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Upstate New York Tournament Thread


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
$200? FD only?
ew no thats boring,

if you wanna 20 dollar mm ill 20 dollar mm you. if you wanna put up a whole extravagant bunch of money on something thats not important like a child you're gonna have to find someone else


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2007
Rochester, NY
So guys, stop arguing. I know tensions are high right now, regional rivalries are intense and drama has recently entered the smash community, which I'm sure is putting people in bad moods anyway.

People oughta get along more and stop being massive *****. It's like the second Jesse leaves town everyone feels like they can start tearing apart what's an incredibly cohesive game community.

In other words, guys, cut the bull****.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2010
Steffon, Mafia would beat you more than not if you played more.

That's a ****ing **** thing to say. You don't live here, why the **** should your opinion influence who we have and don't have here?

****. I don't usually get annoyed at people **** talking, but seriously.. shut up.
a) No he wouldn't

b) I do live there, even more so as of August 1st. Work has kept me away. As of that date mine and Sam's names are those of the lease holders. My opinion suddenly matters a lot more.

c) Mafia is an immature, disrespectful, ******* from my perspective, and an ok guy from yours. Neither of our perspectives or opinions on him are likely to change anytime in the near future.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2010
JUNI u can quit SSF4. Who the hell am i gonna play with? When i get back to rochester u and me are gonna have mad training session. maybe smash on the side but at least 8 hours of SSF4 a day

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
a) No he wouldn't

b) I do live there, even more so as of August 1st. Work has kept me away. As of that date mine and Sam's names are those of the lease holders. My opinion suddenly matters a lot more.

c) Mafia is an immature, disrespectful, ******* from my perspective, and an ok guy from yours. Neither of our perspectives or opinions on him are likely to change anytime in the near future.
a. well he beat the one person in the region better than you, and the other person in our region directly below you... soooo id say he has a decent shot of taking you out. Stop being an egotistical jerk. at least when I do it, its usually (at least mildly) funny.

b. last I checked today is june 18th. so as of now, you dont live there, which I believe is what matt was refering to.

c. people should try to keep a more open mind. We all have a common bond here, and just because you have a bad first impression, doesnt mean your opinion should be set in stone for the rest of time. thats dumb. just be respectful and let the chips fall from there. holding grudges is a MASSIVE waste of effort and energy.

JUNI u can quit SSF4. Who the hell am i gonna play with? When i get back to rochester u and me are gonna have mad training session. maybe smash on the side but at least 8 hours of SSF4 a day

Im still here...

so basically mafia > all of you


lolyea, thats basically what it boils down to.

But yo, ill money match you. MDZ is making me taking him to Game Underground, so find me there.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
I typed a really long thing on frannie iPod touch then I accidently clicked something and it all disappeared lol I'll retype it once I get on a computer


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
First off, I wanted to state my opinion on this drama thats has been going down recently. Everyone needs to be a lot more respectful to each other. Everyone should stop complaining and talking about whose better than who. If its really such a big deal then the only way to settle it is to go over to a tournament in there/our region and play them. Untill then friendly trash talk is fine , but i feel this has surprised the status of friendly.

Whats even more disappointed is that the rudeness is just with out of state people, but it has progressed with in our own region at each other. Okay okay, we get it Viciouz and juni you guys may or may not like goggles but to bicker/insult each other in the forums that is meant for the community is scaring away most of us who are just trying to have a normal conversation. So i would like to give advice to people if i may that way this can at least be looked at from the point of view of someone that isnt involved but is still effected by this.

Steffon- Im not sure what the deal is with rochester vs mafia or prawn or anyone truly for this matter. However you and most of upstate know of jesse neils, you and upstates true skill. If you feel that you or anyone is truly better than someone, nothing that anyone says about it should get to you. It should only fuel your fire to prove it. And you shouldnt retaliate to childish insult from people. Let them be knowning that you'll have the last laugh when you prove them wrong. You know what your capable of and no one should tell you other wise. And most importantly dont let people get to you! Most insult are directed to get into your head, And when you try and fight back it makes both of you immature. Chose to be the bigger person and ignore them. If your better than them, it will prove it self in time, and no insult you say will be greater than that!

Goggles- Im unaware of why your banned from Sams place, however i dont think your on the right track to getting unbanned. I understand probably better than most, that most of the time you are joking in 90% of what your self. But even though people may know that everyone has limitations. Sometimes you forget that and push past those limitations and really get under peoples skins. You've been apart of this community long enough to know how far you can push people and how far you cant. Use your knowledge to sometimes hold back on things you may want to say, And maybe sometimes apologize correct me if im wrong but i dont think ive ever heard that apology (at least not to often). Pretty much, Learn your limitations and think before you speak!

