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UCF Brawl in Orlando (Central Florida) + CFL PR Thread

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Anyway, so you guys don't like brawl+. That's fine whatever, but don't say stupid **** about the game like "only people who get ***** in brawl play brawl+"?


brawl+ is fun... if you're sonic.
Just in case you didn't notice, Sonic still gets soft countered by Marth, MK, TL, Ness, Game and Watch, Pikachu, ZSS (I know, wtf?), and Squirtle (once again WTF?)

Sorry that Kirby doesn't get to walk all over him anymore!

Character matchups have changed. A lot of matchups are closer than before, and some matchups have completely turned around. That's exactly what we were going for from the start. We want every character to be at least decent (we want them all to b equal, but since that's not possible, we'll settle for tournament viable).

And Retro we did not buff Sonic!!. We did not change anything to Sonic's moveset. We even corrected an unintentional change that was the result of another code. Sonic's attacks are exactly the same as before!!. The only difference now is that when he lands a hit...he gets something for it. I'm tired of fighting characters who constantly outdamage me because my moveset was designed to be combo oriented and not single hit oriented like theirs.

I enjoy brawl+ because I like combos.
I thought they were making it so characters could move through the air as fast as they could run (don't know they term but falcon in melee did it), and that would make sonic RIDICULOUS! IDK, brawl+ lost it's attractiveness a little no one play doubles in it, the only thing that makes it awesome is I can go ALL Ivy
The did for Falcon. Sonic only gets a very small momentum boost (believe it or not, full dash speed was actually hurting Sonic's game, not helping it). Other characters that benefited from the Mometum boost were Ganondorf, Ivysuar, Charizard, ZSS, Samus, Fox, Falco, Wolf, TL, Link, Diddy Kong, Lucario, Mario, Marth, Sheik, and Yoshi. Everyone got the momentum boost, but since the momentum gained is proportional to their dash, it effected their games differently.

Samus got really fun all of a sudden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AWA-HLC5RI
You'd be surprised what one or two buffs can do to a bad character.

Anyway, it's fine if you don't like Brawl+. I was only pushing so hard for it because I do like brawl+. And it's not even just Sonic! I like Ike, Pit, Charizard, Squirtle, Ivysuar, Lucario, Marth, and even Link (that's right, not Toon Link, just Link)! It seems typical that people who at least somewhat enjoyed melee end up liking brawl+. And before anyone says it "just go play melee!!" is a stupid quote that should never be said. Ever.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
The did for Falcon. Sonic only gets a very small momentum boost (believe it or not, full dash speed was actually hurting Sonic's game, not helping it). Other characters that benefited from the Mometum boost were Ganondorf, Ivysuar, Charizard, ZSS, Samus, Fox, Falco, Wolf, TL, Link, Diddy Kong, Lucario, Mario, Marth, Sheik, and Yoshi. Everyone got the momentum boost, but since the momentum gained is proportional to their dash, it effected their games differently.

Samus got really fun all of a sudden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AWA-HLC5RI
You'd be surprised what one or two buffs can do to a bad character.
Yoshi's even faster in the air? woah WTF!? is he still the fastest or C.falcon the new big cheese? It's about time Ivy gets some air speed, it was so attrocious I couldn't even stand it. Also, samus wasn't a bad character (in normal brawl+ anyway) But I love Dair to charge shot last time I played it was just too good. Oh and ness rocks in brawl+, except now his recovery is nearly impossible to sweetspot doesn't really matter when Dair goes into PKT2 for the kill. I do know about brawl+ as I've played before since it makes IVY amazing, but no one plays doubles and doubles>>>singles. Doubles would just be too ridiculous with the upped knockback I would think.

Where is ness on the brawl+ tier list btw?

lol justin..... i feel like making a sig kinda like that now ;) ;)

anything going on today? call me / post here please :D
Preferably post here, my phone just ran out of minutes today "/


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2009
Dark Sonic. you work on Brawl+ personaly? Im just wondering I have no opinion on the game either way. KEI!!! let me make you a sig (I made tony's) just tell me how you want it. hard and fast? or soft and slow? Oh and retro i didnt say anything on that sig. Kirby said it. im just providing proof ;p. But yea i would like to play today aswell. I would offer my place but my grandparents randomly came into town and noone should be suggested to that. Trust its really bad when they are around. I move in with Tony when they are in town.

