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***What's going on with Smashbros.com?***

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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
My update prediction failed. We didn't get a new character, but the item looks fun! And fox looks amazing in the last screenshot.

I can't believe I hated his new design when I first saw it, although the boots look like they have been shrunk down just a little. Which is nice, much less clown-like.

My predictions for Friday: New music. I think we will get one song per week. Sakurai mentioned something about the high ups picking their favorite songs. And just maybe we will get a STAGE that goes along with the music.

Erk Aduro

Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2005
Somewhere over the rainbow presumably.
At lease they kind of confirmed that the game will be played with the gamecube control
"tilt the control stick in different directions."
That doesn't confirm the Gamecube controller anymore than it confirms the Classic Controller or the Wiimote and Nunchaku. All of those have control sticks. :\

Mysteryfox1 said:
I think it's a little stupid that he only post things like the special attacks of pit only 2 instead of 4 attacks were listed there and the final smash it was a little obfious that it was that and why they only reveal one final smash that we already know I hope that about a month later they will only add things we didn't know before and are interesting like if wi-fi is included and not a thing like one different color for mario:p
I think it's a little stupid how Sakurai actually goes out of his way to provide people with new information and screenshots every weekday when he doesn't need to at all, and all his fans do his ***** about it. :p

Erk Aduro

Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2005
Somewhere over the rainbow presumably.
C-Stick stands for control stick ;) Of course, it could have been a translation error, and he did mean the analogue stick....
No, it does not. It's called the C-Stick because it's a stick with a C on it. More than likley an improvement on the C-Buttons on the N64 controller.

The analogue stick is called the Control Stick. Watch the How to Play video in the Melee Archives or hell, just look in the manual. It's always been called the Control Stick, in every game for the Gamecube, and it's called the Control Stick on the Classic Controller and Nunchaku.

Sorry if you already knew that and were just messing around. I'm a little pissy right now and I don't like people jumping to conclusions based on misinformation. :\


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2006
Greensboro, NC
if you recall, the "c" buttons on the n64 actually controlled the camera in the first n64 game, super mario 64. Therefore it is more likely that they are "camera" buttons and a "camera" stick than anything else. Plus the control stick has always been the analogue stick in the left used to control your character. It's that way in the instruction manual, and in the "how to play" movie.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Heh, Cracker launcher. I think a better question is, who didn't think of something involving white people when they saw the update?
I didn't.

Maybe since you use the Control Stick to aim, but you are evidentially able to jump while holding it this hints that there is a definite jump button? The item look fun. I imagine you could probably go at jogging speed (fastest walking speed), but you more than likely won't be able to dash while wielding it it.

When I saw Cracker Launcher, I thought of that snack food Cracker Jack. Though I still found the "racist" post funny as hell.
I thought so too, but you might not be able to aim directly up, which would mean you would still be able to jump.

I still hate Fox's design with a passion. Just the face... just the face... my God why did they have to do that?
I didn't notice anything.

The Director

Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2007
North Carolina
I was thinking...

...somebody mentioned a little while back that the lack of interesting updates and the way so little information is being leaked out at a time is causing them to lose interest in Brawl.

Well, as we all know Nintendo is the king of hype. But, too much hype can be bad for a game. I read this article at AMN yesterday:


It mentions how Nintendo overhyped Twilight Princess to the point that people didn't care anymore...I never thought I'd say this, but the same thing might be happening with me for Brawl. Atleast for now.

Too much of 'keep it away to build up hype' just makes something lose it's shine. I was way hyped up before the site was updated, and then the first week of updates held me. Now, they don't seem as special anymore.

What I need is new footage. Gameplay footage, or even just gameplay reactions. If the game is coming out in the fall, shouldn't some people have played it by now?

We really are going to have to wait until E3 for the news that we all really want. :(

(oh, and just for the record I love Fox's new design!)

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
That's what's happening now. I wanted TP so bad in 2005, but when it was delayed I just said f*** that and never heard info until it was released.

Now with Brawl they held stuff back for so long that hardly any of what they are showing is substantial enough to make me want the game more.

I hate to bring this up again, especially since last time I did a bunch of people ganged up on me about it, but Halo was hyped just right, the info was given in a nice flow from minimum, to something as huge as a beta. The beta might kill some hype but it at least shows people how close the game is to completion.

Right now all we know is Brawl is coming out in 2007 and that they have a couple new items.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
. . . .You and your d*** Halo.

I gotz no idea what you two are going on about. People stopped careing about TP because info was held back/ delays or w/e? The sells don't reflect that statment. And how did Nintendo overhype TP? It's the fans that went "OMGZ! Realistic Link! Wolf transformation! Huge feilds! OMGZ,OMGZ!!!!" not Nintendo.(If you overhype something when the devs haven't made outlandish statments than it's your own fult)

Alot of the time hype just = . . . .beer. Could be good for a good "feel good" relaxer in a decent amount but too much will force you to feel the pain of it's effects.
. . . And from the looks of it people just mainly expect melee with better Grx and more characters and online. Thats not hard to live up to seeing as that would have been the shell of a game SSB3 would have been had Sakurai not stepped in.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
I was thinking...