Juni- Your probably 1 of my favorite people in rochester. I feel like we both have a very relax chill attitude towards everything we do. But to see you go back and fourth with goggles over something as simple as gaming is disappointing. I respect your knowledge in fighters and am well aware of your skill in a mass amount of different games. Anyone who doesnt see that truly hasnt seen you play. My advice is the same as i gave steffon. You know how good you are. Dont argue with someone about just prove it. Actions speak louder than words!

Only other news. Syracuse Smash 3 is underway!


This is just a roughdraft post will be altered alot. enjoy!

Post in the thread alot. More post/views means others will view it as well. perhaps out of state people!

Also i need to know who comfirmed This tournament is being held in honor of bry, There should be no excuse not to at least attempt to come. Please do not be lazy on this tournament at least. Central Ny or at least my self has attended every tournament in rochester or western ny area most of the time entering all the events. So i would truly appreciate it if everyone made there best effort to come out to this 1. Thank you.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY

I like the way you went about this, and I definitely respect the fact that you typed this entire thing up twice since it got deleted the first time.

however part of what you said is slightly confusing.
And maybe sometimes apologize correct me if im wrong but i dont think ive ever heard that apology (at least not to often).
If you are talking about apologising for the thing that got me banned from the apartment, I would if I could get somebody to concretely tell me what it is I did. That whole thing started when me and Foy almost got into it at that tourney, and we hashed that out like 2-3 days later. Aside from that nobody else has spoken to me about what the problem is specifically.

If youre talking general apologies, I have done that a few times, to you specifically, like 10 times more than anybody else. lol. I have no problem admitting that I can be wrong from time to time, and when. Sometimes its just hard to apologise, when I honestly dont know what I did. Like the above example.

But what you said has been noted, so I will try to be more observant of myself.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
Very awesome post by Cura. I'm really glad there are such great members in this community that really pull everyone together :)

Also, I'm sorry for any of the fuel I contributed in that flame war, I was mostly trolling/joking.

Greene Archer

Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
Troy, NY
I don't know why the WNY vs MA crew battle didn't happen at MM20, but it should have. It would have been solid proof MA's better than you <3

I think most of the problems ITT come from people being all srs bzns all the time. This is an internet message board about video games. It's not worth raging over.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2009
Utica, NY
SS3 is going to be amazing.

Planning on entering Melee Singles, Brawl Doubles, and Brawl Singles. Maybe even a side event if any will be there.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2010
Rochester, NY
JUNI u can quit SSF4. Who the hell am i gonna play with? When i get back to rochester u and me are gonna have mad training session. maybe smash on the side but at least 8 hours of SSF4 a day
Alright training sessions maybe I'll get back into the game.

Juni- Your probably 1 of my favorite people in rochester. I feel like we both have a very relax chill attitude towards everything we do. But to see you go back and fourth with goggles over something as simple as gaming is disappointing. I respect your knowledge in fighters and am well aware of your skill in a mass amount of different games. Anyone who doesnt see that truly hasnt seen you play. My advice is the same as i gave steffon. You know how good you are. Dont argue with someone about just prove it. Actions speak louder than words!
Sorry Cura, your words have been heard and you are right not going to argue with someone about something that pointless. Forgive me :( <33

Dang, mad disrespect. It's like I don't even exist or we aren't rooming together next year.

....this kid... * shakes head *
I think he was messing around!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA

But yo, ill money match you. MDZ is making me taking him to Game Underground, so find me there.
e.e I'm not -making- you do anything.
I'm offering you the chance to go to a tournament and funding half your trip in exchange for bringing me to MA because I have things to do that weekend.

Just convenient :)

So guys, stop arguing. I know tensions are high right now, regional rivalries are intense and drama has recently entered the smash community, which I'm sure is putting people in bad moods anyway.

People oughta get along more and stop being massive *****. It's like the second Jesse leaves town everyone feels like they can start tearing apart what's an incredibly cohesive game community.

In other words, guys, cut the bull****.
I love when people think competitive communities should have members who just love to jerk each other off all the time and when a bit of drama (aka competitiveness) shows up they cry.

This seems to have all started from me telling Steffon to stfu and that Irish Mafia is not nearly as bad as you guys think he is.

So, sorry for making you butthurt Steffon.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2009
Geneseo, NY
I love when people think competitive communities should have members who just love to jerk each other off all the time and when a bit of drama (aka competitiveness) shows up they cry.

Competitiveness in a competitive community? Now I've heard everything! On that note, I'm glad that we all love each other again. Now who wants to jerk each other off?
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