Had a dream there was a game were a bunch of characters did stuff and at one point they all entered a library and General Jelly Jiggler from Bobobo turned into a bunch of small penguins (the alternative was turning into a bunch of black holes). And then he fell through the floor or something to the museum level and turned into a statue, so then the rest of the characters had to go find him, one of which was Killer Bean. Killer Bean goes to the museum and then he comes across some sort of diagram of himself showing that he got extra weapons than more people and stuff. This went into Killer Bean's tragic backstory, where he was originally a character in a multiplayer FPS game that was favored by the developer, so he got more stuff than the rest of the players. This caused him to act spoilede and a lot of the players to be mad at him, so then one player cornered him and kept killing him and he kept respawning until he ran out of bitcoins (respawning apparently cost 1 bitcoin in this game). Then he was turned into part of the game server's code, watching the rest of the players play the game without him. Eventually he got out somehow but this whole experience turned him into the bean we know today.