AND yes I know my sig is epic. VIRG I did it for you.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Yoshi's even faster in the air? woah WTF!? is he still the fastest or C.falcon the new big cheese? It's about time Ivy gets some air speed, it was so attrocious I couldn't even stand it. Also, samus wasn't a bad character (in normal brawl+ anyway) But I love Dair to charge shot last time I played it was just too good. Oh and ness rocks in brawl+, except now his recovery is nearly impossible to sweetspot doesn't really matter when Dair goes into PKT2 for the kill. I do know about brawl+ as I've played before since it makes IVY amazing, but no one plays doubles and doubles>>>singles. Doubles would just be too ridiculous with the upped knockback I would think.

Where is ness on the brawl+ tier list btw?
We haven't really made a tier list yet because we're still trying to figure out just who is good and who isn't. A lot of characters "feel" good, which makes it really hard to rank them against each other. Ness however seems to be easily top of mid tier or bottom of high tier. Lucas on the other hand is on the lower end of mid tier. Mostly because Ness is really good at comboing while Lucas....isn't

Yeah Yoshi's even faster in the air. Dire was getting some sick combos against Bum the other day (we were watching it over livestream). I have a feeling we're gonna have to buff Yoshi's upsmash and uair though. It's just not killing as early as it used to and we need to fix that.

Samus was decent, but she was pretty far behind the rest of the cast if you ask me. She was no BOWSER, but a few tweaks were necessary. She got more KB on f-smash, charge shot, and powermissles, and power missiles have slightly less lag in the air (so she can full hop double missile).

And as much as I like doubles, I honestly like one on one games more. Like in melee, I really did prefer singles over doubles. I do like brawl+ double though, but the stages feel a bit crowded in doubles (in case you haven't noticed, characters are bigger than they were in melee), and with the inclusion of hitstun a lot of silly things happen. We're considering increasing the size of stages in general to compensate for this but until then, yeah doubles feels cluttered.
Dark Sonic. you work on Brawl+ personaly? Im just wondering I have no opinion on the game either way.
Yeah I do. It's pretty cool to be involved with the changes that are put into the game. It's a community project of course, but I get to help iron out the little details.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
We haven't really made a tier list yet because we're still trying to figure out just who is good and who isn't. A lot of characters "feel" good, which makes it really hard to rank them against each other. Ness however seems to be easily top of mid tier or bottom of high tier. Lucas on the other hand is on the lower end of mid tier. Mostly because Ness is really good at comboing while Lucas....isn't

Yeah Yoshi's even faster in the air. Dire was getting some sick combos against Bum the other day (we were watching it over livestream). I have a feeling we're gonna have to buff Yoshi's upsmash and uair though. It's just not killing as early as it used to and we need to fix that.

Samus was decent, but she was pretty far behind the rest of the cast if you ask me. She was no BOWSER, but a few tweaks were necessary. She got more KB on f-smash, charge shot, and powermissles, and power missiles have slightly less lag in the air (so she can full hop double missile).

And as much as I like doubles, I honestly like one on one games more. Like in melee, I really did prefer singles over doubles. I do like brawl+ double though, but the stages feel a bit crowded in doubles (in case you haven't noticed, characters are bigger than they were in melee), and with the inclusion of hitstun a lot of silly things happen. We're considering increasing the size of stages in general to compensate for this but until then, yeah doubles feels cluttered.
Lol, well ness was always better than Lucas.

Woah, the Usmash kills even later? that's ridiculous it took till like 110% to kill MK off the top in normal brawl, if it's even worse now it may need to be put back up to normal brawls power (which was low enough to say the least)

I heard bowser was the worst in brawl+, I guess that massive upgrade he got really helped (the alot less damage one)

Darn, so would you admit that normal brawl doubles > brawl+ doubles then?
I thought that may be the case with all the ridiculous brawl+ stuff already, after seeing some brawl+Ivy vids it looks like brawl+ singles is at least better.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Darn, so would you admit that normal brawl doubles > brawl+ doubles then?
I personally don't think so, but I also don't think there's much of a gap in that area. Mostly because when I play doubles, it typically splits into two singles matches while only interacting with your partner when he needs help or when you can't continue fighting the person you were fighting before (either they died or you have to wait for them to recover or something).

I thought that may be the case with all the ridiculous brawl+ stuff already, after seeing some brawl+Ivy vids it looks like brawl+ singles is at least better.
Yeah. Anyway, if there's anything going on today, can I get a ride?


