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  • Honestly, I feel like an underrated pick for a "single-franchise platform fighter" is Minecraft. First of all, you have Steve's building mechanics that can really shine with a full platform fighter built around them. Second, the sheer variety of items in Minecraft means that you can pretty much have a whole roster full of Steves while still being pretty varied. Sure it would be a little lame if it was just Steve variants, but it has pretty much the biggest roster variety when just "variants of the main character." Luckily, there's still tons of potential with the other mobs in the game. The Enderman and Iron Golem are probably the most obvious picks, but there are tons of other mobs that could work such as the Wandering Trader, Illagers, Spiders and Spider Jockeys, Guardians, Drowned, Snow Golem, Blaze, and Slime. And that's just the first game. There's tons of other mobs from Dungeons, Earth and more. Sure it might be a little weird to see these mobs placing and destroying blocks, but the concept of a Minecraft platform fighter in general is kinda weird tbh. Nonetheless, I still think it would be incredibly cool.
    If I had to make a MC platfighter, I'd probably have Steve and Alex, two "jack of all trades" characters who don't really excel in any category, but are great for learning the game. Then, I'd have some new characters inspired by skin packs from the console/Bedrock version, each focusing on a different archetype/aspect of Minecraft; A PVP character who'd be a close-ranged combatant, a Redstone engineer for trapper/stage control, a farmer for... whatever that'd do, etc.

    Oh, and you'd also have the mobs as well.
    I just realized another aspect about Rivals of Aether 2 I dislike. That is it seems to be going for Smash's "upgrade" style of sequel. I've said before that I don't like how Smash sequels keep trying to one-up the previous game. I feel that trying to be "better" than the last game both makes previous games obsolete and makes the overall gameplay stale. You can't focus on experimenting with new mechanics and gameplay styles styles when you're busy trying to cram in more content than the last time. So far, Rivals 2 just seems to be the last game, but 3D and with Smash mechanics. It doesn't seem to really do anything different besides those two things.

    There's a ton of potential ways you could take it, the first thing that comes to my mind is a fully game set in Clairen's time. We already have a taste of it with Mollo and Pomme (and Clairen herself obviously) but there's still a lot more to explore in both the story and characters. You could also have it be themed around the Abyss, with it being promoted to getting full-on characters and maybe even stages with it corrupting various established locations. Maybe if you wanna get crazy you could even make a full-on Lovers of Aether platform fighter. (Okay, I'm mainly just biased because I love Orcane's LoA design and he was robbed out of getting an alt)

    Of course, like my last post complaining about Rivals 2, this is all subject to change due to the fact that barely anything about the game has been revealed.
    The Reckless Safety Notice Man mod for RoA is really weird. Half of his specials feel like strongs and all of his strongs feel like specials. Take his Fspecial for instance. He just swings the wiimote on both sides of him twice and moves forward. Compare that to his Fstrong. He winds up throwing a bowling ball and releases it as a projectile with the distance depending on how long you hold the button for. He also moves forward while charging it. Don't get me wrong, it's a really well made character, just one with some really weird design decisions.
    I don't really get why "closing the casual and competitive gap" is seen as such a big deal. Even without wacky stages and items, y'know that... casuals can play competitive games too? Chess is seen as a pretty competitive game but tons of people play it casually. To give another example, Scrabble is seen as a fun family game, but it has a pretty active competitive scene from what I've heard. Casuals won't really notice competitive mechanics being added but competitive players will notice their abscence.
    Why is the couple choosing the rat over the other orphans in Stuart Little such a big deal? I feel like if they're just gonna get a rat then it's not like they were likely to adopt any other kids anyway. It's not like there's a big "1 item or less" sign at the orphanage exit.

    (Also if rats are known to be sentient in the Stuart Little universe then does it really even matter? Idk I have never consumed a piece of official Stuart Little media which may mean that this whole thing can easily be debunked but eh.)
    I know the very idea is controversial (especially on this site) but I feel like Mario Kart Tour could work as a "Nintendo Kart." And honestly, maybe it could even work a little better than just Mario. Now I don't think the main Mario Kart series should go Nintendo mode, not at all. I just think it could've worked well for Tour specifically. Here are a few reasons why I think this:

    • Tour is a lot simpler than the previous Mario Karts and is on mobile devices. A common suggestion for a Nintendo Kart is to have major differences from Mario Kart in order to make clear that it's more of a separate thing. So why not do it for the game that's already really different?
    • The rosters also kind of line up with the gameplay styles. The single-series game with the deep cuts for dedicated fans has the more technical and advanced gameplay while the all Nintendo all the time crossover with characters that can cater to many has the more casual and accessible gameplay.
    • Tour's status as a live service game allows it to continuously add characters as the updates roll in. Meaning it can eventually achieve both a deep-cut Mario roster, a crowd-pleasing Nintendo crossover roster, and a deep-cut Nintendo crossover of the inactive franchises.
    What seems kinda weird about Smash to me is that it doesn't really seem to be treated as a "franchise." It's always just been 1 game per console and that was it. And if you think about, that's not really what game series get and that makes me kinda sad tbh. Where are the Smash Bros. spinoffs? The more smaller but experimental games in-between the big ones? The fun pieces of art posted by the official social media account? It doesn't seem to be a franchise you can really dig deep into like Mario or Zelda. The "huge Smash fans" just seem to be ones who know a lot about the mechanics of the specific game they play. (Usually the latest installment.) It just seems to be this big thing that is "too important to have spin-offs" or some ****. And I really want that to change someday.
    As an addition to my last post, I've made a moveset for Beekeeper. I aimed for him to be a heavy zoner-type character that aims to hit with their slowing and stunning moves in order to compensate for their slow K.O. moves.

