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Why MK should NOT be banned (the opinion from someone who actually fights them)

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Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
I bet if MK was banned, people would start to cry about Snake/Diddy and call him broken then desire a ban.
Never ending cycleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
You're a bold one I see.

Yep, that's why I've studied the MK matchup numerous times, practiced with high placing MK players in Ohio, and worked around the matchup enough thus far to take Overswarm to last stock and to take a match off of Kel's MK (which in and of itself is a hell of an accomplishment for a Peach player). I've practiced and consistently performed a method for breaking out of nado and punishing MK in the process, learned that her D-tilt keeps me safe from his OoS options (including his f-tilt, and grants me a free turnip pull from the slide backwards in the process), and I have begun to consistently bait and/or punish him out of his shuttle loop. I've put forth a lot of effort to learn the matchup with my (previously deemed as unviable by a majority of the community) character and continue to do so. The MK matchup doesn't bother me. The character in and of himself, however, does.

I'm a PR player in a state with a tough scene, I've worked hard and have broken down what have been previously difficult matchups one by one, and I continue to place top 5-top 10 at most tournaments I attend in order to get my name out there and be recognized. I'm NOT by any means a lazy player. Astounded by the stupidity in this thread, perhaps.

Your ******** assumptions about me are moot. GGs.
ohio and pa. verrry scary :chuckle:


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2009
My ego...It's OVER 9000!
I bet if MK was banned, people would start to cry about Snake/Diddy and call him broken then desire a ban.
Never ending cycleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
If anyone does that they are hardcore scrubs 'cause they should know dat Diddy, Snake, Falco etc have non-favorable matchups w/ characters who are common in tournies. :samus2:


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I bet if MK was banned, people would start to cry about Snake/Diddy and call him broken then desire a ban.
Never ending cycleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
bad logic is bad

mk is unbeatable to a certain extent requiring you to outplay the mk by a good amount, hence why people want him banned. HE makes half the cast unusable, not as much as someone like snake or diddy or any other good character does.

THe other ones have bad matchups, bad stages, and other things to stop them. How the top tiers in a game should be, amazing but not quite unstoppable. MK breaks the line that any top tier character in a fighting game generally shares. :/


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
orion is TOO funny LOL

@nappy i beat MKs all day

inb4 you dont go to tournaments

yeah i do haha cya guys at the next national :D


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
I bet if MK was banned, people would start to cry about Snake/Diddy and call him broken then desire a ban.
Never ending cycleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This is the one thing that worries me. but those other characters have exploitable weaknesses and bad matchups. Regardless, the scrubs will cry out and hope that their prayers will be answered because they can't beat Snake/Diddy/Falco/Ganon/etc.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
If anyone does that they are hardcore scrubs 'cause they should know dat Diddy, Snake, Falco etc have non-favorable matchups w/ characters who are common in tournies. :samus2:
none of those characters have actually "bad" matchups other than falco on like brins and RC.

wario and ics to a large degree as well rofl

edit: love allied <3


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
orion is TOO funny LOL

@nappy i beat MKs all day

inb4 you dont go to tournaments

yeah i do haha cya guys at the next national :D
you're a pretty good troll, mad props dog
This is the one thing that worries me. but those other characters have exploitable weaknesses and bad matchups. Regardless, the scrubs will cry out and hope that their prayers will be answered because they can't beat Snake/Diddy/Falco/Ganon/etc.
wut? idiot player


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
bad logic is bad

mk is unbeatable to a certain extent requiring you to outplay the mk by a good amount, hence why people want him banned. HE makes half the cast unusable, not as much as someone like snake or diddy or any other good character does.

THe other ones have bad matchups, bad stages, and other things to stop them. How the top tiers in a game should be, amazing but not quite unstoppable. MK breaks the line that any top tier character in a fighting game generally shares. :/
I'm pretty sure that pro-ban has not one relatively intelligent person left on their side.


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
If anyone does that they are hardcore scrubs 'cause they should know dat Diddy, Snake, Falco etc have non-favorable matchups w/ characters who are common in tournies. :samus2:
This community already has a lot of hard core scrubs who complain about MK being broken.
Instead of actually REALLY trying to improve the meta game with different characters everyone just complains about how "broken" Meta Knight is. They lose hope in their character and switch to MK when their play style doesn't even fit MK and 5234820478247203472 Meta Knights are everywhere copying each other. Obviously they are going to rank high. It's not just that he's a good character, the community isn't developing different characters. The game has only been out for like, 2 years. It's the same with Jiggs in Melee. No Jiggs placed high back then and now look at Mango and Hungrybox. Mango put a lot of effort into a character no one used to care about and now even Mew2King and Armada wants Jiggs banned.

