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Viridian City 9 - This weekend! HYPE!

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
If you read the results thread for Chu's, it says that everyone just started playing MK because they were bored with Brawl singles and wanted it to go fast, so they didn't care much. Obviously they weren't 100% serious with their character choices, and were just ****ing around.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
I 3-0'd the crap out of inui back in december...wait are we just **** talking for fun or are we trying to be *******s to our friends?

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
i just won Mass Madness with mk as well..... i guess he's just too good pride.
although diem and myself were the ONLY mks in top 8 XDDDD... and we didnt really use mk anyway.. it was more sk >_>

also, Wes... i think i really outplayed my opponents at MASS. i really don't think it was just mk and not one of them johned about losing to mk.... i think the GOOD players there would agree that i did outplay them. but whatever man.. obviously you won't be convinced.
Good **** Anti :D.
JBAndrew coming outta NOWHERE!!!! good stuff man. i wanna mk ditto with you in tourney ^_^


Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2007
Lol I AM RANDOMLY getting better i gess :) I'll hopefully see you all at the next Viridian! I won my first monayz at it yesterday ^_^


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
All You Guys Suck!!!

If you read the results thread for Chu's, it says that everyone just started playing MK because they were bored with Brawl singles and wanted it to go fast, so they didn't care much. Obviously they weren't 100% serious with their character choices, and were just ****ing around.

DOOM PLEASE MAN LOL STOP TRYING TO DEFEND THE REASON WHY YOU PLAY WITH MK MAN. YOU SUCK ALONG WITH SHADOW,DIEM,PLANK,INUI,kSNizzle and anyone else who claims to be good at brawl lol u can beat someone a set with a low tier but i know u wont be able to do as consistantly as you do with mk. because the amount of precision it takes to win consistantly with a "low tier"
is 10 TIME HARDER THEN IT IS WITH MK YOU CAN THROW OUT MOVES AND WIN THAT GUY. I remembered watching ksNizzle play some dude and he was just throwing out moves and he was not even next time him thats ****ing sad. And for all of those mks who think they are good then We can mm i will mm you guys back to back i dont give a **** but i tell u this i should not even come close to beating you with sonic and u have mk. So any takers?


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
Sorry Man It Is What It Is !!!

i just won Mass Madness with mk as well..... i guess he's just too good pride.
although diem and myself were the ONLY mks in top 8 XDDDD... and we didnt really use mk anyway.. it was more sk >_>

also, Wes... i think i really outplayed my opponents at MASS. i really don't think it was just mk and not one of them johned about losing to mk.... i think the GOOD players there would agree that i did outplay them. but whatever man.. obviously you won't be convinced.
Good **** Anti :D.
JBAndrew coming outta NOWHERE!!!! good stuff man. i wanna mk ditto with you in tourney ^_^
dont take it personal but u doing well at mass doesnt main **** i still think u suck lol dont take it personal thats just how i feel i know good players when i see them lol.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2007
Wes does speak truth...

so this tourney was pretty fun i didn't get any sleep the night before so i ended up leaving early. I was gonna say srry anti for not being there to watch your set against m2k but then i saw your post about forfeiting to him :( well u did well in friendlies against him there were 1 or 2 matches u had him down to one stock O_O

Thanks anti on giving me advice on how to fight MKs with my main Snake :) the way u beat inui and him getting pissed was lol Campy Snake>>> all

Even though you used MK on me =[ i understand u using snake would have been pointless as dittos are stupid but you should have gone dedede i love fighting them =D even though i'm sure i would have lost anyway i prolly would have had a better chance instead of being ***** by your MK =[ i'm suprised i managed to take off a stock both matches lol. Also thank you pierce for giving me advice on playing with snake overall. You the only marth I cant beat right now grrr lol your too good. as for everyone else ggs. I will leave shoutouts when results thread is up.