...somebody mentioned a little while back that the lack of interesting updates and the way so little information is being leaked out at a time is causing them to lose interest in Brawl.

Well, as we all know Nintendo is the king of hype. But, too much hype can be bad for a game. I read this article at AMN yesterday:


It mentions how Nintendo overhyped Twilight Princess to the point that people didn't care anymore...I never thought I'd say this, but the same thing might be happening with me for Brawl. Atleast for now.

Too much of 'keep it away to build up hype' just makes something lose it's shine. I was way hyped up before the site was updated, and then the first week of updates held me. Now, they don't seem as special anymore.

What I need is new footage. Gameplay footage, or even just gameplay reactions. If the game is coming out in the fall, shouldn't some people have played it by now?

We really are going to have to wait until E3 for the news that we all really want. :(

(oh, and just for the record I love Fox's new design!)
I found that article very true.I really hope Nintendo takes more"Direct Control" with their franchises.

It's like Nintendo has a short attention span when it comes to their fanchises.Star Fox and Star Fox 64 were epic games,but the rest went down hill.I really pray to god that Nintendo relizes that there are alot more matured gamers that can handle a few button combinations,deep thinking,and quick reflexes.

Because even to me,TP seemed too easy. =/


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
...somebody mentioned a little while back that the lack of interesting updates and the way so little information is being leaked out at a time is causing them to lose interest in Brawl.

Well, as we all know Nintendo is the king of hype. But, too much hype can be bad for a game. I read this article at AMN yesterday:


It mentions how Nintendo overhyped Twilight Princess to the point that people didn't care anymore...I never thought I'd say this, but the same thing might be happening with me for Brawl. Atleast for now.

Too much of 'keep it away to build up hype' just makes something lose it's shine. I was way hyped up before the site was updated, and then the first week of updates held me. Now, they don't seem as special anymore.
I can't recall any memorable exclusive titles for the gamecube other than melee. I think nintendo started dying about the time N64 finished its lifespan and the gamecube was presented.

In other words, nintendo is digging its own grave.:(


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
TP was so over hyped i mean what the hell where they talking about when they said that we would expect more from ganon that we would ever ever ever expect!? i mean we saw him once in a flashback and the second time at the end of the game.Don't get me wrong it was a great game but it never lived up to my expectations because of all that hype.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2006
I can't recall any memorable exclusive titles for the gamecube other than melee. I think nintendo started dying about the time N64 finished its lifespan and the gamecube was presented.

In other words, nintendo is digging its own grave.:(
I have to agree on this, besides the Nintendo are digging their grave part. There seems to be alot of awesome exclusives for the Wii coming out soon, much more than the Gamecube, some of which are actually third party. Awesome exclusives include Super Mario Galaxy, Brawl, Metroid Prime 3, No More Heroes, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicals, Soul Calibur Legends, etc.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
I can't recall any memorable exclusive titles for the gamecube other than melee. I think nintendo started dying about the time N64 finished its lifespan and the gamecube was presented.

In other words, nintendo is digging its own grave.:(
I agree.

I just wish that they would go back to the good old N64 days,where they had kick *** games that were truly for everyone(each game made from Nintendo wasn't just another game,it was like a dedication),rare was still with them,great 3rd party support,etc.

I miss it when I was able to say that I was able to play Killer Instinct Gold on a Nintendo consol and everyone was like"OMG,NO WAY!!".But,Nintendo isn't getting rare back,their games aren't the same,and it seems that the whole"inovation"thing is starting to take place.

Nintendo needs to go back to Nintendo insted of "Huh?Oh yeah,we're tired of that game,let's have someone else make it.".

EDIT: 2,100 Post!!! ^^


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
I have to agree on this, besides the Nintendo are digging their grave part. There seems to be alot of awesome exclusives for the Wii coming out soon, much more than the Gamecube, some of which are actually third party. Awesome exclusives include Super Mario Galaxy, Brawl, Metroid Prime 3, No More Heroes, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicals, Soul Calibur Legends, etc.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see, if nintendo can return to the top once again, like the good old times.

Yellow Mage

Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2006
I'm firmly confident that Nintendo will return to what makes them "them" with the Wii.

Though I think everybody was disappointed when they removed thier stance against the dumb*** Memory Card system with the Gamecube. I'm glad the Wii uses internal Memory instead, even though Discs are still used nonetheless.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
If Nintendo just take back the Kirby and f-zero franchises and go all out on the marketing (As well as give them a bit of a revamp) then they could return them to their old glory.


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2006
St. Paul, MN
I agree with the last few posts. SNES, N64 were both amazing systems with a number of great titles, but when I think about gamecube games I can think of maybe a handful that I really truely enjoyed, and still do enjoy playing, while on the older systems the titles just keep pouring out.