-Nappy said:
bad logic is bad

mk is unbeatable to a certain extent requiring you to outplay the mk by a good amount, hence why people want him banned. HE makes half the cast unusable, not as much as someone like snake or diddy or any other good character does.

THe other ones have bad matchups, bad stages, and other things to stop them. How the top tiers in a game should be, amazing but not quite unstoppable. MK breaks the line that any top tier character in a fighting game generally shares. :/
Then pick another fighting game where a tiny bat isn't top tier/"broken".
Honestly, this is like saying we should ban Paris Hilton because she's rich and 2342840248 other people are not.
She's so broken, watch her buy 5 billion shoes but I can only buy 1.


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2008
I'm pretty sure that pro-ban has not one relatively intelligent person left on their side.
I see more troll then disproving that point , just because your grammar sucks doesn't mean jack **** , its not hard to understand what he is trying to say

This community already has a lot of hard core scrubs who complain about MK being broken.
Instead of actually REALLY trying to improve the meta game with different characters everyone just complains about how "broken" Meta Knight is. They lose hope in their character and switch to MK when their play style doesn't even fit MK and 5234820478247203472 Meta Knights are everywhere copying each other. Obviously they are going to rank high. It's not just that he's a good character, the community isn't developing different characters. The game has only been out for like, 2 years. It's the same with Jiggs in Melee. No Jiggs placed high back then and now look at Mango and Hungrybox. Mango put a lot of effort into a character no one used to care about and now even Mew2King and Armada wants Jiggs banned.
There are more then Scrubs that want MK banned if you read the half of the posts,
Gimme a quote where m2k says he wants jiggs banned I have yet to hear this other then in rumor


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
Orion is amazing

@nappy i'm da BEST TROLL

@RDK your right thats why i'm not really doing any intelligent responses anymore or replying back i'm just kinda trolling here and there XD

@Kaffei yo you gonna be at C3?

@sole you gotta understand Me and RDK have seen every single Pro-Ban response we have answered Everything and then different kids come in here and say it all over again and we got tired of answering it, at least i do XD


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
i just cant keep up with these trolls anymore. You cant be serious on a forum without someone pulling some troll **** when you dont even realize it. Oh well. Maybe I should just be like all the other people who want mk banned and troll because the anti-ban side is too ignorant to accept how stupid the character is because they generally rely on him and dont want their broken piece of **** banned.

I never said anything about wanting to quit either. I love this game, but what I dont love is meta knight. Going places just to fight mk every other match is discouraging and annoying.

I'll be all over that super street fighter IV when it comes out if brawl doesn't at least get a few changes like banning stalling/planking strats or some sort of ban on mk. lol


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2008
@sole you gotta understand Me and RDK have seen every single Pro-Ban response we have answered Everything and then different kids come in here and say it all over again and we got tired of answering it, at least i do XD

I can agree with the barrage of simple minded responses but there are intelligent posts on both sides its just a lot of troll posts after/before that kind of ruining this thread


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
I see more troll then disproving that point , just because your grammar sucks doesn't mean jack **** , its not hard to understand what he is trying to say

There are more then Scrubs that want MK banned if you read the half of the posts,
Gimme a quote where m2k says he wants jiggs banned I have yet to hear this other then in rumor
Yeah, I read half the posts. I'm not what you can call smart, so excuse me.
And I take my words back; M2K does not want jiggs banned. My memory fails.

Allied said:
@Kaffei yo you gonna be at C3?
I hope so man, so I can finally get ***** and people can give me advice... If they are willing to, lol.
Are you?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I just cant keep up with these trolls anymore. You cant be serious on a forum without someone pulling some troll **** when you don't even realize it. Oh well. Maybe I should just be like all the other people who want mk banned and troll because the anti-ban side is too ignorant to accept how stupid the character is because they generally rely on him and dont want their broken piece of **** banned.
I just cant keep up with these trolls anymore. You can't be serious on a forum without someone pulling some troll **** when you don't even realize it. Oh well. Maybe I should just be like all the other people who don't want Captain Falcon banned and troll because the anti-ban side is too ignorant to accept how stupid the character (Captain Falcon) is because they generally rely on him and don't want their broken piece of **** banned.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
I thought I should give my views on this situation now, because I have a little more power at the moment with the Pound 4 victory.

