I really want to see what a version of The Simpsons where the episodes have actually changed the status quo instead of just resetting everything would look like. I want to see how different it would be from the normal Simpsons. Not like trying to find a distinct continuity, just applying every status quo change that gets reverted at the end of the episode to some alternate Springfield. Though there is the problem of how one would define the edge cases of resetting vs just how the story goes. Like, Marge vs. The Monorail ends with the monorail being taken down and everything going back to normal, but in that story it feels much more natural than "Homer screws up at his new job/hobby and gets fired/quits" if that makes sense. (Though I suppose they could just keep up the monorail despite all of its dangerous faults in this version, which isn't exactly out of character of Springfield.) Speaking of "character gets a job" episodes, they do kinda propose a bit of a problem. Though I suppose only the most recent episode of this type would actually effect anything, with them just quitting all of their other jobs previously. But I honestly think that this could be a really interesting scenario.