Oh i placed 13th at this tourny =/
I guess its okay being my second tourny and all, im just mad i lost to CM's dedede when i have beaten it before couple times =/

Well no johns close set CM u did great. But I really wanted to go against inui using ANti's advice on how to fight MKs
just incase IF (most likly not) he did lose, he would have been like wtf?? Who the hell are you? :laugh:


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I think Wes is completely wrong about my brother. He's an amazing player, but of course it sounds biased coming from me. The results can't lie though, and he consistently gets top 3 like all the time now. Well, he deserved that win 100%.

Btw, I'm actually for the ban now though.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Wes does speak truth...

so this tourney was pretty fun i didn't get any sleep the night before so i ended up leaving early. I was gonna say srry anti for not being there to watch your set against m2k but then i saw your post about forfeiting to him :( well u did well in friendlies against him there were 1 or 2 matches u had him down to one stock O_O

Thanks anti on giving me advice on how to fight MKs with my main Snake :) the way u beat inui and him getting pissed was lol Campy Snake>>> all

Even though you used MK on me =[ i understand u using snake would have been pointless as dittos are stupid but you should have gone dedede i love fighting them =D even though i'm sure i would have lost anyway i prolly would have had a better chance instead of being ***** by your MK =[ i'm suprised i managed to take off a stock both matches lol. Also thank you pierce for giving me advice on playing with snake overall. You the only marth I cant beat right now grrr lol your too good. as for everyone else ggs. I will leave shoutouts when results thread is up.

Oh i placed 13th at this tourny =/
I guess its okay being my second tourny and all, im just mad i lost to CM's dedede when i have beaten it before couple times =/

Well no johns close set CM u did great. But I really wanted to go against inui using ANti's advice on how to fight MKs
just incase IF (most likly not) he did lose, he would have been like wtf?? Who the hell are you? :laugh:
you know i actually was going to go ddd on you but i had to use the bathroom and wanted to get the match done a tad quicker sorryz lol

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
dont take it personal but u doing well at mass doesnt main **** i still think u suck lol dont take it personal thats just how i feel i know good players when i see them lol.
lol, how do i not take that personally?
you can say what you want but in the end i am the one winning money at tournaments and not feeling sorry for the low tier mains because if they wanna keep complaining they can learn mk too.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
lol, how do i not take that personally?
you can say what you want but in the end i am the one winning money at tournaments and not feeling sorry for the low tier mains because if they wanna keep complaining they can learn mk too.
It has nothing to do with the low tier mains Nick. I would STILL lose even if MK was banned. It is the fact that the char has a 1000 more options than any other char at a all times. It is the fact that scrub MKS are just picking up MK and winning over good players. It is the fact that MORE and MORE mks are getting in the top 9 every tournament. It is the fact that people are quitting or moving on from this game out of frustration of MK. It is the fact that there COULD be so much more tournament variety if he wasn't allowed.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2007
you know i actually was going to go ddd on you but i had to use the bathroom and wanted to get the match done a tad quicker sorryz lol

lol its kk i guess =[ i really hate MK =[
lol no wonder when i was trying to talk to u during the match u seemed a bit jittery

And OMG i had an ally moment against M2k in friendlies!! =D i'm so happy lol. M2k Omnigayed himself thinking he was going to do it to me but i had the higher controller port and he didnt know and i told him why =D

here m2k. it happened here too:


Notice how ally is 3rd port so it was in fact Xero who had gotten omnigayed

Well as u can all guess i didnt do the winning the match part -_- i mean it's m2k duh lol but the reverse omnigay thing happend during the first stock lol


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
For everyone going on about Meta. First off, I would like to ask all that main meta to stay out of this. Cause clearly you would be bias cause you main them, or play him when **** gets ruff.