First off, the set record from the start:

3-3 with mew2king
2-0 with havok
10-0 with ksizzle
0-1 with tyrant (barely lost 1-2 at genesis and will get him later)
2-0 with anti's metaknight
1-0 with judge
1-0 with dojo in MM
2-1 vs atomsk's metaknight
5-1 with inui
approximately even with shadow, too many sets to remember but I have a slight lead by about 3 sets
3-0 with dmbrandon
2-0 with dphat
2-0 with doom
4-0 with orion
1-0 with seibrik, 0-1 with him in MM's

As you can see, I'm pretty solid against metaknight. I know this matchup like the back of my hand. The only full loss is with tyrant, in which the set was quite close game 3 and I feel I have improved alot since genesis. No, diddy does not beat mk, it is 50-50 and DEAD EVEN.

So scream in agony that he has unfair terrain advantage with the current stage list, and I will say that is utter laziness. I have diligently beaten multiple of these metaknights on their counterpicks.

Metaknights (in tourney or MM's) in which I have beaten on "unfair" stages.

mew2king-rainbow cruise several times now.
havok-delfino twice.
ksizzle-rainbow cruise several times, delfino, frigate.
anti's metaknight-delfino.
atomsk's metaknight-rainbow cruise twice, frigate.
inui-rainbow cruise several times, brinstar.
shadow-brinstar, rainbow cruise, delfino, frigate.
dmbrandon-castle seige, frigate, brinstar.
dphat-rainbow cruise.
orion-rainbow cruise several times, brinstar, frigate, delfiono several times.
doom-delfino, frigate.

With proper knowledge and training on these stages, I've manage to accomplish this. You can do the same as well.

The characters that all are viable to beat him are those with fairly even matchups, and it's not a shocker that metaknight's 50-50's are with other top tiers: snake, diddy kong, ice climbers, and with a slight advantage wario and falco. All of the above characters can accomplish my current record with shere effort and outskilling the metaknight user.

Insert X character that gets obliterated by metaknight, will merely be taken out by other DDDs, snakes, falcos, diddy kongs, ice climbers, etc. without mk's existance. It is pointless to vote for the ban if this is your reasoning.

So what is it smash community--laziness, the inability to cope for losses, or the desire for an easier victory? The only legitimate issue I can see with metaknight is a simple rule adjustment--air-time and scrooging. Otherwise, he should remain competitively viable. Many of my wins are from people who DO know the matchup, so do not claim they lost due to ignorance of my character.
I'm not for against banning but i'd like to point out that as u said every character in the game has to outplay MK to win. MK on the other hand only has to outplay 3 characters. So So unless u use those 3 characters the best player will not necessarily win.


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
Nappy, pro-ban are the stupid ones. Almost all the pro-ban arguments i've seen in this thread are incredibly stupid and ignoran.


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2009
My ego...It's OVER 9000!
There are a lot of people who do well w/ overall average characters but they just can't do well 'cause their characters is too easy to destroy by a top tier like MK. MK is simply too good and he holds back on some characters developing. Take Samus 4 example, lots of people use her and use her well until they come to a top tier character. Even if you minus the bannable D3 infinite and Falco from her metagame she still sucks 'cause MK is too good.

Some characters simply can't develop to an effective level. :samus2:(Probably not the best example but just puttin' it out there)


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
i just cant keep up with these trolls anymore. You cant be serious on a forum without someone pulling some troll **** when you dont even realize it. Oh well. Maybe I should just be like all the other people who want mk banned and troll because the anti-ban side is too ignorant to accept how stupid the character is because they generally rely on him and dont want their broken piece of **** banned.

I never said anything about wanting to quit either. I love this game, but what I dont love is meta knight. Going places just to fight mk every other match is discouraging and annoying.

