PANELISTS: Afro, Jei, Dean, Splice
(Tibs was inactive)
Reasoning and notes:
Atila first - makes sense
Earl/Splice/Afro/Tibor - Earl has won a major and proved to have consistancy. He has only lost to the Baranyays recently, but beaten them too. Splice and Afropony are definitely one step behind him; coming close with him in all their sets against him. Splice has taken some games off Tibs and Earl within sets recently and come closer to taking sets, and that is why he is higher.
Tibors placement may seem a bit low at first, but this can be easily explained.
The players above him have shown to have a better consistency of only losing to players around their placement. Tibs has lost to Jei recently, and the sets players above him have lost were close. This ability to underpeform certainly has affected Tibs as a player.
Jei displayed a key mindset and patience when he beat Tibs, and has shown through his matches that he is really on the ball when he plays atm. It was close, but we have opted to put him above Toshiba. Jei and Toshiba both do decently against players above them, but even when Jei gets MU ***** and Toshiba has the advantage, they have shown similair results. This is not a big factor, but it does add weight to this decision.
Nixernator is also above Toshiba; he has come to 2 tournaments (out of 4) this year and is definitely going to keep up an attendance. He performed well at both tournaments and has shown a consistant ability to keep up against all players. At meets in friendlies, Nix has done very well against top ranked players such as Splice and Earl
Dean does not do as well as Nix does against such players, but is definitely improving. 9th at the moment, but I do see him rising, but this has only just started to shine through, and better judgement cannot surely be made as of yet.
Timic learnt IC's cgs really well and won almost as many games as he lost (still close) against Splice, Earl, Nix and Dean at a meet recently. Whilst this didn't quite trump any of those players, he definitely provided a greater hassle for them then other players have shown to in tournament, thus his placing, which will surely be justified at the April 30th tournament.
ALSO: A trollface or awesomeface indicates a MK main. For Toshi you can see it is Diddy and MK co-main.