Most of you know I been losing to meta at every tournament I been too. (expect the last one but I was taken out too quick to fight a meta. I told people before that meta is the anti christ for brawl. Now you clearly see it. People need to just face facts. Meta does not take much skill as otherts to pull off a win (pull a win off, not have serious skills with him, get what I am saying here. I'm a Person who can't play with other characters, all I know is Peach and a lil of Zelda (I think). Its sad how I play meta for 20 mins and I am here going even or beating people who playthier main for as long as brawl came out. It bored the hell out of me and I was like (wow, are you freaking serious, this is all it took?)

Meta is the rebirth of shiek in Melee. (Might explain why shiek is nerfed in this game, but seriously, she had to be nerfed.) Difference is. While shiek was broken. Marth and space animals were still able to get at shiek. Even if a Noob Picked up sheik it would not be the same results as one to pick up Meta.

Meta is clearly taking over brawl. And most of the people who don't wanna expect this, guess who they play? I say first step to dealing with this problem is not being so bias on meta and just except it already. meta is too much. Damm, just look at the results. Beginners place decent with Meta. And Its not cause they are thinking most of the time or w/e, its meta doing the job for then.

Now with this said (Keep in mind who I main) Do I think meta should be banned. Honestly? No. Why I say this? Yea I been losing to meta in ways I say I should not be losing to him. It's me being an idiot. But because of me being a dumbazz, I'm gonna say he should leave the game. All the time I lost to meta, till this day I still say meta is a chump to me and puts no fear in me in tournament. I'm losing to meta cause it's my damm fault. Here is what I see go throughs a Persons mind when fighting meta:

- The see one picked meta. Chances are, they are already annoyed before the fight started (5% decrease in chances of winning.

- They see a person pick meta who they think they willnot be losing to or does not main meta, just counterpicked him cause it is "Meta"

- Meta Gets his easy (Yea easy, Don't BS this character) combos to Up-B for easy deaths or easy damage.

- Your annoyance meter just went up a few cause of this. 15% decrease of winning.

- the meta player starts to feel goo about himself and is calm in the fight. In his head he is thinking "I got this. Nothing to worry about"

-You get your few blows in there, Then meta wants to spam Nado or up-B to kill your hype momentum or get you feeling good and focus in the match. Alsdo at the same time, you are getting ticked and start rushing at meta (something you dont wanna ****ing do).

- Your annoyance meter went up some more. 30% decrease of winning the match.

Thats about 50% lost for winning the battle. Now the rest of the 50% relies on.

- Your character that you are using and the chances of him/her winning.
- Skills of the player (then again......meta)
- Meta does something that is hard for your character to handle.
- The meta player is actually.a really good player in general and gets at people with meta cause if the player and brains behind meta.
- How annoyed or ticked you are in the match reflects all the abaove. It can turn the tables and bring back some of the % you lost or it will just keep going down.

People call me crazy for this but I don't think he should be banned. And the reason meta gets away with MOST of this crap is with what I just said above. I remember back then when Snake was being b!tched about just as must as meta. Now look at Snake, he is not all that scary to people anymore. He is another character that is a chump to me and puts no fear in me at all. But not about him right now.

You know how look it took people to get over shiek and learn how to deal with him/her in melee? You see something 10000000000 times with meta. Same typical **** as always. And if it is still getting your azzed kicked them maybe meta is toomuch to be used as a playable character.............or (read what I said above. I'll have you people think about this and you decided. Ether way wether meta is in or out does not mean **** to me. That character is a small ball of **** to me.

Also for those going on about diddy is broken. Man please. When you can use his bananas against him. When it is not that hard to stay close to diddy (with some characters) and go hand to hand with diddy. You guys are crazy. And these comments came from meta knight players? You guys are kidding right? I'm starting to think that meta players are the most bias of all.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
lol its kk i guess =[ i really hate MK =[
lol no wonder when i was trying to talk to u during the match u seemed a bit jittery

And OMG i had an ally moment against M2k in friendlies!! =D i'm so happy lol. M2k Omnigayed himself thinking he was going to do it to me but i had the higher controller port and he didnt know and i told him why =D

here m2k. it happened here too:


Notice how ally is 3rd port so it was in fact Xero who had gotten omnigayed

Well as u can all guess i didnt do the winning the match part -_- i mean it's m2k duh lol but the reverse omnigay thing happend during the first stock lol
Oh yeah i think i was there when it happened lol.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2007

People call me crazy for this but I don't think he should be banned. And the reason meta gets away with MOST of this crap is with what I just said above. I remember back then when Snake was being b!tched about just as must as meta. Now look at Snake, he is not all that scary to people anymore. He is another character that is a chump to me and buts no fear in me at all. But not about him right now.
I remember this point in smash time Dark.Pch. I say your sorta right. When Snake was at his prime it wasn't long till people started finding him not scary, because at lease snake DOES HAVE bad match ups. Do you realize how long its been since MK has been dominating tourneys or just placing well overall? It's like Pride said random scrubs have been picking him up and have been doing well with him. It's ridiculous how much of an impact this character has become on the smash community. Seriously, no one character should not have so much dominance over the roster. Correct me if I'm wrong but Metaknight has NO bad match ups. He's either even or has slight advantage over every high tier character and just ***** every one else. Look at top 5-10 recent tourney results... nuff said.

Ban him SBR... this is getting really ridiculous.


is being watched
Nov 24, 2006
Just outside the b& hammer <3
For everyone going on about Meta. First off, I would like to ask all that main meta to stay out of this. Cause clearly you would be bias cause you main them, or play him when **** gets ruff.

Most of you know I been losing to meta at every tournament I been too. (expect the last one but I was taken out too quick to fight a meta. I told people before that meta is the anti christ for brawl. Now you clearly see it. People need to just face facts. Meta does not take much skill as otherts to pull off a win (pull a win off, not have serious skills with him, get what I am saying here. I'm a Person who can't play with other characters, all I know is Peach and a lil of Zelda (I think). Its sad how I play meta for 20 mins and I am here going even or beating people who playthier main for as long as brawl came out. It bored the hell out of me and I was like (wow, are you freaking serious, this is all it took?)

Meta is the rebirth of shiek in Melee. (Might explain why shiek is nerfed in this game, but seriously, she had to be nerfed.) Difference is. While shiek was broken. Marth and space animals were still able to get at shiek. Even if a Noob Picked up sheik it would not be the same results as one to pick up Meta.

Meta is clearly taking over brawl. And most of the people who don't wanna expect this, guess who they play? I say first step to dealing with this problem is not being so bias on meta and just except it already. meta is too much. Damm, just look at the results. Beginners place decent with Meta. And Its not cause they are thinking most of the time or w/e, its meta doing the job for then.

Now with this said (Keep in mind who I main) Do I think meta should be banned. Honestly? No. Why I say this? Yea I been losing to meta in ways I say I should not be losing to him. It's me being an idiot. But because of me being a dumbazz, I'm gonna say he should leave the game. All the time I lost to meta, till this day I still say meta is a chump to me and puts no fear in me in tournament. I'm losing to meta cause it's my damm fault. Here is what I see go throughs a Persons mind when fighting meta:

- The see one picked meta. Chances are, they are already annoyed before the fight started (5% decrease in chances of winning.

- They see a person pick meta who they think they willnot be losing to or does not main meta, just counterpicked him cause it is "Meta"

- Meta Gets his easy (Yea easy, Don't BS this character) combos to Up-B for easy deaths or easy damage.

- Your annoyance meter just went up a few cause of this. 15% decrease of winning.

- the meta player starts to feel goo about himself and is calm in the fight. In his head he is thinking "I got this. Nothing to worry about"

-You get your few blows in there, Then meta wants to spam Nado or up-B to kill your hype momentum or get you feeling good and focus in the match. Alsdo at the same time, you are getting ticked and start rushing at meta (something you dont wanna ****ing do).

- Your annoyance meter went up some more. 30% decrease of winning the match.