Smash Cadet
Apr 21, 2008
Orlando, Florida ( UCF)
Dark Sonic. you work on Brawl+ personaly? Im just wondering I have no opinion on the game either way. KEI!!! let me make you a sig (I made tony's) just tell me how you want it. hard and fast? or soft and slow? Oh and retro i didnt say anything on that sig. Kirby said it. im just providing proof ;p. But yea i would like to play today aswell. I would offer my place but my grandparents randomly came into town and noone should be suggested to that. Trust its really bad when they are around. I move in with Tony when they are in town.

AND yes I know my sig is epic. VIRG I did it for you.

hard and fast baby ;) ;) ......................... anyway

my place is always open for people... i have 3 tvs...... alot of space.. AND SF4!!!!???

but the only thing is... you have to drive a bit down near milennia mall.... BUT I DRIVE TO THE UCF AREA SO ITS ALL GOOD! BAAM.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
I personally don't think so, but I also don't think there's much of a gap in that area. Mostly because when I play doubles, it typically splits into two singles matches while only interacting with your partner when he needs help or when you can't continue fighting the person you were fighting before (either they died or you have to wait for them to recover or something).

Yeah. Anyway, if there's anything going on today, can I get a ride?
Ah, well I've only played one brawl+ doubles match and that ended with you getting bobombed :p

Well I have a full-sail graduation at 3 that I have to go to (a friend's not mine). But if something goes on later on in the day, then surely (unless of course it's ridiculously out of the way)

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
a perfect game isn't going to happen. There hasn't been a game since rock paper sissors where one player doesn't have an advantage over the other a group of game crackers aren't going to do it by changing values in a game. Especially when there is so much favoritism "We changed sonic's homing attack so he cant be punish by lucas up air" Are you serious? Don't spam attack that are easy to punish, lol. Thats just how I see it...

The character gap is much smaller than people think with low teir characters like P.Trainer beating the worlds best MK I don't see what people are talking about. get some experince with the game before you go around deciding what is good bad and what needs "balancing"

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
a perfect game isn't going to happen. There hasn't been a game since rock paper sissors where one player doesn't have an advantage over the other a group of game crackers aren't going to do it by changing values in a game.
This kind of lazy attitude is why we have games like MvC2. You should always aim for balanced characters!

I don't want matchups to all be 50:50! I want them to be within 50:50-70:30, and for the bad matchups to at least be somewhat even distributed. I want a game that can compete with Guilty Gear when it comes to balance! We have the tools to do it, so there is no reason not to.
Especially when there is so much favoritism "We changed sonic's homing attack so he cant be punish by lucas up smash" Are you serious? Don't spam attack that are easy to punish, lol. Thats just how I see it...
Up smash not up air. As in, the slow thing that nobody in the game is afraid of because it takes so long to start up.

And the one reason that I don't use homing attack is because it's so risky. A lot of people were complaining that Sonic is bad (and I really don't see why) so I saw this as an extremely easy way to appease them without actually buffing Sonic. Guess that's "so much favoritism" that I won't even buff my main, when I also agree to buffing characters that my main has trouble against (like Link and Samus for instance)

And have you ever even played me? In any game ever? It's not like I'm terrible at normal brawl, I simply do not like it! It's not just bad brawl players that play brawl+. Chudat, Bum, Malcom, Samurai Panda, and even Anther all play brawl+. I dare you to call them bad players. I dare you to tell them to "get some experience!"

The character gap is much smaller than people think with low teir characters like P.Trainer beating the worlds best MK I don't see what people are talking about. get some experince with the game before you go around deciding what is good bad and what needs "balancing"
And Taj beat Forward with Mewtwo, KDJ rocked people with Pichu, DJNintendo consistantly makes top 10 or better with Bowser, what's your point? Bad characters are still bad. And this is not balance with respect to vBrawl, this is balance with respect to brawl+.