I'll be all over that super street fighter IV when it comes out if brawl doesn't at least get a few changes like banning stalling/planking strats or some sort of ban on mk. lol
lol no one is really being ignorant its all opinions of a character

and bro your on a public gaming forum not everything is going to be RIDICULOUSLY serious its a video game, and no one is really trolling you but you have absurd answers about MK when its all been explained before.

sorry bro i'll be enjoying super street fighter 4 also i can't wait

maining cody, ibuki and cammy :333
i really hope cammy gets the attention she needs


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
Hey Nappy, stop whining.
Stalling is banned.
Planking is discouraged with Ledge grab rules.

If you think SSF4 is going to be a cakewalk, you're gonna be in for one hell of a surprise when people find out who the best character(s) are and abuse them the same way we do in Brawl...

Edit: Ibuki's confirmed?


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2008
stadium transformation
Cammy is basically the only SF4 character I really enjoy playing. They just need to speed up her hooligan and let spinning back fist do a better job getting around projectiles and then she would be good.

Oh and find another move for her armor break. Jesus spinning back fist is terrible for it.


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
There are a lot of people who do well w/ overall average characters but they just can't do well 'cause their characters is too easy to destroy by a top tier like MK. MK is simply too good and he holds back on some characters developing. Take Samus 4 example, lots of people use her and use her well until they come to a top tier character. Even if you minus the bannable D3 infinite and Falco from her metagame she still sucks 'cause MK is too good.

Some characters simply can't develop to an effective level. :samus2:(Probably not the best example but just puttin' it out there)
If you choose to main a non-viable character you should already know that you more than likely won't place that well, with or without mk.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
lol no one is really being ignorant its all opinions of a character

and bro your on a public gaming forum not everything is going to be RIDICULOUSLY serious its a video game, and no one is really trolling you but you have absurd answers about MK when its all been explained before.

sorry bro i'll be enjoying super street fighter 4 also i can't wait

maining cody, ibuki and cammy :333
i really hope cammy gets the attention she needs
Cody is gonna be all I'm playing. Maybe that flowchart ken, cuz thats the ****.
Hey Nappy, stop whining.
Stalling is banned.
Planking is discouraged with Ledge grab rules.

If you think SSF4 is going to be a cakewalk, you're gonna be in for one hell of a surprise when people find out who the best character(s) are and abuse them the same way we do in Brawl...

Edit: Ibuki's confirmed?
I never said it was gonna be a cakewalk. I already play street fighter IV, and while I'm fairly new to it I've met alot of the community, (at least within my own state) and they're ALOT better than the smash players and the game itself is more balanced/fun. Imagine how its gonna be when they make an already amazing game even better, and add in cody <3

also, I dont think its officially CONFIRMED, but they said something like if you look around on the internet its obvious who the other 5 or so characters we haven't revealed yet are. In other words its probably ibuki, dudley, makoto, and some other 3s characters.

The rules on stalling/planking are far from strict enough btw. lol.

this thread should be the hype for SSF IV thread, not the lets all argue online about mk when the sbr is all biased and are never gonna change anything thread. :]


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2008
Bellevue, WA
Whats all this trouble. If you think MK is that good and neutralizes the game, he is on the select screen. Then go and win every tournament around you and you may have a point.

Sounds like you guys are just bad at the part of the game where it says 'Choose your Character' at the top. But with a little practice, I think you can get it right.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
I just cant keep up with these trolls anymore. You can't be serious on a forum without someone pulling some troll **** when you don't even realize it. Oh well. Maybe I should just be like all the other people who don't want Captain Falcon banned and troll because the anti-ban side is too ignorant to accept how stupid the character (Captain Falcon) is because they generally rely on him and don't want their broken piece of **** banned.

Yeah, I read half the posts. I'm not what you can call smart, so excuse me.
And I take my words back; M2K does not want jiggs banned. My memory fails.

I hope so man, so I can finally get ***** and people can give me advice... If they are willing to, lol.
Are you?
Me, Atomsk, and Zucco are going so far maybe 1 more can't wait to see you there :D

I can agree with the barrage of simple minded responses but there are intelligent posts on both sides its just a lot of troll posts after/before that kind of ruining this thread
Yeah thats when i give them respectful responses and i try to keep open minded a long time ago i was pro-ban but i kept my mind open and now i'm anti-ban i like to listen to everyone's opinion but i like to listen to THEIR opinion not something they heard off chibosempai crying (inb4 chibo <33) and think OMG ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE COMPLAINING I SHUD TOO

I'm not for against banning but i'd like to point out that as u said every character in the game has to outplay MK to win. MK on the other hand only has to outplay 3 characters. So So unless u use those 3 characters the best player will not necessarily win.
i'm sorry wat?

