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VaNz Stuff.. about Peach (Tactical Discussion)


Smash Ace
Feb 10, 2006
Is there anything else i can practise in 1player mode? Other stuff then needs to perfect in a match? I'm glad about any advise/suggestion!
First of all, I would recommend NOT practicing on 1-player mode; it removes the C-stick. Instead just put the computer on level 1 in a timed match w/ time limite 'None.' That way you can keep practicing and not have to worry about the match ending OR the C-stick. If the computer starts to bug you, just plug in a dummy controller or give yourself a handi-cap so you can push it away further.

Otherwise, practicing that stuff is useful. I can't think of much else other than DJC'ing on platforms, but that's up to you really.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
ganon peach is good? O_o I always thought it wasnt that good because of how slow both characters are but now I wanna keep trying it, I have a solid ganon to team with too.


check out my first kill, has anyone seen this before? I light shielded and it somehow pushed sheik far enough so she couldn't grab the ledge (but she was also facing the other way, I wonder if he just messed up himself somehow). I've never seen this done before.
Ganon/Peach is good just because its scary.

I beat Mango in tournament with Ganon/Peach!


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
MacD, ur commentary is soo funny. You like make fun of the players randomly and start screaming randomly =D


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
so at a tourney next weekend, the host wants to do color counterpicks, where if you lose, you get to counterpick you opponents color

it's kinda silly and people are boycotting it, idk if i really care, but everyone would make me go daisy i found out :(

also daisy is an illegal immigrant or a wh*re, your choice

not the sexy good looking wh*re, but the one nobody wants to associate with except the super desprite people

and besides, daisy is not worthy of the DADS


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
I'm going to ****ing **** your Peaches with Daisy sooooo hard.

She may be slutty, but she does nasty stuff to Peach every night, and Peach likes it.

Peach loves Daisy, you should too.


LOL that was a little out of hand


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Jigglypuff is very confusing for me.

When she just spams Bair, I'm never sure if I should be trying to retreat Fair and outprioritize them, or try to rambo into her spacing with my lower-range aerials (Bair, etc) and see if I can knock her out of her startup animation. Or if I should dash attack to attack her aerials.

In fact, I'm really not sure when I should be Fairing against Puff. Her aerial mobility makes it difficult to really trap her or even approach with them.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
I play this kind of a lot. If I fair approach then I shield immediately afterwards, and maybe roll back, or shieldgrab if it hit their shield. SH bair and nair are nice if you get inside her spacing. DADS is risky as hell cuz you can be rested out of both. Shield a lot, she can't do anything out of grab. When all else fails spam turnip approaches. You live to much higher percents than her so don't get rested or smashed! Peach can be a real pain in the *** for Puff.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
what's DADs?
Check the front page for terms and match-ups. DADs and plainly a quick flurry of dash attacks and downsmashing. Dash attack has VERY high priority, while downsmashing does dumb amounts of damage. Somebody is a ninja...

Dash attack is useful against jiggs that are airborn, but d-smash is hardly useful against her (unless the jiggs is dumb or you are lucky).


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
How does the turnip --> FC approach usually work out?

Like, if Jiggs is FJ Bair --> falling Bair --> land as a retreat, should I be doing turnip FJ --> high aerial? Or turnip FJ --> medium aerial? Or even low aerial?

I get that it depends on the situation, but I really struggle against Puff when she decides to just camp Bair stupidly hard. It feels somewhat futile to try and fall back and turnip because of the poking power of Bair. But approaching is hard, too, because of the stupid priority and her aerial mobility.

I find dash attack works on and off, and that dropping Bair works too if she's caught offguard, but what else should I be aiming to do against a heavy Bair camp? Am I just doing turnips improperly?

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
Turnip FC is kinda safe at low percents but it either won't combo or somehow jiggs will combo you out of it at higher percents. One thing I like to do vs jiggs that I noticed armada does is dthrow turnip to nair. when she's bair camping try to hit them with the turnip and imagine how high they'll pop up from it, and then float and fair there.
Dash attack isn't smart vs jiggs, and I try to avoid it as much as possible. Jiggs is a punishing character and dash attack is punishable.
When she's bair camping, maybe try to go up and over. Dair to nair is pretty effective vs jiggs, but I'd check with vans before I say that out loud LOL
When jiggs is bair camping me, I just try to get away from the direction she's bairing. that's over, under, or behind. If she's facing you, she loses a lot of priority.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Or in otherwords, how close does my opponent have to be in order for the throw turnip downwards to be able to connect?

Vanz should play me with his jiggs so I understand this match up moar =3


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
How does the turnip --> FC approach usually work out?

Like, if Jiggs is FJ Bair --> falling Bair --> land as a retreat, should I be doing turnip FJ --> high aerial? Or turnip FJ --> medium aerial? Or even low aerial?

I get that it depends on the situation, but I really struggle against Puff when she decides to just camp Bair stupidly hard. It feels somewhat futile to try and fall back and turnip because of the poking power of Bair. But approaching is hard, too, because of the stupid priority and her aerial mobility.

I find dash attack works on and off, and that dropping Bair works too if she's caught offguard, but what else should I be aiming to do against a heavy Bair camp? Am I just doing turnips improperly?

In this match up, positioning is very important. Jigglypuff's mobility allows her to be in certain places that other chars wouldn't get to, so the trick is know exactly how far she can get in X amount of time.

In Street Fighter, there's a term used called "zoning" and (I believe) it's when a projectile is used to limit your opponent's options and position yourself in a way so that you will have the tactical advantage after the projectile has resolved. And example of this is Ryu's fireball approach in SF4.

The point of that was to kind of paint a picture of how Peach should be playing this match up. Think of Peach's turnips as fireballs and position yourself based on..

- Jigglypuff's response to the turnip
- Where Jigglypuff will be once the turnip is gone
- How you plan to punish Jigglypuff's response.

Having some foresight really helps in this match. For example, when you see that puff does FJ Bair > Retreating Bair, use that down time to pull a turnip and go into FJ float. Remember to maintain your spacing so that she doesn't just hit you out of the air. If you notice the Puff starts to climb up to your elevation, drop down ASAP and throw the turnip up. this creates a wall that puff can't pass and she's pretty close to helpless when you're below her. Nair or Uair is best because they're most likely to hit. Fair does the most damage, but Jiggs can usually beat this.

If Jiggs doesn't try to go after your float, Turnip > Fair > Dsmash is ****. Jiggs never wants to risk blocking every hit of the dsmash so this should pierce or kill. This is pretty much how the match up should be played when on the defensive. When Puff hits your shield with Fair, Nair, or falling Uair, NAIR OoS ***** HER! Ask Teczero what he does, he's amazing at it.

Those were some really good questions and I hope I've answered them. <3 KK

Teco - throw a smashfest =D


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant

Oh Vanz saying I'm good at an arbitrary match up of a character I obviously don't play :laugh:.

I actually feel like I'm getting a better handle on the peach vs Jiggs match up though so if anyone would like my advice I'll be happy to offer my insight. Though most if not all of what Vanz posted above this is a very good start.

And when I can throw a smashfest, you'll be the first to know Vanz.

I'm doing my usual Saffron one, and I basically reserved a spot for you ;)


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I really like Peach but I find myself stuck with her a lot and not sure how to overcome some situations. Mercifully Smashboards has useful people. I'm going to try those things.

<3 Vanz

I will get good at Sheik vs Peach as the Sheik. Somehow.

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