    Neutral special - Bee Shot: Flings a swarm of bees that travel in a sine wave pattern. The swarm deals weak damage but is a multihit attack that's great for stunlocking opponents. So be sure to follow it up with a good K.O. move. First upgrade increases the size and the second makes the swarm slightly home in on enemies.

    Up special - Flying High(ve): Holds the beehive up above his head and the bees carry him upwards. Functions similarly to Snake's recovery due to the fact that his body is vulnerable during this period. First upgrade makes it faster and the second makes the bees carrying the hive also deal damage. Also makes it slightly faster.

    Down special - Honey Huck: Chuck a glob of honey in an arc. It creates a puddle on whatever it lands on. Opponents hit by or standing the puddle have their movement speed slowed. You can only have 1 puddle on stage at a time and can only throw another projectile after the first one lands Unless you get the second upgrade. First upgrade makes the honey stun fighters for a short time. Second upgrade allows 2 puddles/projectiles to be on screen at a time.

    Super - Bee Swarm: Unleashes an enormous cloud of bees that flies around the stage and hurting opponents caught in the swarm.
    According to a post by someone who worked at Rovio, this was apparently supposed to be an actual game and not just an April Fools joke. Now I'm kinda mad that it'll never come out. It would've been really weird but it'd also be really glorious.
    Imagine if Rivals of Aether 2 had voices that sounded like they came from the most generic anime dub of all time and the characters were constantly saying full sentences for their specials and stuff and you couldn't turn them off because they were counted as just a part of the generic sound option.
    This may be kinda weird but I don't really like battle passes or time-based rewards in online games. Even if you can get them after the season ends. If I wanna play the game, I'll play the game. You don't need to dangle a little carrot in my face in order for me to do that.
    lmao I didn't actually see it. It looks like ****. I just read the leak that was posted a while back. And seriously, you chose Pluto of all characters for a "forgotten character is now evil and ****ed up" twist? He's like barely a C-lister at worst. And even if it is somehow well-exectued, I'm not going to watch it purely because I hate the concept. Chip n' Dale isn't universally known enough to be a big "the cartoons you know are now in a cynical world!" but they're not obscure enough to really justify this new direction and you just end up pissing off dedicated fans. Also the "2D" characters just look awful.
    Yesterday I had a dream about a platform fighter. It was on windows and Linux and the only character I remember was a cat grandma with a motorcycle and I think a shotgun. I was mad at my brother because he changed all her alts to be variations of blue.
    Two times I have seen a reupload of Neil Cicierega's remix of How I Beat Shaq (or just "Aaron" if we're going by the original video's title) and in both of those times I have seen people talking about some other Youtuber who used it as background music and how hard it was to find the original song. Pretty sure they were different Youtubers both times, too.
    Holy **** did anyone else realize that Nintendo Switch Sports released?! It came out on April 29. I completely missed this. Is this just me or is this a marketing thing?
    Why is finding out what state The Simpsons live in such a big deal? Why do you wanna dox them?
    There should be more Lovers of Aether alts in RoA.
    Perhaps my hottest take is that I feel Smash Ultimate's concept would work better as a spin-off than a mainline game.
    Mario Smash Ally Contact disconfirm tier list. (Inspired by the latest job)
    I am very okay with this:
    • Pauline
    • Shy Guy
    • Pyoro
    • Mona
    • Koopa Troopa
    • Mallow
    • Bob Hoskins Mario

    A little bit of wasted potential but alright:
    • Prince Peasley
    • Dry Bones
    • Nabbit
    • King Bob-Omb
    • Jimmy T.
    • Young Cricket
    • Kamek

    Okay I'm actually pretty miffed:
    • Petey Piranha
    • Lanky Kong
    • 9-Volt
    • Paper Mario

    How could you do this to me:
    • Broodals
    • Rabbids

    Note: This isn't really much of a "character want" tier list. It's more of a how sad I'd be if they weren't a fighter tier list. I'd honestly be really fine with having most of the characters in "I am very okay with this" as fighters.
    I feel like "no-holds-barred" megacrossovers can really only work when they're made by fans and not corporations.
    • Character choices will be based on genuine passion instead of whatever new thing is being promoted.
    • Adding on to that, deep cuts can also flourish more.
    • Negotiations won't be a thing, so they can "truly" have anything.
    Yeah that's definitely a thing. Fans can, and have plenty of times, come up with all sorts of cool crossover ideas that are just too much of hurdle for developers to actually make.

    Sure they can't actually become games this way and have to stick to just being ideas that fans thought of. But there are interesting ideas out there.

    I remember one time where I thought of an idea for another Mario 64 remake that had 4 playable characters like Mario 64 DS did. Only this time the playable characters would be meant to pay tribute to console market history by having the mascots of Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft as playable characters. So the characters were Mario, Sonic, Crash, and Master Chief.

    Obviously this kind of thing would never happen. And let's be real no one would play as Sonic anyway because he has too much speed for too many Mario 64 levels. But it was a neat thought.

    And come one, we all know it would be funny to see Master Chief running around Mario 64 courses blasting all the enemies with his gun.
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