Nappy, pro-ban are the stupid ones. Almost all the pro-ban arguments i've seen in this thread are incredibly stupid and ignoran.
its alright chueee :D

There are a lot of people who do well w/ overall average characters but they just can't do well 'cause their characters is too easy to destroy by a top tier like MK. MK is simply too good and he holds back on some characters developing. Take Samus 4 example, lots of people use her and use her well until they come to a top tier character. Even if you minus the bannable D3 infinite and Falco from her metagame she still sucks 'cause MK is too good.

Some characters simply can't develop to an effective level. :samus2:(Probably not the best example but just puttin' it out there)
good points but you gotta understand and if you look closely into other characters MUs in mid tier they have way more problems other than MK haha however i do understand where you are coming from

Hey Nappy, stop whining.
Stalling is banned.
Planking is discouraged with Ledge grab rules.

If you think SSF4 is going to be a cakewalk, you're gonna be in for one hell of a surprise when people find out who the best character(s) are and abuse them the same way we do in Brawl...

Edit: Ibuki's confirmed?
Basically i'm just waiting on seth to confirm it shes going to be like 16 at the time they have SSFiV comics out with ibuki spoliers and if you check Fei longs ending Thats Ibuki's dagger shes the only one in ALL the games with it

in other words I HOPE SO <333

Cammy is basically the only SF4 character I really enjoy playing. They just need to speed up her hooligan and let spinning back fist do a better job getting around projectiles and then she would be good.

Oh and find another move for her armor break. Jesus spinning back fist is terrible for it.

thank you for explaining the only things i want fixed with her :DDD


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
Oh, here's M2K saying he wants jiggs banned:

But then here's M2K saying that he doesn't want jiggs banned:

I'll believe the latter since it's more recent.

Allied said:
Me, Atomsk, and Zucco are going so far maybe 1 more can't wait to see you there :D
This is really exciting I can finally meet people irl and learn more MU stuff. asdfhadfhsdfasdfh;adfhad


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
Cody is gonna be all I'm playing. Maybe that flowchart ken, cuz thats the ****.

I never said it was gonna be a cakewalk. I already play street fighter IV, and while I'm fairly new to it I've met alot of the community, (at least within my own state) and they're ALOT better than the smash players and the game itself is more balanced/fun. Imagine how its gonna be when they make an already amazing game even better, and add in cody <3
SF4 is balanced? Since when?


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
ur stupid.

i think i won this thread with my amazing logic.

seriously though, why don't people just go and read the most recent "MK ban" poll thread? Because this looks like a giant copy-paste and I'm not sure why you'd want to post it again.


Smash Champion
Aug 28, 2009
Somewhere in the SubspaceEmissary(NC, Morrisville)


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
SF4 is balanced? Since when?
SF4 even though it has its high tiers and low tiers (which every fighting game has every game is going to have High tiers which are better and easier to use and Low tiers which take more time and precision to make them ok) What i like about SF4 is that even the Low tiers bring something to the table and cause upsets


i use zangief/cammy in sf4 and ryu


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
SF4 even though it has its high tiers and low tiers (which every fighting game has every game is going to have High tiers which are better and easier to use and Low tiers which take more time and precision to make them ok) What i like about SF4 is that even the Low tiers bring something to the table and cause upsets


i use zangief/cammy in sf4 and ryu
what about flowchart ken. : (


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008

yay i gotta find housing and reserach the trips costs and tolls soon Hahaha i'll do it in a bit

@nappy FU*** ken every one i face does the same thing

DP on wakeup

Heavy Kick in the air to Heavy Kick to trip you on the ground LOL

easy beginner combos

thats why i picked zangief to destroy kens because every ken that tries to Hard punch DP on wakeup Lariet always beats it and they get SOOO MAD hahahah


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008

yay i gotta find housing and reserach the trips costs and tolls soon Hahaha i'll do it in a bit

@nappy FU*** ken every one i face does the same thing

DP on wakeup

Heavy Kick in the air to Heavy Kick to trip you on the ground LOL

easy beginner combos

I saw C3 when I was next door at a photo shop place. It looks scary.
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