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2009
hard and fast baby ;) ;) ......................... anyway

my place is always open for people... i have 3 tvs...... alot of space.. AND SF4!!!!???

but the only thing is... you have to drive a bit down near milennia mall.... BUT I DRIVE TO THE UCF AREA SO ITS ALL GOOD! BAAM.
Heck yes SF!? just let me know what time and i will be there my fellow asian friend

I also agree with <3. Although some games are worste then others. But as far as fighting games go there are no truly balanced games, because the game designers will always have their favorties and always have the characters that they just have to throw in there one reason or another. The only kind of games that are even close to being balanced are FPS's(even those are not truly balanced) other than that all genre of games have their broken elements and there will never be a balanced game. Except for solitaire thats pretty balanced. Oh and ball in a cup.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Heck yes SF!? just let me know what time and i will be there my fellow asian friend

I also agree with <3. Although some games are worste then others. But as far as fighting games go there are no truly balanced games, because the game designers will always have their favorties and always have the characters that they just have to throw in there one reason or another. The only kind of games that are even close to being balanced are FPS's(even those are not truly balanced) other than that all genre of games have their broken elements and there will never be a balanced game. Except for solitaire thats pretty balanced. Oh and ball in a cup.
Guilty Gear is pretty balanced. Should we not aim for balance when we're designing a game? Should we not at least try to make a balanced game when we have the tools to do so? If a character is obviously overpowered (brawl+ MK), then they should be brought down to size. If a character is obviously lacking (brawl+ Bowser), then they should be brought up to par. Is it such a bad thing to try to make a good game? Brawl is good in it's own right, but we are designing a game here and can't afford to be so apathetic.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
This kind of lazy attitude is why we have games like MvC2. You should always aim for balanced characters!
You misinterpret what I'm saying. Basically to be blunt I mean the Brawl+ community is not going to create the "balanced game" they want with brawl as it's base. It is much too large and looks back at the original brawl far to much instead of focusing on what is going on in the current game.

I don't want matchups to all be 50:50! I want them to be within 50:50-70:30, and for the bad matchups to at least be somewhat even distributed. I want a game that can compete with Guilty Gear when it comes to balance! We have the tools to do it, so there is no reason not to.
Up smash not up air. As in, the slow thing that nobody in the game is afraid of because it takes so long to start up.
So far all brawl+ has done is make slower characters completely inviable. By giving brawl more melee like physics it is now impossible to DI OR dodge out of combos . slower characters however don't benefit at all from this (bowser, snake) And so the only answer it to make a fix to fix the fix. I just find it ironic that so much of the brawl+ comunity complains about chaingrabs and infinites and then they add them to the game.

And the one reason that I don't use homing attack is because it's so risky. A lot of people were complaining that Sonic is bad (and I really don't see why) so I saw this as an extremely easy way to appease them without actually buffing Sonic. Guess that's "so much favoritism" that I won't even buff my main, when I also agree to buffing characters that my main has trouble against (like Link and Samus for instance)
Thats a good reason not to use the attack, but a bad reason to buff it..

And have you ever even played me? In any game ever? It's not like I'm terrible at normal brawl, I simply do not like it! It's not just bad brawl players that play brawl+. Chudat, Bum, Malcom, Samurai Panda, and even Anther all play brawl+. I dare you to call them bad players. I dare you to tell them to "get some experience!"
I've played you multiple times in brawl plus actually. I never said bad brawl players look to brawl+, but you dared me so... samurai panda is a bad player. I'll IM him and tell him to get some experince, hahaha.

And Taj beat Forward with Mewtwo, KDJ rocked people with Pichu, DJNintendo consistantly makes top 10 or better with Bowser, what's your point? Bad characters are still bad. And this is not balance with respect to vBrawl, this is balance with respect to brawl+.
I've beaten people with pichu, I've gone even with or beaten a good portion of florida with my pichu and manhandled CT with it. My point is if you go into a match not know what your character can do how can you expect to win. Most of the low teir characters in brawl are far from it, but are shruged off at face value. My point was people will call a character bad without fully exploring that character and then argue that they need a buff or worse that other characters need nerf to bring them down to a lower level. Without playing them as they are.