Thats about 50% lost for winning the battle. Now the rest of the 50% relies on.

- Your character that you are using and the chances of him/her winning.
- Skills of the player (then again......meta)
- Meta does something that is hard for your character to handle.
- The meta player is actually.a really good player in general and gets at people with meta cause if the player and brains behind meta.
- How annoyed or ticked you are in the match reflects all the abaove. It can turn the tables and bring back some of the % you lost or it will just keep going down.

People call me crazy for this but I don't think he should be banned. And the reason meta gets away with MOST of this crap is with what I just said above. I remember back then when Snake was being b!tched about just as must as meta. Now look at Snake, he is not all that scary to people anymore. He is another character that is a chump to me and puts no fear in me at all. But not about him right now.

You know how look it took people to get over shiek and learn how to deal with him/her in melee? You see something 10000000000 times with meta. Same typical **** as always. And if it is still getting your azzed kicked them maybe meta is toomuch to be used as a playable character.............or (read what I said above. I'll have you people think about this and you decided. Ether way wether meta is in or out does not mean **** to me. That character is a small ball of **** to me.

Also for those going on about diddy is broken. Man please. When you can use his bananas against him. When it is not that hard to stay close to diddy (with some characters) and go hand to hand with diddy. You guys are crazy. And these comments came from meta knight players? You guys are kidding right? I'm starting to think that meta players are the most bias of all.
Different color text, same cry baby posts.

edit @ below - just joking dawg haha


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I remember this point in smash time Dark.Pch. I say your sorta right. When Snake was at his prime it wasn't long till people started finding him not scary, because at lease snake DOES HAVE bad match ups. Do you realize how long its been since MK has been dominating tourneys or just placing well overall? It's like Pride said random scrubs have been picking him up and have been doing well with him. It's ridiculous how much of an impact this character has become on the smash community. Seriously, no one character should not have so much dominance over the roster. Correct me if I'm wrong but Metaknight has NO bad match ups. He's either even or has slight advantage over every high tier character and just ***** every one else. Look at top 5-10 recent tourney results... nuff said.

Ban him SBR... this is getting really ridiculous.
The same boat meta is on, I believe sheik was on it too. And brawl has been out for a lil over a year.

Different color text, same cry baby posts.
And you are? Also who said I was crying about meta? Obviously you did not read me post and just wanna start something. Take it else where.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2007
Oh yeah i think i was there when it happened lol.
yeah xD. The expression on M2k's Face was priceless xD. What made it even better and more funny was that, that was my first time ever seeing him in person/ever going against him lol


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
DOOM PLEASE MAN LOL STOP TRYING TO DEFEND THE REASON WHY YOU PLAY WITH MK MAN. YOU SUCK ALONG WITH SHADOW,DIEM,PLANK,INUI,kSNizzle and anyone else who claims to be good at brawl lol u can beat someone a set with a low tier but i know u wont be able to do as consistantly as you do with mk. because the amount of precision it takes to win consistantly with a "low tier"
is 10 TIME HARDER THEN IT IS WITH MK YOU CAN THROW OUT MOVES AND WIN THAT GUY. I remembered watching ksNizzle play some dude and he was just throwing out moves and he was not even next time him thats ****ing sad. And for all of those mks who think they are good then We can mm i will mm you guys back to back i dont give a **** but i tell u this i should not even come close to beating you with sonic and u have mk. So any takers?
I destroyed you very badly with Snake the one and only time we played in singles. It wasn't even remotely close.


Not MK.

What do you have to say that?

Is Snake too broken? :(

(He is.)

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Lol Wes, I wasn't trying to defend jack ****. I was just pointing out why everyone had Metaknight next to their names at Chu's. Honestly, I play the character to win and because he's the most fun, and I'm not going to deny that or defend myself to anybody by trying to justify it.

Also, I don't care about a person's opinion of my skill if said person made Summit and Skyworld legal, LOL.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2007
Grab>Dthrow>Ftilt>Fair>Fair off stage>Game.