Its still the same company with a large number of the same people involved in game development, so I'm confident that with the Wii, and perhaps with the aid of the virtual console and the return of classic titles, Nintendo can return to its charming, excelent gameplay.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I agree with the last few posts. SNES, N64 were both amazing systems with a number of great titles, but when I think about gamecube games I can think of maybe a handful that I really truely enjoyed, and still do enjoy playing, while on the older systems the titles just keep pouring out.

Its still the same company with a large number of the same people involved in game development, so I'm confident that with the Wii, and perhaps with the aid of the virtual console and the return of classic titles, Nintendo can return to its charming, excelent gameplay.
Yeah I hope that with the virtual console thing, Nintendo will know that alot of people enjuy some of their older games, and imo,might be temted to re-do or bring back some of those franchises from snes era or N64 even though rare isn't by Nintendo's side anymore

giga koopa remeber saturday 5 bucks :)
u got it bro


Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2006
A little off topic, but will anyone be modding their gamecube controllers white?
ive been thinking about that for about three months but im waiting too see if nintendo releases a wii white colored gamecube controller for the launch of brawl....but i tend to only keep a controller for about 6 months or so

The Director

Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2007
North Carolina
The Gamecube was a disaster of a system, with only a handful of truly excellent titles. (the Rogue Squadrons, Mario Kart, Mario Sunshine, Melee, RE4, the Metroid Primes...) And yes, they will regain what they once were with the Wii. We've already seen glimpses with TP, Wii Sports, MP3, Brawl, Galaxy, and many other upcoming titles, and all of those are just within one year of the console's release. Impressive.

Speaking of older 'dead' franchises, if you look at the Kirby games, they're all basically the same. The simplest formula is often the most fun and works. Unfortunately, the gaming world changes and it seems that the Kirby games died with it. Nintendo chose the wrong path with Kirby though, giving it an anime. Whenever you give anything an anime to gain an audience, (in this case kids) it goes downhill.

The Kirby games need Sakurai back. Maybe when he's done with Brawl he'll work on a Kirby game for Wii?

Another franchise that wasn't mentioned in that editorial was the DK franchise. Look at the decline in the GC DK games. The bongos were neat, but they were just a passing fancy. Hopefully DK Jet on the Wii will re-invigorate the franchise. :ohwell:


Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2006
The Gamecube was a disaster of a system, with only a handful of truly excellent titles. (the Rogue Squadrons, Mario Kart, Mario Sunshine, Melee, RE4, the Metroid Primes...) And yes, they will regain what they once were with the Wii. We've already seen glimpses with TP, Wii Sports, MP3, Brawl, Galaxy, and many other upcoming titles, and all of those are just within one year of the console's release. Impressive.

Speaking of older 'dead' franchises, if you look at the Kirby games, they're all basically the same. The simplest formula is often the most fun and works. Unfortunately, the gaming world changes and it seems that the Kirby games died with it. Nintendo chose the wrong path with Kirby though, giving it an anime. Whenever you give anything an anime to gain an audience, (in this case kids) it goes downhill.

The Kirby games need Sakurai back. Maybe when he's done with Brawl he'll work on a Kirby game for Wii?

Another franchise that wasn't mentioned in that editorial was the DK franchise. Look at the decline in the GC DK games. The bongos were neat, but they were just a passing fancy. Hopefully DK Jet on the Wii will re-invigorate the franchise. :ohwell:
i dont think the anime has anything to do with the game dieing because pokemon has an anime and final fantasy has one too (a bad one) and they still live strong i think its the lack or originality...they never really change much and the games are too simplistic to keep each one the same

AS Juggernaut

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2006
Yea, I miss the good old days of the N64... The gamecube really dissapointed me other than the release of melee which is really the only reason I got the console in the first place.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
Yea, I miss the good old days of the N64... The gamecube really dissapointed me other than the release of melee which is really the only reason I got the console in the first place.
I have heard of lots of people who got the gamecube only to play melee. It's like the other games aren't as important.
I think that will be the Wii's case, the only good game it will ever have wil probably be brawl, and in the long run, that will be the only reason people will buy the Wii (unless Brawl sucks, of course ;) )

AS Juggernaut

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2006
I have heard of lots of people who got the gamecube only to play melee. It's like the other games aren't as important.
I think that will be the Wii's case, the only good game it will ever have wil probably be brawl, and in the long run, that will be the only reason people will buy the Wii (unless Brawl sucks, of course ;) )
The way things look for the wii, it doesn't seem like things will be that way at all..... Games like Brawl, MP3, Galaxy, Manhunt 2, No More Heroes, Batallion Wars 2, Mario Strikers Charged, Disaster Day of Crisis, Guitar Hero 3, Project HAMMER, Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, NiGHTS,Fire Emblem, Mario and Sonic at the Olympics,Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers ,and I'm sure theres other upcoming games I've missed. Also with the games they have out like LoZ:TP, Super Paper Mario, WarioWare, and Wiisports. There's no way I can see this system ever doing near as horrible as the gamecub.e
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