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2009
Guilty Gear is pretty balanced. Should we not aim for balance when we're designing a game? Should we not at least try to make a balanced game when we have the tools to do so? If a character is obviously overpowered (brawl+ MK), then they should be brought down to size. If a character is obviously lacking (brawl+ Bowser), then they should be brought up to par. Is it such a bad thing to try to make a good game? Brawl is good in it's own right, but we are designing a game here and can't afford to be so apathetic.
When in the history of man have we not aimed for perfection? Did we ever achieve it. Everything ecspecially games have inherit flaws. Nothing will truly, wholly, devotedly be balanced. Like you said "Guilty Gear is PRETTY balanced" not completely, and isnt complete balance what we are striving for. Like I said I have no opinion on brawl+ either way. To me comparing the two is like the great 1.6 vs. Source argument. Two (imo) totaly different games with the same name. But the 1.6 community says source sux as does the source community says about 1.6. But everyone seems to forget before 1.6 everybod loved 1.5 and hated 1.6. It took action from valve to completely take away all support from 1.5. Now 1.6 and source exist, because again they are two totally different games.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
I said it before and Ill say it again brawl plus= epic fail
If you dont like brawl because its not balanced then dont play it. Brawl plus= Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes= People who get ***** ... easy math

oh and wat >3 said if you dont like lucas up smash rapn then dont homing, its just that simple. And you stated, "A lot of matchups are closer than before, and some matchups have completely turned around.(" Dark sonic) Well if you do this then you are right back where you started with brawl.... In summary leave brawl alone.

Simple math to consider:
Brawl+Brawl= Epic fail
Brawl= Fantastic
Melee= Crazy Good!
Sonic+brawl= fail
Kirby+chuck norris= Broken
Gindler+teammate= Bestly team
Tony+alcohol+brawl= fail
Caps+Smashboards= Awesome sigs
Kei+Teammate= Bomb kill XD
Virg+Skateboarder= Great Gigs Footage


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Orlando, FL
OMG Here we go...

a perfect game isn't going to happen. There hasn't been a game since rock paper sissors where one player doesn't have an advantage over the other a group of game crackers aren't going to do it by changing values in a game.
I also agree with <3. Although some games are worste then others. But as far as fighting games go there are no truly balanced games, because the game designers will always have their favorties and always have the characters that they just have to throw in there one reason or another. The only kind of games that are even close to being balanced are FPS's(even those are not truly balanced) other than that all genre of games have their broken elements and there will never be a balanced game. Except for solitaire thats pretty balanced. Oh and ball in a cup.
I is this type of poor mentality that will forever hold fighting games back from being what they could and should be. STOP SETTLING FOR CRAP!!! (aka less than best). Balancing a fighting game is not very hard to do in theory. The hard part is maintaining that balance as the number of playable characters increase, but even this can be overcome by vigorous testing as people try to break the balance of a game. I am currently developing a 2d fighter of my own and have taken into account some of the pros and cons of many fighting games like Tekken, DOA, Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, Soul Caliber, & MvC just to name a few of the popular ones. I'm still looking into other fighting games while as well, but I assure you that a balanced fighting game can be done.

You misinterpret what I'm saying. Basically to be blunt I mean the Brawl+ community is not going to create the "balanced game" they want with brawl as it's base. It is much too large and looks back at the original brawl far to much instead of focusing on what is going on in the current game.
Are you kidding me? Brawl has solved quite a few problems I have seen in other fighting games, and could indeed serve as a good base to create a well balanced game. I don't know one's limitations in Brawl+, but if you can adjust the speed, distance, and damage of characters' animations then you can balance brawl. Brawl+ seems like an interesting game that I may have to try sometime thanks to Dark Sonic. He seems to have his mindset going in the right direction and because of that Brawl+ plus could actually be a good game if done properly.

btw, is anything happening today or am I just gonna have to go to GP again and own people?

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
You misinterpret what I'm saying. Basically to be blunt I mean the Brawl+ community is not going to create the "balanced game" they want with brawl as it's base. It is much too large and looks back at the original brawl far to much instead of focusing on what is going on in the current game.
You wouldn't be saying this if you actually knew any of the changes we've made to brawl+
So far all brawl+ has done is make slower characters completely inviable. By giving brawl more melee like physics it is now impossible to DI OR dodge out of combos . slower characters however don't benefit at all from this (bowser, snake) And so the only answer it to make a fix to fix the fix. I just find it ironic that so much of the brawl+ comunity complains about chaingrabs and infinites and then they add them to the game.
We've added absolutely no infinites to the game. At all. And in case you didn't know

Snake is still one of the best characters in the game. And Bowser has recieved numerous buffs to bring him up to par. Balance is not the only goal of brawl+, we honestly did not like brawl's physics. The first changes done were physics changes and then we started balancing characters. Bowser obviously didn't like the physics changes, but character balance is not our top priority, it is just a close second. Physics comes first, balance comes later.

