thats kinda hard to rate...
I mean theres this one girl I know (srsly...) :s
Dekar im just rating people of the criteria as stated within our PR, it doesnt directly represent my opinion geez. Thats why PR is stupid its bias left right and centre. For example the criteria would pretty easily put me above afro but make him play the game for 2 days and he'd get good, so i still think he's better than me. So if went off the criteria he's higher, and even i may believe more strongly in my opinion (well duh) then the whole things too subjective. lol PR is bad either way, every1 knows.
Earls only gonna get higher coz he is in permanent dragon mode now i seem, but by criteria, the outcome of PoO isnt enough to justify him being above Attila who's current record is hella legit.
On criteria, id have you like 7th or 8th. Personally though, if i were to bias, you wouldnt be on my PR.