MK on Heavies:
Chain D-Throw off stage > Gimp > Game
U- Airs > Neutral B
D-Tilt> Insert Grab combo here> Most likly with whatever grab combo will end up offstage so gimp>Game

I can go on, on what he can do to lightweights too or whatever.

Point is Dark.Pch, MetaKnight, Unlike Sheik in melee has like a thousand options over a character.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey

instantly double jump airdodge onto the stage and it doesn't work


MK hitting you with d-tilt --> u-throw does 10% less than Snake's f-tilt.



Banned via Administration
Apr 15, 2009
Off the top of FD
MK on Heavies:
Chain D-Throw off stage > Gimp > Game
U- Airs > Neutral B
D-Tilt> Insert Grab combo here> Most likly with whatever grab combo will end up offstage so gimp>Game

I can go on, on what he can do to lightweights too or whatever.

Point is Dark.Pch, MetaKnight, Unlike Sheik in melee has like a thousand options over a character.
Keep saying COMBO, and CHAINGRAB. ****ing moron. >_>

Wes: I've been playing MK when NY said he was going to be mid tier. And regardless, I do just fine when I play. Just because you put your money on the wrong horse and are too 'proud' to change (AGAINNNNNNNN) doesn't mean you have the right to john.

If this was SF4, mother ****ing pros would be like: lol,usesagat,loser.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
MK on Heavies:
Chain D-Throw off stage > Gimp > Game
U- Airs > Neutral B
D-Tilt> Insert Grab combo here> Most likly with whatever grab combo will end up offstage so gimp>Game

I can go on, on what he can do to lightweights too or whatever.

Point is Dark.Pch, MetaKnight, Unlike Sheik in melee has like a thousand options over a character.
Well does not matter to me. If he was to get banned then fine with me. easier time I can have at tournaments. And I think more characters would be playable and not seeing the same boring character winning. This could decide the fate of M2K. He have to whip out that DDD. Or Marth.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2007

instantly double jump airdodge onto the stage and it doesn't work


MK hitting you with d-tilt --> u-throw does 10% less than Snake's f-tilt.

And when the MK is predicting your air dodge and wait for u with a fully charged F-Smash? i had to learn that the hard way =[

And like i said he still has way more options on what to do to a character despite whether the combos that i put were inaccurate or not.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
jack *** nah im a blackass

Lol Wes, I wasn't trying to defend jack ****. I was just pointing out why everyone had Metaknight next to their names at Chu's. Honestly, I play the character to win and because he's the most fun, and I'm not going to deny that or defend myself to anybody by trying to justify it.

Also, I don't care about a person's opinion of my skill if said person made Summit and Skyworld legal, LOL.

obviously u have no sense of thinking outside the box and not try to kill smash of what it is u cant make it like street fighter my opinion still stand your wack lol period and when u mean fun that means win cause i see the only time people like you are having fun is when ur winning lol.
So calling me a jack *** just proves my point i took the sheeps skin off or ur wolf *** dont deny ****.


Banned via Administration
Apr 15, 2009
Off the top of FD
And when the MK is predicting your air dodge and wait for u with a fully charged F-Smash? i had to learn that the hard way =[

And like i said he still has way more options on what to do to a character despite whether the combos that i put were inaccurate or not.
Actually, Diddy has more options than any character, so long as he has a banana.

And if you airdodge into an fsmash, you need perhaps start with smaller tourns.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
And when the MK is predicting your air dodge and wait for u with a fully charged F-Smash? i had to learn that the hard way =[

And like i said he still has way more options on what to do to a character despite whether the combos that i put were inaccurate or not.
That's called MIX-UPS.

Snake, or any other character, has to mix things up.

So does MK.

When Snake grabs MK, MK has to do different stuff in order to not eat 100,000 damage from d-throw chains and f-tilts.
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