Thats a good reason not to use the attack, but a bad reason to buff it..
The kicker is that this really didn't improve Sonic's game at all, since now instead of eating a Lucas upsmash you just eat...an Ike up smash. It's a very, very small speed increase and I only suggested it because people have this notion that Sonic is bad. I'll very likely remove that buff later anyway...on the basis that it really didn't do anything (cleaver ain't it?)

I've played you multiple times in brawl plus actually. I never said bad brawl players look to brawl+, but you dared me so... samurai panda is a bad player. I'll IM him and tell him to get some experince, hahaha.
Samurai Panda beat Anther in tournament. So that makes Anther a bad player too.

I've beaten people with pichu, I've gone even with or beaten a good portion of florida with my pichu and manhandled CT with it. My point is if you go into a match not know what your character can do how can you expect to win. Most of the low teir characters in brawl are far from it, but are shruged off at face value. My point was people will call a character bad without fully exploring that character and then argue that they need a buff or worse that other characters need nerf to bring them down to a lower level. Without playing them as they are.
We don't buff characters unless a lot of people who main the character say that they are bad. And only if they main them in Brawl+ (none of this bull**** of random vBrawl Captain Falcons saying Falcon is bad in Brawl+)

When in the history of man have we not aimed for perfection? Did we ever achieve it. Everything ecspecially games have inherit flaws. Nothing will truly, wholly, devotedly be balanced. Like you said "Guilty Gear is PRETTY balanced" not completely, and isnt complete balance what we are striving for. Like I said I have no opinion on brawl+ either way. To me comparing the two is like the great 1.6 vs. Source argument. Two (imo) totaly different games with the same name. But the 1.6 community says source sux as does the source community says about 1.6. But everyone seems to forget before 1.6 everybod loved 1.5 and hated 1.6. It took action from valve to completely take away all support from 1.5. Now 1.6 and source exist, because again they are two totally different games.
With regards to the balance arguement, we are making a new game. Thus we should try to balance it because we are in the development stage...which is where balancing is done.

I said it before and Ill say it again brawl plus= epic fail
If you dont like brawl because its not balanced then dont play it. Brawl plus= Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes= People who get ***** ... easy math
Then go **** Anther and Bum please. Did you know that Counterstrike is not even an original game, but rather a mod originating from the game Half Life?
oh and wat >3 said if you dont like lucas up smash rapn then dont homing, its just that simple.
You did not read my post at all did you?
And you stated, "A lot of matchups are closer than before, and some matchups have completely turned around.(" Dark sonic)
You don't even know how to quote people?
Well if you do this then you are right back where you started with brawl.... In summary leave brawl alone.
Why should I leave brawl alone? I can change it, I like the change, so who the **** are you to tell me not to?

The matchups changed because of the physics changes which we wanted. Now we're balancing the game with respect to these new desired physics. The end product will be more enjoyable for us, which is the entire point of the project.


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2009
wow. lol. im not saying that we should stop striving for excellence. Im just saying it will never happen. In theory, in theory anything is possible but it doesnt mean in practice it works. In theory (this is for GINDLER.) mr.g&w and zss is an unstoppable team but in practice it doesnt work. Fighting Games have been around how long? and how many are balanced? Im just saying there will always be a margin of error no perfection will ever be achieved.


Retro Gamer
Sep 8, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Switch FC
hey guys, hear me out, something came up. next wednesday through monday, my parents are going to be out of town. i'm going to be home alone again! :chuckle:

so anyway, i was wondering if you guys wanted to have a smashfest at my place either friday, saturday, or after the gamezone tourney like last time, or sunday cause publix is closed sunday (unless you have religion maters to attend to.) so let me know if you guys want to have a smashfest at my place.

but let me make this clear, i do not promise that its going to happen next weekend since my parents may cancel their flight or something delays them. but it should go as planned. so you guys wanna have a smashfest at my house next weekend? i have my wii and 2 tvs ready. let me know what you guys think, and i'll give you a heads up if anything changes.

this could be my very 1st smashfest that i would host, so hopefully you guys could do it.

retrofest, FTW!!!

@dark sonic- stick with your brawl+, i don't care anymore. its not like its ever going to be tourney legal anyway.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2006
@dark sonic- stick with your brawl+, i don't care anymore. its not like its ever going to be tourney legal anyway.
What does that even mean? :confused: Tournaments are for games people play; if people play brawl+ then there will be tournaments for it. Pretty simple.
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