
    It's not that the quote is justifying riots, it's saying that they are inevitable when peaceful revolution is taken away. Probably a better fitting quote for this situation is MLK's riots are the language of the unheard. Race riots have been a thing for a long time in America and that's because those grievances aren't being addressed.

    I think one of the most astonishing aspects of this is how we have heavily armed lockdown protesters storming capital buildings and getting in the police guards faces and they just stand there and take it. Before the riots started happening, this was a peaceful protest that had the officers responding violently with mace and other riot weapons. It's consistent with the other peaceful protests such as the DAPL ones or the Civil Rights ones where the protesters are often met with disproportionate police brutality.

    What the quote is referencing is things like this. Police brutality has been a major issue in general but we've had multiple back to back cases of this just recently. I think things have reached a boiling point and the pandemic wasn't helping tensions.

    Riots aren't a productive or helpful thing no, but they are what happens when you have an angry public that has not had their concerns addressed. We need more accountability for misbehaving officers and better screening for these officers. The officer that did the killing in question has a history of misconduct that should have been addressed a long time ago and not when something like this happened.
    How normal people express excessive affection: "I love you."
    How I express excessive affection: "I try to refrain from using the word "love" as to not overstep, but it's not an inaccurate word to describe my feelings."
    Oz o:
    Oz o:
    I re-educated my self to not throw it around like it's nothing, and this goes for the most casual things, as silly as something like "i highly enjoy" sounds.
    Why is Ridley's Down Aerial not his tail poke from Super Metroid?
    Why are none of Sonic's taunts the iconic finger wag?
    Why does Ganondorf use a sword instead of his iconic trident?
    Why can Mario only throw one fireball at a time instead of two like in his home series?
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Guess we just have different standards.
    I feel like, that at least design-wise, Sakurai keeps very faithful to a character's appearance, and even someone like Ridley who was given a design that is more of a chimera of multiple designs, I can still look at him and say "Ah yeah, that's definitely Ridley." Pig Ganon has two, super iconic forms. The one from OoT, and the one used in ALttP/ALBW/OOAS, and then the TP/BotW forms which are just kinda...there and wouldn't work as fighters. If you're going to go for Ganon(Pig Mode), not making him an ULTRA Heavyweight who's bulky as ****, slow, but powerful with long reach and projectiles just doesn't feel right for the character, imo. Making him more or less a clone of Ganondorf feels....very wrong.
    Because Ridley would be broken in Smash if he could hippity hoppity on the stage with his tail like he does in his games.
    A Conservative is someone who, at worst, sees oppression and supports it, and at best, sees oppression and is apathetic.
    Ugh. All four of my Joy Con controllers are drifting now.
    Even my Pro Controller drifted before I got it repaired.
    That's 5 drifting controllers.
    • Like
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    I found that changing grip/order helps stop drifting, but this is for my pro controller which rarely drifts.
    I've never not had a problem with a Nintendo controller's joystick other than my Wii U gamepad. Every single one has a busted stick in some fashion other than said Wii U gamepad. They really need to figure something out.
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    It’s sad that the only guaranteed way to not get drift is to use an almost 20 year old controller
    We're supposedly getting the next Sonic game announced June 23rd.
    Hope it's actually quality this time. Forces was mediocre.
    Mania 2 with completely original zones, pls.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    I'd love a Mania subseries. If Mario can have 3D and 2D subseries, so can Sonic.
    I just hope they do an original art style instead of retro graphics.
    I personally thought Mania nailed the sprite work and the game felt like the Saturn Sonic game that we never got. That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing a visual style similar to what Sonic 4 Episode 2 had (say what you will about that game but the art style was gorgeous and felt like a natural evolution from the Genesis titles).
    I am worried about one of my friends. I think she may be depressed.
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    I have one friend like that. Reminds me of when we thought he committed suicide, but another friend told us that he said he was fine, just taking a break off discord. The friend wanted us to think he comitted suicide, and got mad with the other friend for revealing this and takes a longer break. He came back on discord two days later. No joke.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    I understand the thought process. People want to feel loved, and it's a cliché that "people only care when I'm dead", so it's enticing to take a back seat to see how much people actually care.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    I've had suicidal thoughts several times in my life. I can confirm that it's not so much a desire to be dead but an unattainable desire to be happy, or at least content.
    I'm bored. Anyone wanna play Smash online?
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    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Rusty? Could've fooled me. Lol. You ate my lunch. What can I do to improve? Ie, what mistakes did you notice me making?
    Haha, I guess I wasn't that rusty after all lol. I've mainly been playing Brawl the the past few weeks, so I wasn't sure if that muscle memory was gonna get in the way or not.

    One of the main habits that I noticed was that you tended to airdodge towards the stage whenever you were in a bad spot. Same with dodging sometimes. It's pretty crucial to mix up those options. Once your opponent picks up on your dodging habits you're pretty much dead lol. Besides that, idk. You did seem kinda hesitant to go offstage a ton. As good as flood is at covering wolf flash recover, I picked up on it pretty early and was able to avoid it most of the time.

    Also, try not to rely on fireball and dash attack too much. At mid to close distances, Mario bair can do wonders. And for a lot of your combos you seemed to end with up-b a lot. While it's definitely good for ladder combos, it's probably not something you should use all the time. Using nair to end up air chains at low percents is also pretty good and less risky if it misses.

    These are just a few things off the top of my head. I'm no mario expert, so do take it with a grain of salt lol.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Yea. I'm working on getting better with RARs.
    People who ban Mushroom Kingdom U are the reason for everything wrong with this world.
    Uh oh. Looks like I was one of the unlucky victims of the Nintendo hack.
    Someone in Russia accessed my Nintendo account.
    Hope they didn't steal anything.
    How can ya tell? Did ya get an email from the Big N or something?
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Yes. It was a "New Sign In" email alert.
    Ironically, since I don't check me email often, I wouldn't have known had I not been doing a business deal via email since the partner preferred email over Facebook.
    So I randomly lucked out and caught the hacker within three hours.
    At least you caught it early.
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